I have a city in the desert

Chapter 814: Atomic High Explosive Landmine

A little bit of time passed, and the forward Keane Corps of Lieutenant General Wilson quickly pushed to the center of Bald.

When Keane captured the cathedral in the center of Bald, the Battle of Bald ended.

After the battle, Keene sent people to drive motorcycles to inform the large forces behind.

The follow-up to the Keen regiment was the 3rd Division led by his Shangfeng Manan Owen.

At this moment, the Third Division was rushing to Jadid outside Bald, where they were met with stubborn resistance from the youth army supported by Rosha State.

After dropping the bodies of more than 500 people, Owen took down this dilapidated small county town.

Obviously, the small county could not be stationed in the entire third division, so after receiving the news, Owen hurriedly brought a large force closer to Bald.

He will rush to Bald when the wind and sand reaches its peak in the evening, otherwise the cold wind in the night will freeze them all to death in the wild.

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared, and the temperature of the desert dropped to minus four or five degrees.

In Bald City Hall, Owen stood on the high roof and looked north of the Akhanate. He didn't know when the battle would end.

This is the most unassuming war he has fought, because here, all the technology is useless, and all they can do is fight for their lives.

Obviously, Irving is unwilling to trade the lives of American soldiers for the lives of lowly desert people like mice.

"Lieutenant Owen, today there are more than a hundred soldiers who have had heatstroke, and our medicine can't keep up."

"Oh, damn, what are the logistics guys doing?"

"They were transporting gasoline and cotton clothes, but no medicine or anything came."

"Oh Shet! Do they treat our lives as a rebel?

Call me and ask them to bring the heatstroke medicine over, this damn high temperature during the day!"

After Owen finished speaking, the adjutant beside him shook.

"There is no way to make a call. Since the desert came, all the signals here have been swallowed by the desert."

"Oh Shet!"

After Owen cursed a few words, soon the night fell and it became colder.

The adjutant brought a fur coat, and Owen put it on cursingly and went downstairs.

At seven o'clock in the morning, before dawn, while the people of the Third Division were still asleep, Jiang Chen had already taken out his cell phone and started video recording.

"Brother Jiang, do you start?"

"let's start!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he clicked on the video button, and the adjutant next to him waved, and a man with a trolley box behind him pushed the box.

After the box was pushed, a loud bang was heard, and the entire city of Bald instantly became a huge ball of light.



The ground under his feet was trembling, and this tremor was accompanied by waves of sand and dust that charged away like ripples.

Jiang Chen and the others hurriedly slumped in the mound, and the roof of the jeep behind them was cut off by the explosion ripples.


The explosion continued, the ground was trembling, and the desert was howling. In less than two minutes, Jiang Chen and others were buried in the sand by the waves of sand.

It was already two hours later when Jiang Chen woke up again.

Coming out of the tall sand mountain, Jiang Chen spit out a mouthful of windy sand.

The surroundings became quiet, Jiang Chen stood on the surging sand hill. At this moment, the city of Bald was long gone.


The adjutant shouted and almost burst into tears!

Looking at the huge tiankeng in the distance, Jiang Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

He was not proud of the super high-explosive atomic landmines developed by scientists in the Sahara region. He only felt sorry for the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in Bald.

"Brother Jiang, as long as we keep this kind of thunder on the path they must pass, no matter how many people they come, they will just die!"

After the adjutant finished speaking, Jiang Chen withdrew his gaze, the war was so cruel.

"Let the Sahara Arsenal hurry to produce. In addition, high-explosive aerial bombs must also be produced. The war cannot be dragged on."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the scientists behind him nodded.

Driving back to Malaka City, Jiang Chen uploaded a photo of Bald City to the Facebook website with a sentence on it.

"All 10,000 people in the Irving Third Division were killed in Bald."

After the video was uploaded, it quickly caused panic in the world.

After half an hour, Jiang Chen started the news, and all the major news platforms were screened.

Pacific News: Oh my god, has the Sahara developed an atomic bomb?This is a weapon of mass destruction, and he must be sanctioned!

Shangjing News: The United States also has atomic bombs and nuclear weapons, so why not sanction him?

Pacific News: The United States is just and safeguards world peace!

Roadside News Agency: The Ten Thousand Allied Forces died in Bald. What weapons are there in the Saha area?How many more people will sacrifice to get the liberation of Saha?

Swiss newspaper: Why liberate the Saha?Are the people of Saha unhappy?You are asking how many more talents should be sacrificed to enable the Saha people to live a dire life!

Huaguo News Network: May I ask the people of the country where the coalition forces are located, how many people will you have to die to organize your country's stupid actions?

Global Time: It is reported that since entering the war, the United States has sacrificed 700 soldiers. This is the heaviest US casualty since the war in Southeast Asia.


After watching the news, Jiang Chen felt it was time to start a live broadcast.

In the evening, the coalition forces had not received the news of the destruction of the entire Owen Third Division, and they were still advancing in the most primitive way.

Their information is very backward, because most of the Akhanate is covered by sandstorms. Once this damn sandstorm strikes, no matter how good your technology is, the Internet will not be able to cover here.

Therefore, the foreign information of the coalition forces can only be obtained from the city of Hosmaton on the border of Pakistan. After receiving the information, they have to manually transmit it to the capital Kabul, and then from Kabul to the front line.

This is also the main reason why Lieutenant General Wilson still pushed the soldiers forward after Bald was bombed to the ground.

"Good evening, everyone, today we have achieved Balder's victory, which is a strong mark in the history of humanity's fight against hegemonic aggression.

But I believe that this is only the beginning. In order to end the war as soon as possible, from now on, we will fight back with all our strength!

Therefore, if the family members of the invading army do not want your family members to die in a foreign country without any bones, let them go home!"

Dayang: Don't be fooled, this is just their words and deeds to scare us!

"Okay, Dayang Zongbao, you will be responsible for the families of the invading army who are about to die."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hung up and found the scapegoat. Everything else was easy to say.

In the evening, Jiang Chen summoned the commanders and above of the Sahara Army to a meeting in Malaka City.

The meeting lasted for two hours. After two hours, the meeting was over. After the leaders of the Sakha Army returned to the station, they began to mobilize the elite and assemble toward the city of Malaca via the subway.

Ten days later, nearly 10,000 elite Saharan soldiers gathered in Malaka City.

The construction of the Tasker Air Force Base has been completed and more than 300 fighters have been assembled. This is all the fighters in the Sakha region.

At the same time, the armored units have also completed their assembly in Miga Town.

At the end of December, the Allied striker Noyce Raphael's division rushed to the small town of Kasser.

At this moment, the small town of Kase has become a ruin, and there are ruins everywhere on the ruins.

When the sun was hottest at noon, the Raphael regiment set up a camp next to the ruins.

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