I have a city in the desert

Chapter 859: Let it be crazy first

After the Kangaroo reporter finished speaking, everyone stared at the screen with bated breath.

This question was very tricky, and he immediately dragged Jiang Chen to the opposite of the people in the Saha area.

"We do!

We are not only willing to give up billions of income to transport food.

We are also willing to seal the entire Mogan Expressway to transport food!

Oh, forgot to tell you.

Since 11 o'clock last night, the entire Mogan Expressway has been closed.

In addition, we have abandoned all construction in the Saha area.

We used all the super trucks in the Sahara region, and we transferred more than 6000 drivers in the Sahara region.

Just so that the people can eat cheap food!!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the tangible people burst into tears instantly.

They stepped up to march this time, largely because they believed the rumors and cast doubt on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is no longer the ruler who centers on the people everywhere.

But they never expected Jiang Chen to give up everything for them to live a happy life!

"I am a reporter from Français. I would like to ask why you are only now in charge of these monopoly companies?

Are you involved in phishing law enforcement?"

"You know that the funders of these companies are large consortia supporting the coalition forces.

They lost their wife and broke down in the war of aggression, so they came to me deliberately.

Since it is intentional, then I will let them play.

You know, I like watching theaters."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Cu added: "If you want to let it die, you must first let it go crazy!

Today, this is an example."

After Guan Xu finished speaking, Director Song grabbed the microphone again and said: "The grains of more than 20 grain and agricultural groups are piled up in various warehouses.

They had been frantically transporting grain to the Sahara before the war.

These grains are enough for the Saha to eat for two years.

However, starting today.

If your food does not fall to the pre-war level, you will wait to let the food rot in the warehouse!"

After Director Song finished speaking, Guan Xu added: "Starting today, we will charge an additional grain export tax.

It is absolutely impossible for you to ship the food for sale.

Excluding transportation costs plus tariffs, how much do you ship, how much will you pay!"

I will appear on the stage after you sing a few people.

Every word they said pierced the hearts of several big capitalists who controlled food prices like a sharp knife.

"Hello, I am a reporter from Huasheng Times.

I would like to ask you how to cheat those multinational entrepreneurs who invest in the Saha area.

Do you think other entrepreneurs will come here to invest again?"

The Huasheng Times is also a very anti-satellite media, and Jiang Chen specially invited them this time.

In order to slap them in the face.

"Normal entrepreneurs will definitely continue to invest in me.

However, it doesn't matter whether they come or not, like this kind of enterprise dedicated to disrupting the stability and order of the Saha area.

If you don’t look at it for international reasons, I would have let them know that you are going to die.

By the way, I'm just here to tell all the companies that want to speculate on food prices, now they can adjust their prices and sell them.

Otherwise, you will die miserably!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, at the moment on the far side of the ocean, a group of big capitalists were not calm.

Meeting, meeting must be held!Hold the conference overnight!

Because the incident happened suddenly, the faces of several big capitalists in the conference room were full of sleepiness.

"What should we do? Are we going to lower the price or continue to increase the price? Or do we not reduce the price or not?"

President William Grain finished speaking, and several other multinational food group CEOs in the cloud conference room also yawned and started thinking.

"The price stays at the original price!

Don't worry, we are all capitalists.

His tricks to deceive the people are fine.

Can you fool you old foxes?"

After the CEO of the Southeastern Food Industry in the United States finished speaking, the president of Rhodes Group, the largest food supplier in the Saha region, said with a smile: "He just wants to act like he wants to scare us.

If we lower the price, we will be fooled by him instead.

Furthermore, even if he does bring the food, we don't need to panic."

After the President of Rhodes Group finished speaking, the CEO of North Foods Australia also said: "That is, they have to sacrifice 10 times the amount of food every day.

Let's let him get lucky, but I want to see who can't hold it first."

Yes, these multinational groups dare to do this, they are naturally not afraid.

The Saha area is a place of legal system, where the law is very important, so they are fearless.

In addition, according to their estimates.

Jiang Chen transported grain from the country by himself, and if the Mogan Expressway resources occupied by Jiang Chen were used to transport tourists, the profit would definitely be much greater than that of grain.

No capitalist would choose to make money, so they believed that Jiang Chen's move was just to make them cut prices.

After a few people finished speaking, a phone call was made directly to the grain and agricultural shops all over the Saha.

In the evening, under Jiang Chen's persuasion, the marchers finally dispersed.

When it was getting dark, Jiang Chen walked into a supermarket.

He went to the grain and agriculture area deliberately.

To his surprise, not only did the price of all the food not drop, but on the contrary, it rose a lot from noon.

Looking at the price of food, Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

He has already reminded these food merchants, why are these food merchants sick?

There are many customers in supermarkets who come to buy rice noodles. They can't help shaking their heads and sighing when they look at the price of rice noodles.

"Buy it, buy it all quickly!

Don't think about the price reduction of food. If you don't buy it today, the price will be higher tomorrow."

Just as a few shoppers sighed, the manager of the sales area persuaded them.

"Didn't the leader say that the domestic food will be delivered at night?

When the food arrives, the price will definitely be reduced."

"The grain will be shipped, but after the grain is shipped, it will definitely be given priority to those outside hotels and snack bars in scenic areas.

They are our Saha’s window to the outside world, so they can get cheap noodles. Can you people get it?

So take advantage of the fact that it has not risen much today, hurry up and buy it!"

After the manager finished speaking, a man picked up two bags of noodles and put them in the cart.

"Forget it, buy two bags first!

Tomorrow, they will be sold in packages, and they will be sold to neighbors in the neighborhood.

It's not sold to tourists, the more expensive is the more expensive!"

After speaking, the man pushed up and walked to the door.

Several other onlookers couldn't help but sighed after seeing this: "Oh, I don't know when I can get cheap rice noodles.

The wages earned now are spent on rice, flour, oil.

If it weren’t for our school for free or something, this salary would not be enough to support the family!"

After a few people spoke, they took noodles and rice and other materials and left.

Looking at the back of them leaving, the boss couldn't help sighing: "I'm afraid I won't be able to eat cheap rice noodles anymore!

They all said that in one day, Mogan's high-speed transportation of grain to the Saha area would lose more than one billion yuan in income.

There is no income in the Saha area, do you think that free education in schools can continue?"

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