I have a city in the desert

Chapter 834 The tree is full of gerbils

The scene of a group of waves-like mice flocking to the desert Saguaro Cactus forest is spectacular.

Jiang Chen even wondered, if a live broadcast is launched at this moment, how many billions of people will be watching online?

In this live broadcast, he only started with a reward of ten million yuan, but it was a pity that he could not risk his life and really ran into the desert to start this live broadcast.

"Brother Jiang, there are too many gerbils, and the door in the bunker can't be opened!"

Today, I want the soldiers in the bunker to blast the gerbils with fire, but the door of the bunker cannot be opened by the black rat.

And even if they can open the door, they don't want to open the door.

After all, there is no guarantee that gerbils will eat human flesh.

"Look, the tree is full of gerbils!"

After a deputy commander finished shouting, Jiang Chen looked towards the surveillance.

In the darkness, when the first batch of gerbils rushed to the saguaro cactus in the desert, because they rushed too fast, many mice directly stuck on the thorns of the saguaro cactus.

The thorns of Saguaro cactus are sharp, and a long thorn directly penetrates the mouse's body.

So soon one by one the giant desert pillars grew up and they were covered with mice.

These mice hang on the desert cactus tree like fruit, which is really scary.

"The saguaro cactus can't resist them anymore."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, as there were more and more rats behind, the rats on the first row of desert dwelling cacti soon overwhelmed the desert saguaro cactus.

When the cactus tree fell, countless mice got in from the branches of the cactus and ate the whole cactus.

A desert saguaro cactus tree fell to the ground like this, and then countless gerbils swarmed up to eat it without leaving any residue.

"When will the animal experts arrive?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Williams made another call to Sark City University. After the call was made, a few experts appeared at the door of the bunker.

The door opened with a creak, and several experts shook their cloaks, and the cloak was covered with dust.

"Finally found it. When the wind blows, the whole world becomes yellowish, and the east, west, south and north are indistinguishable, let alone any bunker."

When a professor leading the team finished speaking, Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, just come.

Professor Ma, come and take a look at these gerbils. Is there any way we can deal with them?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Professor Ma wore glasses and walked to a few gerbils on the table. He reached out and picked up a dead gerbil and looked at it, then opened its teeth and took a look.

"This is not an ordinary gerbil, look at Brother Jiang, this rat is two larger than an ordinary rat.

And look, Brother Jiang, the skin of this gerbil is very thick, they are not afraid of heat or cold.

This thing is particularly adaptable to the desert, so it is difficult to deal with."

After Professor Ma finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded. This was like an expert.

"Do they have any weaknesses?"

"Almost none, Brother Jiang, according to our research, this kind of gerbil can survive for at least two months under extreme water shortage.

They can survive in the desert for so long, which proves that there is a source of water in the depths of the desert.

If we can follow the place where the gerbils come to find water in the desert, this can bring very positive news for us to continue to expand into the desert."

After Professor Ma finished speaking, Jiang Chen shook his head. Now is not the time to do academic research.

What he should do now is how to eliminate these mice!

"I'll talk about finding water later. Have you researched whether this kind of mouse has any weaknesses?

Now I want to destroy them, I want to destroy them in the fastest way!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Professor Ma began to ponder.

After a few of them discussed for a while, they finally gave Jiang Chen an answer.

"Brother Jiang, we suggest sending a small team to search for the gerbil's nest in the desert, and then poison the gerbil in the underground river. The poison can solve the source of the rat.

In addition, we only need to block the rats that have escaped. Once the winter storm passes, without water, they will naturally die."

After Professor Ma finished speaking, Jiang Chen frowned again. What he needs now is how to block these gerbils on the wall.

"Forget it, just assume that I didn't say anything!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, suddenly the door creaked again.

As soon as the door opened, the violent sand outside the door swarmed in, and the dust blew on the face, making the face hurt.

"Brother Chen! Why are you here? I have been looking for you for a few hours, and I have entered every bunker on this road!"

No one else came in, but Jiang Chen's good brother Fatty Wang!

Fatty Wang walked to the bunker table and sat down as if he was familiar.

After sitting down, Fatty Wang looked at the big mice on the table and instantly became excited.

"Brother Chen! You said that there is a good deal. Wouldn't it be me to help you resell the mouse!"

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Jiang Chen was so big!

Has anyone eaten mice these days?

"Sell you a mouse head! These mice..."

"Tsk tusk, these mice are really good, look, none of them are thin, they are all fat, and the pinched meat is lean. The taste is absolutely fine!"

"Yes, sister! Fatty Wang, are you stupid to eat more locusts?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Fatty Wang touched the mouse's fur and couldn't help but sigh.

"Look at this fur, how soft! The temperature is so low at night, it's better to feel warmer than sheepskin!

This big mouse, killing one glove and making two sets is enough.

Brother Jiang, this mouse has to be handed over to me!Let me tell you, if this mouse is done, its skin and flesh will be valuable!"

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Jiang Chen was speechless!

Now Fatty Wang has really become such a ridiculous man?

Is this still the honest peasant you know?

"Fatty Wang, I'm serious about you!

These mice can't eat!"

"Why can't they eat it? Did they grow up eating shit?"

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Professor Ma hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, they didn't grow up eating shit.

They are mutant gerbils that grow up by eating various plants and microorganisms in the desert."

After Professor Ma finished speaking, Fatty Wang carried a big mouse to Professor Ma and said, "Then you can tell if it can be eaten?

I invested in a bamboo rat breeding base in China. I sell this stuff every day. I can tell at a glance if I can eat it!"

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Professor Ma frowned and said, "This, no one knows whether this can be eaten or not, after all, no one can eat it in idle time.

However, this mouse skin can really be considered as a glove or something, after all, it is resistant to high temperatures and low temperatures."

After Professor Ma finished speaking, Fatty Wang threw the mouse on the table and said: "I said you can eat if you can. I will eat it for you now!"

After Wang Fatty finished talking, he really knocked down a chair, then picked up the printing paper in the room and it started to burn.

Jiang Chen couldn't stop it, and a raging flame burned up inside the house.

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