I have a city in the desert

Chapter 900: Two Hundred Billion Obtained

After hesitating again and again, the mayor of the small town of global financial and political center, Lei, nodded and expressed his opinion.

"Although we don't have many houses, there are no Fortune 500 companies.

But since Brother Jiang has spoken, let's pay the money anyway!"

"Come on, you just get cheap and sell well!

Lao Lei, who didn't know that you have the most tourists and various injuries.

To talk about where the subway group makes money, there is no place where you make money.

So if you pay the 100 billion, you can earn it back in less than two years!"

Xiao Ma ridiculed Lao Lei but didn't care about face. Lao Lei was originally the deputy mayor of Malaka and his old partner.

After the completion of the airport town, he was transferred to the town of Qichang as mayor, so his relationship with Xiao Ma is the best.

"All right, Mayor Ma, just wait, Brother Jiang, don't be polite to him!

This guy's several oil fields, copper mines and iron mines, and Qing gold mines all made money.

The doomsday city attraction he created has a daily flow of five or six million people, don't be polite to him!"

After Lao Lei finished speaking, Lao Zhu from Kerry City also laughed: "Brother Jiang, you are polite to Xiao Ma, but you don't give him face!"

"Well, little Ma, then I won't be polite to you.

As you know, Maraca is the largest in the south.

The population of Malaca is also the largest in the entire South.

In addition, your development in the past few years is really good, so you have to get more than the global center town!"

After Jiang Chen finished talking about the pony, he knew he was going to be planted.

"All right, Jiang Ge said the number, I will definitely take it.

Lao Lei, dare you to cheat me, tonight you must show me a show at the best hotel in Jonker Town.

Otherwise, I will never end with you, I will tell you!"

After Xiao Ma finished speaking, a group of people laughed.

Jiang Chen likes this kind of atmosphere. People don't get along like subordinates and superiors, but more like friends.

"Okay, I won't kill you either.

As a relatively large old city in southern cities, you are an energy city or a tourist city.

You just get 150 billion, right?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Xiao Ma nodded.

"No problem, the big deal is that I planted villas on both sides of the road.

As soon as I sell it at a high price, I can easily collect the money for you."

The autonomy of the southern urban agglomeration is particularly high in the Sakha region.

This is also the special policy Jiang Chen and Guan urged them, and Jiang Chen's main gaze must be in the north.

When he called the southern mobile phone group, the main purpose was only to let them act as a buffer zone for the north.

When it comes to building and selling villas, Lao Lei jumped out instantly.

"You guys, I can warn you, let's use the middle of our global financial town to the cities in it as the dividing line.

No one can build a house on either side of the dividing line, only I can build it!"

I've always wanted to clarify this matter quickly in front of Jiang Chen.

After all, this is not a small amount of money. A lot of open space is reserved on both sides of the road from the airport town to every city.

The air is at least 78 miles away from the glass windshield.

After these distances are removed, at least three rows of villas can be built.

These are the rarest villas, and the price of a bottle of it will certainly not be less than 500,000.

"This will definitely not work. Every road in your global financial center is a golden zone.

You are all airports. If you are like this, who will sell our villa to?"

"I have a good way. The middle of the road can be the dividing line.

But you must not build villas on both sides of the road for at least 5 years.

You have to wait for our villas to be sold out before you can build them!"

Several mayors were in the group and discussed in front of Jiang Chen.

Seeing that everyone agreed to use the middle position of each city as the city boundary, Lao Lei nodded and agreed.

"Yes, anyway, at least three sides of my airport town are uncovered.

Then I will make you cheap and let you build it first!"

A group of people discussed for a long time, only then remembered that Jiang Chen was still waiting for them to pay.

"Ahem, Brother Jiang, forget you!

Our Malaka money will be collected for you within two days."

After Xiao Ma finished speaking, Jiang Chen forgot to talk about Kerry again.

"Old Zhu, let's not say anything.

Kerry City, as the only passage between the north and the south, must have made no less money in recent years.

I also know about the cooperation between Kerry City and the China Special Economic Zone.

Don't say anything, you can get 150 billion!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Old Zhu smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's not say anything, I will lend you this money even to my brother in the north, Zhangzuijie!"

After playing in three cities, Jiang Chen raised 400 billion yuan.

This has far exceeded the 200 billion that the system requested for him.

But Jiang Chen is someone who has to build a few cities after all, and all this requires a lot of money.

So Jiang Chen hopes to look forward to Bernstein in the oil city.

Bernstein's eyes were somewhat avoiding.

"Brother Jiang, don't make it difficult for me, our oil city is just starting now.

All our education is free, and we exempt all businesses from taxes for three years.

We also made some money by selling the house, and our city can't expand outward, so..."

"Brother Jiang, don't be polite to him!

Petroleum City is very rich. I only came back from Petroleum City last week. Brother Jiang, do you know what they did?"

As soon as Bernstein finished speaking, the pony stood up to refute him.

"What did you do?"

"They set up an Israel Global Chamber of Commerce!

Now they have put forward a slogan, live in Kani Mountain, make money in Oil City!

With the influence of their Israel Chamber of Commerce, the oil city is still afraid of it?"

"That is, Brother Jiang, Petroleum City has benefited the most from the construction of the Southern Metro.

The subway connects the three cities of Petroleum City, Kanishan City, and Future City.

Two central cities, a super tourist city, don't you say that this subway is specifically prepared for the take-off of Petroleum City?"

After several people finished speaking, Bernstein sighed.

He knew that everyone would not let him go this time, no wonder, because just a few days ago, Bernstein had damaged each of them all over again.

"Forget it, since everyone says that, then I won't say much.

Brother Jiang, just say a number, don't say anything else, there is still 200 billion."

In addition to the money for the sale of houses in Petroleum City, he also received close to more than 600 Israeli companies in the world.

These companies are all top companies, they are first-class existence in every country.

And these companies are not tax-exempt, but as the mayors of the Israelis, the Israelis trust them very much.

According to incomplete statistics, Israelis control nearly a quarter of the world's property.

So as long as some people feel that this is home, then this city will definitely not be poor.

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