I have a city in the desert

Chapter VIII The Chief's Savior

What Fatty Wang said lifted Erlang's legs, and he was no longer the Fatty Wang who lied to.

"Fatty Wang, don't say I don't leave you the opportunity to make money.

Take this business to me, and I will solve the tariff problem for you.

In addition, you transported the most natural desert locusts from Abola. The price must be much more expensive than what you raise yourself!

This expensive price is enough for your shipping cost, right?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Fatty Wang took a sip and said, "You have to help me settle the tariffs.

In addition, give me the whole point, let me build a farmhouse there, this matter is easy to discuss."

Now Abola's tourism is doing very well, and there are particularly many Chinese and East Asians who travel to Abola every year.

If Fatty Wang can build a locust factory in Abola, he can sell a lot to these tourists.

And most of the tourists Wang Abraham went to were very rich, so the price of locusts was naturally high.

The most important thing is that Fatty Wang can get these raw materials without spending a penny. This is simply a profitable thing.

"I can only negotiate this for you first, and whether it can be achieved in the end depends on your own efforts."

Two days later, the yellow sand from the super storm completely flooded the cactus defense line.

The yellow sand hit the windshield wall, and the blocked wind sand piled up into mountains under the wind wall.

"Can't go on like this.

If you do not enter the desert to solve the problem at the source of the desert, the wind and sand will sooner or later submerge the windbreak."

On the city wall, watching the wind and sand more and more, Jiang Chen became worried.

He is now building windbreaks and other facilities for intercepting windmills, all of which treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

With the advancing speed of the Sahara Desert, no matter how high he builds a windshield, it is like a mantle-arm blocking a car.

But when it comes to greening in the desert, this is not easy!

Now his grass seedlings are even a problem for France and other Desert Alliance countries.

Not to mention a large area of ​​greening the desert.

Greening a large area of ​​the desert is impossible even if the world's money is concentrated on him alone.

"Brother Jiang, at least this thing helped us block the sandstorm. You see, we also blocked the gerbil's attack.

We not only blocked the gerbils' attack, but also turned waste into treasure, allowing the gerbils to make a lot of money for us."

Seeing Jiang Chen's incomparable sadness, Williams persuaded him from the side.

He felt that being able to feed the residents of Budo City was already the greatest gift of God.

What's more, now his people are not only full but also rich.

This is something that Williams couldn't even imagine when he was killed. After all, what the United States had not done, Jiang Chen did.

"I hope everything will be all right!

Williams will leave it to you here. I'm going to have a meeting with the Shah Committee."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he left the bunker and hurried towards Ahan City.

Xicheng Desert Committee, Jiang Chen applied for a temporary desert seminar.

He wants to share his victory experience against gerbils with everyone.

The Chairman of the Desert Committee notified the leaders of each desert country.

Half an hour later, the Desert National Leaders' Meeting was officially held in the cloud.

After the video was opened, many people looked very tired, and it seemed that they were worried about this sandstorm.

"Good evening, everyone. This meeting is held temporarily today because the Saha area has won an initial victory against the gerbils.

So today, Mr. Jiang, the person in charge of Sahara, will share his experience with you."

After the chairman of the Sands Committee finished speaking, the leaders of several countries that had been devastated by gerbils immediately became excited when they heard that Jiang Chen had a way to control gerbils.

"How to control gerbils?

These damn rats are simply invincible!

They flowed from the Akhanate to the border of our Bakki state, and all the lines of defense we made were overcome by them.

It is no longer known how many mice ran on the grasslands of our country."

After President Bucky State finished speaking, the person in charge of the China Sands Management Committee also sighed and said: "We have dispatched thousands of troops, but these rats still eat up our lawns outside the new province.

We are preparing to transfer a batch of cats from China, but unfortunately the cats cannot adapt to the harsh environment of sand and dust."

"We used rodenticides to kill gerbils, and we poured hundreds of tons of gerbils at the border.

Now our border has almost become a plague land, and the people living on the border have been infected with the plague.

Even so, there are thousands of rats out of the sand dunes in the desert."

After the person in charge of Roshaguo finished speaking, the chairman of the Shah Committee frowned.

It seems that most people have lost this battle against gerbils.

This is really not good news.

"How does the Saha area deal with these gerbils?"

The Chairman of the Sands Committee looked at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen arrived at Jiang Chen and did not say how to deal with the gerbils. Instead, he applied to Abola.

"Dear Chief Abola, before we talk about the gerbils, can I ask you to exempt our country from tariffs on desert locusts?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Abola and the leaders of China turned around to discuss the meeting, and they nodded.

"We suggest that all countries in the Saudi Arabian Committee alliance can actively involve companies from all countries in desert governance.

For this reason, we also call on all countries to provide tax-exempt services to these companies. Here I announce that our country will reduce tariffs for these companies that control desert poisoning."

After Hua Guo finished speaking, soon other countries also expressed their opinions.

In fact, this is nothing to express.

After all, when the desert locusts arrive, if you don’t ask those companies that can control the desert locusts to come.

Then the desert locust may turn all the crops in your country into rations.

"That's good! We will dispatch the locust control team and company to your Abola as soon as possible.

They want to register a company with you, and ask the chief to take care of it."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Chief Abola, who was in his 50s, bowed to Jiang Chen.

He chose to approach Jiang Chen, and he did get a lot of benefits from Jiang Chen.

For example, Jiang Chen sold him nearly 20 billion Chinese yuan in grass seeds in the autumn at half price.

Chief Abola sowed these grass seeds on Baidi, and now Baidi has become an oasis in the desert.

Baidi was also named one of the most worthwhile tourist cities in the world.

"When you let them come, I will meet them personally, they will be our savior of Abola!"

If there is no Fatty Wang's team, I am afraid that as soon as these locusts wreak havoc, Chief Abola's oasis will be over.

So the chief welcomes the Jiang Chen team more than anyone else.

"Okay, now let me share with you our own gerbil experience!"

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