I have a city in the desert

Chapter 913: Bombing Fanggang Town

Jiang Chen knew that the media war would be of no use to people like Rosha Country.

Jiang Chen just wanted to seek peace of mind.

You are killing my people like this now. When I start to kill you, don't blame me for being cruel.

Buzz, boom!

A plane in the sky flew towards Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen knew that he wanted to run now, so he would definitely not be able to run.

So he just stopped running.

Take out your phone and click on the farming system.

When the enemy's plane was about to fly in front of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen directly planted a building close to 100 meters high.

The ground buzzed, and when the building suddenly rose to the ground, the enemy pilot was stunned.

How can this kind of trickery not make them dumbfounded.

At the moment when they were dumbfounded, they heard a loud bang and the entire plane hit the building directly.


The plane instantly turned into a fireball, and Jiang Chen's building just shook down and soon settled down again.

This building suddenly appeared on the green prairie, and soon attracted the voices of other people.

"107, when we came, was there such a tall building in this place?"

"410, not in my memory.

507 seemed to crash there just now."

"What do you do now? Will you continue to bomb Fanggang?"

"Continue bombing!"

After the order was issued there, the war started again.

An airplane dived and fired towards Fanggang Town, and the space in the Saha area in the sky fought with an airplane.

Fighters on both sides fought back and forth, and from time to time there was news of a plane crashing.

The bombers above Fanggang Town were not idle. After their first round of bombing in Fanggang Town, they soon carried out a second round of bombing.

It seems that they are going to throw all the explosives they carry on Fanggang Town, and then they can give up.

Seeing more and more people escape from Fanggang Town, Jiang Chen became anxious.

"We must save them!"

There were at least a hundred thousand people in Fanggang Town, and Jiang Chen didn't want these people to die so easily.

So after Jiang Chen drove to the side of Fanggang Town, he began the rescue activity.

"They won't blow up my house for a while, so let's plant more houses!"

Anyway, the house I live in can finally be used as a new town.

I thought of cutting it into points and turning on the mobile phone, then planned it into a circle, and planted it directly around the town.

**With one-click planting, nearly 700 million houses are planted like this.

After the seeds fell, buildings soon rose from the ground.

When the bombers wanted to dive and bomb Fanggang Town, suddenly the houses rising from the ground suddenly surprised them.

"Oh my god, what are you guys looking for?"

"It's a house, why do so many houses suddenly appear?"

"This unscientific!"

"I have always heard that he is the god of the desert, he is not really a god?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it will hurt our morale!"

Seeing a house appeared in front of them, those who were chased by the plane hurriedly threw their cars and ran into the house in Jiangcheng.

Hidden in the house, the machine gun shot from the sky, only making small holes in the wall.

The missiles in the sky blew up, and with a bang, it only blew up the corners.

The bomber dropped a number of aerial bombs, and the aviation station set off a lawn on the ground.

But those houses just stood there safely, without the slightest meaning of collapse.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

After the bomber carried out the second round of bombing, a group of people saw little effect, and the commander might order the retreat.

After the bomber fled, the Rosha fighters in the sky soon retreated.

The enemy retreated, and the Saha fighters pursued them.

The Saha fighters kept chasing to the missile base before rushing back.

After the air battle, the people of Fanggang Town ran out of the building.

They forgot about the brand new buildings and knelt down with excitement.

"Thank you desert god, thank you desert god!"

In their eyes, only Jiang Chen could transform such a house, and only Jiang Chen could save their lives at this time.

At this moment, Jiang Chen had already left Fanggang Town.

At the northern base, Luo Tiankui is clearing the combat summary report.

After seeing Jiang Chen, Luo Tiankui hurriedly saluted Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, the task of defending Salman City has been successfully completed!"

After Luo Tiankui finished speaking, Jiang Chen patted him on the shoulder.

"Very good! How are our injuries?"

The most concern now is the damage. Jiang Chen's request is simple. It is enough that the northern base can buy him 10 days.

After 10 days, when all his pilots have mastered the flying technology of nuclear-powered fighters, he can take revenge!

"Our injuries are particularly severe.

Our Tianwa missile base was destroyed.

Seven of our fighters were shot down, and 6 of our fighters were injured.

In addition, according to incomplete statistics from the town mayor, at least more than 1,000 people died in Fanggang Town."

After Luo Tiankui finished speaking, Jiang Chen's heart was a little cold.

The lives of more than 1,000 people were instantly wiped out. This is the cruelty of war.

"I will avenge them for sure!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Luo Tiankui sighed and said, "Brother Jiang, our fighter has a very high damage rate.

The enemy only lost three fighters and two bombers, one of which was hit by a missile."

With this damage rate, how can the northern base compete with Rosha?

What's more, the Nurdan base is only a small base in Rosha.

If the Rosa Nation aggressively attacked and their aircraft cooperated with mechanized troops, the Saha area would only be subjugated.

"Don't worry, I have my own way."

"Brother Jiang, our missile defense system can't stop Rosa Country at all.

If we can survive this time, I hope Brother Jiang can independently develop our own missile system!"

After Luo Tiankui finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded.

At present, many military equipment in the Saha area are mainly purchased, including the missile base set up by Jiang Chen.

"Okay, but after this battle is over, no one will dare to bully us again."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his cell phone rang again.

This time, it was not someone else who called him, it was just supervision.

"Brother Jiang, we have finally won the first game now. Now is the time to hold a press conference to stabilize our people's hearts!"

After the war began in the north, many wealthy people in the Saha area fled the Saha area one after another.

This has caused many factories to shut down and many workers lose their jobs.

Moreover, because of the war, tourists were scared away. Therefore, hotels and catering in the Saha area were greatly impacted.

If Jiang Chen can't solve this problem, the Saha area will lose nearly tens of billions of yuan every day!

"Development conference!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he drove towards the Future City.

The headquarters of the Saha TV station in the future city, the eyes of all Saha people gathered here at the moment.

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