I have a city in the desert

Chapter 926 Overseas Military Foundation

At this moment, the Ahan people on the land of the Akhanate are basically the youth army that was abandoned by the Rosha.

Now the head of the Akhanate Federation’s reputation is still the lamp.

But the mayor of Youth City is an authentic Saha, and they use two systems.

The Ahan people exercise self-control in the urban area, and the other Akhanate city federations adopt a political system based on Saharan management.

Speaking of benefits, Jiang Chen felt that they should indeed be given some benefits.

Jiang Chen requires his own city to develop in a balanced manner, rather than being a monopoly.

"Don't worry, your benefits won't run away.

After we completely take over the Rosa and the United States, I will continue to ask the coalition forces for war expenses.

They said that the war of the previous two years was over, but I haven't said it is over yet.

Wars never end when you say they fight, and when you say they end.

Unless you admit defeat, and then obediently compensate for war losses."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the mayors of several Akhanate cities also stood up.

"That is, they made us like this, and they haven't paid us a penny yet.

Now that we have become stronger, it is time to ask them for war losses!"

"How should we divide the war losses that Brother Jiang is coming?"

After Williams finished speaking, Jiang Chen thought for a while and said: "Your three cities have average scores, but I have to take half of them first.

I need this money, it's urgent.

I can guarantee that all this money will be spent on desert greening and construction."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the three cities were happy when they heard that they could share half of the money.

"Thank you Jiang, thank you Jiang!"


The convening of this meeting of all Saha mayors this morning is not to divide the spoils.

What Jiang Chen has to do is simple, he is here to deal with the aftermath.

"Well, now we should discuss some business matters.

The main purpose of my gathering this time is to discuss how to take over the military bases of the United States and Rosha."

It is indeed a very laborious task to take over the military bases of Rosa and the United States.

This is not only labor intensive, but also very labor intensive.

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 2,000 military bases in the United States.

These military bases are divided into domestic and foreign military bases. There are more than 870 military bases in China and nearly 400 military bases abroad.

Moreover, these military bases have a particularly large number of troops.

There are close to 300,000 troops stationed abroad alone, and all the troops in the entire Saha area combined, not even a fraction of him.

So this is Jiang Chen's particular headache.

"Brother Jiang, what do you think?

Now we have to consider a lot of things. Will these military bases continue to be retained or are all cancelled?Or the reserved part.

In addition, if we want to retain all military bases, we must recruit more than 500,000 troops.

With the treatment of our current soldiers, our economy is completely unable to afford the military expenses of so many people."

I have also thought about this issue, and now the Saha area is a waste of time, and they have not really connected their land to the ocean.

Therefore, when these overseas military bases are received, they cannot connect to their homeland.

There is also a question for these soldiers from the United States. Should they all be disbanded or should they all remain in the army?

Will leaving them in the army mutiny?

After disbanding them, how should they be resettled?

A group of people looked at Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen thought about it for a long time before discussing it with everyone.

"I think so. Many of the overseas military bases of the United States and Rosa countries are forcibly occupied in other countries.

So we can cancel this part of the military base.

However, I think it is necessary to keep the military bases set up in the major straits.

In addition, we cannot send so many people to take over the military bases on the mainland of the United States and Rosha.

So my suggestion is to pick some very important ports and military bases for our control.

The remaining military bases were established by the United States and occupied and managed by the United Nations peacekeepers.

The UN peacekeeping force will be formed by dispatching troops in proportion to the various countries of the UN.

What do you think?"

This is the decision that Jiang Chen thought for a long time.

"Just follow what Jiang said, Jiang, what should the soldiers of the US do?

Our recruitment work must also begin soon.

In this battle, our local soldiers sacrificed a lot, so I don’t know if they will continue to recruit."

A group of people thought for a long time, and they really couldn't come up with a better way than Jiang Chen.

Therefore, Guan Xu agreed to Jiang Chen's proposal on behalf of the mayors.

When it comes to soldiers, Jiang Chen also has an investigation.

"I think our soldiers in the Saha area can be recruited again, and soldiers from overseas military bases can be streamlined from the soldiers of the United States and Rosha.

What we are proposing is to let the United States and Rosa countries implement no military management.

So their soldiers must all be abolished.

If these soldiers truly love peace and are willing to contribute to the world, we can all keep them.

At that time, these soldiers will all be included in the Saha area for management, and they will be transferred to the Saha area and all civilians in the Saha area will be treated."

It can be said without hesitation that neither the United States nor Rosha will be able to regain their status as world hegemons in the next few decades.

Not only will they not be able to return to their status as world hegemons, but they will also become inferior to developing countries.

At least in the next five or six years, due to large amounts of war compensation, Rosa and the United States will lose many companies.

Due to the closure and transfer of enterprises, this will lead to a surge of unemployment in the United States and Rosa countries.

When everyone has no food to eat, it is undoubtedly the best way to join the army to gain a good identity.

And when Jiang Chen started the live broadcast, many people from the U.S. and Rosa countries donated money to him.

This shows that not all the people of the United States and Rosha are bad people, they are just being bewitched by the government.

There are even many people who were very opposed to war from the beginning.

They never supported it until the end of the war.

"I think it's okay. Our overseas soldiers can be streamlined from the borders of the two countries and regions.

However, the streamlined soldiers cannot stay in their own country in principle. They must work in the other country and military bases."

Guan Xu also has his own worries, but letting the streamlined soldiers of Rosa Nation go to the military bases in the U.S. will prevent them from mutiny.

This is the best choice.

"I also agree with Mayor Guan that many soldiers from the United States and Rosha have rich combat experience.

And they can master their submarines, battleships and aircraft carriers proficiently.

Here I would like to make one more suggestion. We can allow all the families of these soldiers to immigrate to the Sakha region to work.

Our current Port Moranque is under construction and we need a large population.

After their family members came over, they could just fill this gap."

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