I have a city in the desert

Chapter 825 I'm here

From spring to summer, the protests in the United States were not cancelled, and all coalition countries were caught in various disturbances.

The Australian president was deposed and the people sent him to prison.

Several military bases in Turkmenistan were smashed by the Rosa State with nuclear bombs. After the nuclear bomb exploded, the issue of nuclear pollution has always plagued Turkmenistan.

The Dutch president was deposed for war reparations.

The U.S. opposition party vigorously attacked Bugaopu, and Bugaopu’s approval rating dropped to a historical low. The departure of several Fortune 500 companies in particular will make the people dissatisfied.

The world is in chaos, Jiang Chen is not chaotic.

He wants to take advantage of the turmoil of the United States and other coalition forces to develop himself quickly.

Therefore, as soon as summer arrived, Jiang Chen announced that all the people of Keri had returned to Keri, and the people of Malaka had relocated to Malaka.

After this migration plan started, it soon encountered a lot of resistance.

First of all, many people in Malaka do not want to leave Keri. In their eyes, Keri is the city of Saha.

And Saha is unintentionally a symbol of security.

Furthermore, the greening of Malaca is once a year, and the greening of Kerry City is for life.

Therefore, they did not want to leave Kerry City.

In addition to this incident, there was another thing that made Jiang Chen a headache.

The U.S. coalition forces of the Akhanate withdrew, and the southern government of the Akhanate announced its surrender to the Free Army. They will rebuild their homeland together with the Free Army with the help of the Sakha region.

However, Rosha country stood up and opposed it.

At the General Assembly of the United States, in order to stop the nuclear war, the United States promised to make the Akhanate the jurisdiction of Rosha.

Therefore, after the war, in the international arena, the United States did not recognize the free military government, they only recognized Rosha has jurisdiction over the Akhanate.

Therefore, the Rosha State asked Jiang Chen to disband the Free Military Government, and then exchange the land of the Akhanate to the government supported by the Rosha State.

Speaking of land exchange, Jiang Chen is definitely not willing, because the Akhanate’s land originally belongs to the Akhanate, so why give you Rosha?

Moreover, Malaka has always been its own subsidiary, and how many billions have been spent to build a place, why should I give you a word?

Therefore, the negotiations continued, and the negotiations were still fruitless until mid-summer.

At this time, the Free Army controlled most of the northern and southern parts of the sub-Saharan Africa, the Rosha State controlled the northwest and capital area of ​​the Akhanate, and the Rosha State cut off the connection between the North and the South of the Free Army.

As a result, Malaka’s water transport cannot go to the south. There is no water in the south, and many people have a miserable life.

In order to open the water passage, the Free Army fought again with the youth army controlled by Rosha.

At the end of summer, in order to make the Akhanate completely quiet, Jiang Chen invited the Free Army O'Mara to hold talks with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Rosha State and the Ahan Youth Army controlled by the Rosha State.

The talks were held at the Future City Global Conference Center, and it was nine o'clock in the morning after everyone from both sides arrived.

"We must fulfill our legitimate rights and interests to the Akhanate in accordance with the requirements of the United States!"

After finishing talking about Pu Detti, the person in charge of Rosha State, Omara shook his head and said: "We never recognize the United States, we only know that the Akhanate is our inherent territory!"

"Then fight without talking! See who can liberate whom?"

After finishing talking, Pu Dike took a look at Jiang Chen. The reason why Pu Dike didn't go to war with Omala was because he estimated that Jiang Chen had black weapons.

The reason why Jiang Chen didn't play hard with Rosha was because Jiang Chen knew that he had no black weapons. Once Rosha knew that he did not have black weapons, the Saha area would really become a colony of Rosha.

"You want to fight, we will stay with you to the end!"

After O'Mala finished speaking hard, Jiang Chen knocked on the table. This O'Mara thought he would float away after defeating the coalition forces.

"What are you here for? Do you want to solve the problem peacefully?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, O'Mala sat down. He refused to accept anyone, so he served Jiang Chen alone.

Not only him, two-thirds of the Akhanate now regard Jiang Chen as a god.

"I suggest that the Akhanate is one and half, what do you think?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he looked at Pu Dike, which was the best ending Jiang Chen could think of.

"I don't agree, we must want the entire Akhanate."

Pu Dadi's attitude is very firm.

"Give me a face, we each need to control the area."

"Why do you want to save face with you? When the coalition forces beat you, who was helping you? If we didn't take action, do you think you could defeat the coalition forces?"

After Puddi finished speaking, O'Mala clenched his fists again.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to stop him, and the Saha area could not be chaotic.

Especially now can not be messy.

Future City is still negotiating cooperation with several Fortune 500 companies. Before they join the Future City, Saha must not be chaotic.

"Okay, Malaca is originally our city, so can it be ours?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a 30-year-old Ahan stood up and said: "We must maintain the unity of the Akhanate..."

"Shut up your mouth! Believe it or not, I will just make you disappear from the earth!"

"you dare……"

"Including you! If I can resist the coalition forces, can I resist you?

You want to wrestle with me. Let's go to war now!"

Before finishing talking about Pu Detti, Jiang Chen picked him up with one hand. The tall Pu Detti could never dream that he, who had always been known for his strong physique, looked like a chicken in front of the thin Jiang Chen!

"Could it be that he really owns..."

"Okay, Maraca belongs to you, and the south belongs to us."

Jiang Chen left Emperor Pu, he hated this kind of people who bullied the small.

"The meeting is over, Omara, transfer people from the south to Malaka, and from now on, cut off all economic and commercial contacts with the Akhanate Youth Army."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the representative of the Akhanate Youth Army was dumbfounded.

"No, cut off business, who will supply our water?"

After the leader of the Akhanate Youth Army shouted, Jiang Chen left early.

"I'm not your father, so let's find your father to supply you!"


There are close to four million people in the south of the Akhanate. These people are mainly women, children and the elderly. Most of the young people have died in the fighting.

If they were replaced by someone else, they would have given up these oil bottles long ago, but Jiang Chen didn't, because they were all spotted lives.

At the beginning of the migration, in order to settle these people, Jiang Chen deliberately built a city in the southwest of Malaca.

The city is at the entrance of the Budo Canyon, and Jiang Chen named it Budo City.

After a month of construction, Budo City was officially completed.

The new city of Budo is a desert city that can accommodate 7 million people. There is not much greenery in the city, and Jiang Chen has saved it to the extreme.

In addition, Jiang Chen also asked people to lay pipelines to transport water from Maraca to Budo.

The water supply in Budo City is limited, which prevents someone from taking it and secretly selling it to the youth army.

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