I have a city in the desert

Chapter 809: Flying over the clouds plan

"Brother Jiang, Chalica is short of water. With so many fighters assembled by the rebels, our supply line will definitely be blown up. It's time to mobilize the Sakha Air Force to fight!"

After Xiao Ma finished speaking, Jiang Chen shook his head.

Just yesterday, the Rosha fighters from the northern sub-Saharan Africa flew over the city of Salman, and the entire Saharan Air Force dispatched to drive away the invading fighters.

Although there was no conflict between the two parties, Jiang Chen knew this was a bad signal.

Rosha is testing him, and it is not only the wolf of the U.S. Allied Forces who is thinking about his fat.

"The Sakha Air Force cannot be moved. I would rather lose the Malaka and Kerry than the Sakha Air Force."

Jiang Chen showed his attitude, and Xiao Ma sighed.

"Brother Jiang, shall we let them bully?"

"Retreat, evacuate all the people to settle around Malaka, and all the Free Forces are stationed in the city of Tusk.

We do not take the initiative to attack, they dare to come to Malaka, the Malaka missile will let them know what death is."

Jiang Chen did not want to fight a decisive battle with the coalition forces in the desert of Akhanate because he did not have the advantage.

But if the enemy dares to come to Malaka, Jiang Chen can use modern missiles to overthrow them!

One more point, Jiang Chen didn't want a quick fight. He wanted to hold the U.S. coalition forces. If they drag them in the desert for a day, the coalition forces would lose millions of meters.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Xiao Ma could only find a way to settle the refugees from the Akhanate.

In November, a large number of Free Army covered the people and began to withdraw from Kalbu to Tusk City. What surprised Jiang Chen was that the coalition aircraft did not come to bomb.

Maybe they themselves felt that the lives of the Akhanate were so cheap that they were not worth the bombing shells.

However, Wilson didn't think so. He had accumulated gasoline from behind and was ready to cross the mountain and bomb the city of the future.

In mid-November, oil that the coalition had spent a lot of money transported from Iraq arrived in Karbu.

With gasoline, Lieutenant General Wilson was ready to launch a bombing of the future city.

At the end of November, early in the morning, the last group of Free Army fighters arrived at Tasker. At this time, Tasker had turned into a green ocean.

Most of Tusk's houses were demolished, and Jiang Chen rebuilt houses on it.

These houses are densely built. Each one is tall, and the shortest one has more than 40 floors. All these are homes for refugees.

When the refugees moved into Tasker, in the early morning, when the sky was still full of stars, the people living on the top floor of Tasker found a fighter plane on the skyline.

There was no signal coverage in Tasker City, so even if they saw the enemy's fighters, they could not tell Jiang Chen who was far away in Saha.

So they could only watch the fighter planes like a large swarm of birds flying towards the city of Malaca.

Oh oh...

An alarm sounded over Tasker, and a series of dazzling flashes hit the sky. After the distant Malaka city signal station observed Tasker's signal, they hurriedly sounded the alarm.

After the alarm sounded, the morning people in the street hurriedly fled into the house.

But to everyone's surprise, thousands of fighters did not fly to Maraca.

They flew along the Malaka missile base towards the city of Kani Mountain.

"Brother Jiang, American bombers are here, and the Kerry Air Force is on standby!"

When Jiang Chen was asleep, Xiao Ma hurriedly called him.

After answering the phone, Jiang Chen hurriedly ran to the window. In the gloomy sky in front of the window, only the rumble of the plane could be heard in the distance, but the shadow of the plane could not be seen.

"How many planes are there?"

"At least five or six hundred!"

"Let the Air Force stand by!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Xiao Ma's disappointed voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Jiang, they are all hitting the head!"


Jiang Chen hung up after speaking.

Xiao Ma is the executive mayor of Malaca. He naturally cares about the safety of Malaca, but Jiang Chen knows that the Kerry City Air Force cannot move!

There are only more than forty fighters in Kerry City. The previous war directly lost 30 planes, and now there are only a dozen planes.

If the Kerry plane took off now, it would be wiped out immediately before five or six hundred enemy planes.

"All missiles are ready to be launched!"

After hanging up Xiao Ma's phone, Jiang Chen directly connected to the Malaca South and Western missile bases.

After the call was made, the commander-in-chief of the missile base on the other end was wiping sweat anxiously.

"Brother Jiang, it didn't show on the radar, they didn't come to Maraca City!"

The coverage of the Malaca missile base is only the area covered by the Malaca communication, beyond the green areas of the Malaca, there is no signal there.

Where there is no signal, the missile is not as good as a pistol.

"Where did they go?"

Jiang Chen finished talking very anxiously. The commander of the missile base looked at the sky, and suddenly he yelled no good!

"Brother Jiang, those planes are probably going to Future City!"

Because of the tight budget, coupled with the blocking of mountains in the south, and the Malaka missile base and the Kerry City Baodan base as barriers, Future City does not have a missile patrol base in the south.

If this group of planes fly over the Kani Mountains, then they are fully capable of bombing the future city.

Moreover, seven or eight hundred fighters were dispatched directly on the opposite side, and the bombs carried by these planes could destroy the entire future city!

"The Kerry City plane set sail immediately and bombed Kalb!"

It must be too late to take care of Future City, so Jiang Chen immediately made the decision to attack Kalbu.

After the order was issued, the Kerry City Air Force took advantage of the night and headed towards Karb.

Jiang Chen was not idle either. Since the opponent chose to give him the ultimate battle, Jiang Chen would also use all his power to fight Mi Gou to the death.

So Jiang Chen drove the car towards the desert west of Maracas, and rushed to the desert west of Maracas. Jiang Chen really clicked on his phone to plant.

He planted green grass on all the main roads leading to the future city in the west of Malaca. After the grass was planted, Jiang Chen planted telecommunication base stations on the grass.

After the construction of the base station was completed, he called again to ask Malaca Communications to connect the network to the entire western grassland.

The people of Malaca Communication Company started building communication tools overnight, and Jiang Chen drove his car to plant several super wind cannons on the grassland.

After the sky was completely bright, Jiang Chen stood on the high grassland observation tower and looked at the northern hills with the electronic pulse telescope.

He knew that the enemy planes would cost the Future City trillions of Chinese yuan this time, and what he had to do was to destroy all these fighters on the way back.

Bang bang bang!

The electronic pulse telescope has been able to see Kanishan City, Baili Road away, to Jiang Chen's surprise that at this moment Kanishan City is still intact.

And those fighters attempting to climb over the mountains suddenly exploded in the sky.

These fighters were like little moths hitting a huge glass bottle in the mighty desert sky.

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