I have a city in the desert

Chapter 816 One Sentence Determines Life and Death

Once the truce with the United States, Jiang Chen's next task will be heavy.

He not only wants his city to resume work and production, but also to feed tens of millions of new Akhanate people in Tasker.

Most of these people are his burden, because these people have been ravaged by war all the year round, and many of them are disabled people who are unable to work.

Therefore, Jiang Chen must find a way to raise money to support them.

"Just do what Xiao Ma said. All four hundred soldiers took photos and posted them on Youtubi and Facebook.

The money is collected according to the official position. The lowest-level soldier starts at 1 million yuan, and the noncommissioned officer starts at 3 million yuan. The money is paid through Ritu Bank within a week.

Pay money and let people go, don’t play money live fried."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the meeting adjourned. After the meeting, in order to further undermine the morale of the coalition forces, Jiang Chen started a live broadcast again.

For the prisoner-of-war camp, Jiang Chen's first live broadcast in such a place.

"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Chen who loves farming. Let's see what live broadcast I brought to you today?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he aimed the camera at the prisoners who were locked up in cages. Those prisoners were just tied up in prison, and they were not beaten too much.

Big Stupid Pig: A group of foreigners?these are……

Colorful Deer: It's not the rape who was caught!

Little monkey: No, the recognition system in the Saha area is very powerful. As long as it is a stranger, it can be recognized at a glance. This has been so long, and it should not be a rape.

U.S. Freedom News: Please release these innocent people as soon as possible!

Speaking of innocent Jiang Chen laughed.

"If they are innocent, there will be no innocent people in this world.

Let me introduce them. These are all coalition forces that attempt to blow up my air base.

Each of these coalition forces was stained with blood donations from the Sah people!

It was them who came to the Saha for thousands of miles to kill. You say they are innocent?

I really hope that in the next life you will be reborn as a ghost!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the U.S. Freedom News and others made crazy comments again.

US Free Press: What reason do you have to prove that he is a coalition?What if he is the original American who immigrated to you?

Button Times: Can you capture the coalition alive with the capabilities of your desert people?You are a group of mice in the hole. This must be the American residents you kidnapped. Release them quickly!

After several newspapers finished speaking, Jiang Chen turned to the camera.

"I hope that the Button Times and Liberty will follow up and report on them in time. You will soon know whether they are coalition forces like mice or Saha people!

Okay, let’s stop talking to the media like you, now I’ll show you all of them.

Those who are in front of the camera, as long as there are your neighbors or family members, please contact 1527...this number immediately.

I advise the media not to make this call, because you will take the lives of others!

All the family members of the invading army, within a week, paid money according to the rank of the army to the Ritu bank card I provided.

If you pay the money, I will release the people, and I guarantee that they can safely board the plane from China to the United States.

Within a week, I won't see any money, all these people will be in the pan, I will broadcast live!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, many anti-spreading media began to publicize it again.

Button Express: Shet, what are you doing?Are you going to kill innocent people?

Daying Daily: The whole world, united, must eliminate this cruel murderer!

Cold Wave Morning Post: We will continue to send troops to eliminate this...

Seeing the news from the Cold Wave Country Morning Post, Jiang Chen walked over and grabbed the hair of a soldier from the Cold Wave country.

After being picked up, the cold wave country soldier kept begging for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

"Tell the Cold Wave China Morning Post, who are you? Which unit are you from? What are you doing here?"

After Jiang Chen roared, the soldier had been frightened long ago.

In fact, the coalition forces were not as strong as Jiang Chen thought. After these few battles, apart from killing some Akhanates, the coalition forces had never defeated the Saharan army once.

Instead, the Sakha army used various black weapons to make the formed regiment disappear into the desert. Therefore, many people in the coalition army were afraid of Jiang Chen. They thought Jiang Chen was a demon of hell.

"I, I'm Park Jinghao of the First Guard of Cold Wave Country, and I was sent to eliminate Saha.

I have surrendered, President, give them money and let them send me away, you can't win at all!

More than a thousand fighters have been shot down, we do not have a fighter to cover us!

Several divisions have disappeared in an organized manner, and tens of thousands of people can't find the bones. If you can't win, don't let the brothers come and die!"

After Piao Jinghao finished speaking, Jiang Chen drew a gun and aimed it at his head, and Piao Jinghao knelt on the ground and peeed.

"No, no, I'm Park Jinghao from Jiangyuan Road, from Pujiacun, mom, mom save me, give them one million, I want to live..."

Park Jinghao was crying and begging for mercy, Jiang Chen pointed at him and shouted: "The Cold Wave Country Morning Post, his life is in your hands. If you said today that the Cold Wave Country will be defeated, I will let him go for free!

If you talk about sending troops again, I will shoot him immediately!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the barrage in the live broadcast room stopped instantly.

Everyone is waiting for the Hanchao Guo Zaobao's vote, because it is a matter of life and death.

"Zaobao, save me, you said the cold wave country will be defeated, speak quickly, speak quickly, I was sent here by your damn media.

If it were not for you to say that Saha is like a grasshopper, we would not send troops!

It's all you, all you!"

After Piao Jinghao cried and said, his tears were already streaming down like broken beads.

Cold Wave Country Morning Post: The evil will eventually be wiped out, and Dahan will send troops...


With a shot, the tearful soldier of the Cold Wave country fell to the ground in despair.

"Cold Wave Country Morning Post, you successfully killed a cold wave countryman.

Park Jinghao’s family, after you receive the news of Park Jinghao’s death, please go directly to the Hanchao Guo Zaobao, which will be responsible for the whole process."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he turned the camera at other people, and soon a soldier was recognized.

Mihir: Oh, cake shop, Jesse, is that you Jesse?

Seeing someone reply, Jiang Chen stopped. He looked at the tall foreigner, and the foreigner couldn't help but step back.

Jiang Chen is a demon to them, and now it is conceivable that he has fallen into the hands of the devil.

"Are you Jesse?"

"Yes, I am Jesse, Jesse of the US Sea Dogs."

"Yes, he is Jesse!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mihir soon replied.

"Oh my goodness, you are really captured, what should I do?"

After Mihir finished posting, Jiang Chen took the video.

"Don't worry, you should thank him for being captured, so at least he is still alive, otherwise he will die in the desert with no scum left."

Mihir: How can I save him back?

"It's very simple. One million yuan will be collected in a week, and then it will be transferred to our Ritu Bank account.

I assure you that all this aggression cost will be used to rebuild the homeland of the Ahan people."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he continued to take pictures of the other soldiers.

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