I have a city in the desert

Chapter 933: It's Time to End

"It's been 5 years, time really flies!"

The war between the cold wave country and the golden fat country was fought inadvertently for five years.

Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling that time really passed by like running water.

"Five years, no matter how powerful a country is, after five years of war, the finances will be hollowed out.

Brother Jiang, I think this war is also over."

After Lao Jin finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Chen with hot eyes.

Lao Jin knew that as long as Jiang Chen said a word, the war between the cold wave country and the golden fat country would definitely end.

"It doesn't count if the matter is not over. What I want is that all the nations of the United States shall not interfere in the internal affairs of others.

So I will not interfere in other people's affairs. This is my minimum requirement."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lao Jin's face showed some disappointment.

Jiang Chen didn't want to take care of it. Needless to say, this matter was definitely out of play.

"Well, Brother Jiang, I actually think East Asia is still very important to us.

This time I went to Qizhou, and I went to Dongying Country again.

Today's Dongying country has cancelled the requirement to not allow private military construction.

Most of our fleet stationed in the Eastern Kingdom also withdrew back.

It is precisely because of this that I once again felt a strong militaristic taste in Donglin Country.

I am afraid that their imperialist heart will rekindle."

After Lao Jin finished speaking, Jiang Chen smiled.

"The land of Dongying, but the land of bullets, they just toss about, and they can't make any tricks.

However, we cannot underestimate the enemy. Now I am going to focus on building the East Asian fleet in Qizhou.

Lao Jin, you have always been resourceful, tell us your suggestions."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he suggested that Lao Jin thought about it carefully.

Rather than saying that Jiang Chen wanted Lao Jin to give a suggestion, it was better to say that Jiang Chen wanted to give Lao Jin a chance.

"Brother Jiang, I have an idea.

If our desert oasis kingdom wants to truly do business in East Asia, we must have a base in East Asia.

This base Qizhou does my part.

Qizhou connects east to Ying, Southeast Asia, and China, and the country of golden fat and cold wave in the north.

Moreover, Qizhou has become our military base, and we should make it a base that integrates politics, finance, and military.

Brother Jiang, what do you think?"

After Lao Jin finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded.

"I do have this intention, but I am now a little worried about whether this base can take on this important task."

There are not many people in Qizhou now, and his geographical location can indeed serve this role, that is, its population cannot support Jiang Chen's deployment in East Asia.


The location of Qizhou Island is unquestionable, and now it is a bit less populated.

I have the idea that many people are not willing to go to war no matter whether it is the golden country or the cold wave country.

Therefore, I can use multiple channels to bring people who are unwilling to fight to Qizhou.

Although the cold wave country has been fighting in recent years, many people with knowledge are still willing to come to peace.

With just a word from Brother Jiang, I can definitely gather many people to build Qizhou.

In addition, we can also come up with immigration policies.

Qizhou has beautiful scenery and it is a holiday destination for many people.

In addition, we focus on developing it. I believe that no matter it is China, Dongying or Southeastern island countries, their people are willing to immigrate to Qizhou.

I believe that within 10 years, Qizhou Island will be able to become a big city like Shanghai and Dongdu."

After Lao Jin finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded, just as he thought.

In the vast ocean of Dongying, Jiang Chen must have the right to speak.

Because many of these places are their own foundries, if he does not have the right to speak here, then this will affect him many things.

"Okay, then do this thing as you said."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lao Jin was very excited, which meant that he could save more lives.

"Thank you Brother Jiang!"

"Don't thank me, it's up to you to develop it.

By the way, no one can do two things at once.

Especially the current city of Salman is also a city that needs reconstruction.

If you want to work in Qizhou, then you have to resign as mayor of Salman, Lao Jin, you have to think clearly."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lao Jin hesitated when he said he was going to resign as mayor of Salman.

Although the city of Salman has been bombed by the Rosa State, after the war ended, the city of Salman received a lot of compensation.

With these compensation rooms, coupled with a large number of talents from the north.

Salman City is only richer than before.

He was really reluctant to let himself give up these things in the task now.

"Brother Jiang, I am willing to meet more challenges!

When I am willing to go to the post of mayor of Salman City to work on Qizhou Island!"

After hesitating for a while, Lao Jin strengthened his belief.

Seeing that Lao Jin was willing to abandon the glory and wealth in front of his fellow villagers, Jiang Chen admired him very much.

"Okay, since you have made such a big determination, then I will definitely support you to the end.

From now on, I will establish the first overseas federation.

You will take care of this overseas federation. Starting today, the Qizhou military base will be renamed the East Asian Federation of Desert Oasis Kingdom!

Qizhou Island is the capital of the East Asian Federation, so the military bases I set up in East Asia are all under the management of the East Asian Federation.

You are now the first person in charge of the East Asian Federation!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, I heard that Jiang Chen let himself manage all military bases in East Asia.

This absolute trust caused old Jin Shun to tears.

"Thank you Jiang for your trust! My Lao Jin will never betray the Oasis Kingdom in my life!

Thank you Jiang Ge for giving us the hope of our nation. I swear that I will gather our talents again. We will definitely make Qizhou the true center of East Asia!"

After the old blond finished his oath, Jiang Chen raised his glass and toasted him.

"Well, I admire you who are so open!

From now on, I will allocate 50 billion to you as the starting capital. You can also bring some companies from the Salman region to the East Asian Federation with you.

From now on, the peace of East Asia is left to you!"

As night fell, the two of them drank until late at night.

After Lao Jin left, Jiang Chen looked at the map, silently in a daze.

In such a big world, it is indeed not an easy task to manage peace and stability in every region.

However, Jiang Chen did not need to worry about the stability and peace of other countries and regions.

As long as no one interferes with other people's affairs in this world, what can it be like no matter how chaotic the world is?

"It's almost there. I believe that after Lao Jin takes over the East Asian Alliance, the war in the cold wave countries should be over soon!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he picked up his luggage and headed for the northern grassland.

After dawn on the second day, Jiang Chen rushed to the northern grassland.

At this moment, the northern grassland is the most lively time. After nearly a year, Rosha has already selected enough people.

At this moment, nearly 2.5 million young people from Rosha have gathered in major prisons on the grassland.

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