I have a city in the desert

Chapter 936: The Best Destination

Jiang Chen decided to send a gift to his old friend, because as an official in Xinjiang, he has indeed made great contributions to the Saha area over the years.

And there is also the cold wave group behind him. They have also become the backbone of the Saha area animation, special effects, film and television, costume design, and plastic medicine circles.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 30,000 people from the cold wave are active in key positions in the Saha area.

They also indirectly brought many industries in the Saha area to the top industries in the world.

For this reason, Jiang Chen also decided to give Lao Jin a good deal.

South International Airport.

In the VIP room, Jiang Chen saw Lao Jin.

At this moment, Laojie is more than 60 years old, and he has already passed his vigorous age.

His face is covered with wrinkles and his hair is much whiter.

"Brother Jiang! You are so busy..."

To be honest, in his busy schedule, Lao Jin was very touched by taking time to send himself.

"Sit down and rest for a while, the plane has one hour left."

Lao Jin walked to the opposite side of Jiang Chen and sat down. Neither of them had a drink, so they sat down quietly.

After a long time, Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at Lao Jin and asked, "It's all so old, isn't it okay to stay in Saha and enjoy your luck?

There are some things that young people should do and let young people do well.

Look at Lao Yu and they are all retired when they reach your age, and they are enjoying themselves well.

If you want, I will give you my park villa in the Sark Mansion later.

A person’s life is so long, and it’s time to retire!"

The desert is extremely dangerous, and the East Asian Federation at this time will definitely not be any better than the desert.

The East Asian Federation will touch the cheese of many people, so Jiang Chen is very afraid that someone will come to assassinate Lao Jin.

After all, Lao Jin is also one of the few veterans to accompany his own business.

"Brother Jiang, although I am old, I still have some strength.

The older you are, the more reluctant it is to do things in your hometown. The older you are, the more you miss it.

So while I can still move, while I still have this relationship, I can do as many things as I can!"

The current cold wave country is a mess. The war has lasted for five or six years, and it is unknown how long it will take.

Even if the war is won, rebuilding the homeland is a vast project.

The key is to rebuild their homes when the time comes. Who else can help them?

The U.S. is already pretentious, so the U.S. will not help the people in the cold wave after the war.

The flowers of Southeast Asia would not bloom on the land of cold wave countries.

What's more, what Lao Jin is most worried about now is that the cold wave country may not be able to beat Jin Pang country.

The current Jinpeng country, although their technological level is very limited.

However, the people of the Jin Pang country are more aligned, they are not afraid of death, which is unmatched by the soldiers of the cold wave country.

Moreover, the cold wave country could not use some devastating weapons, because his north was the boss of the golden fat country.

"Lao Jin, tell me honestly, how much can you do in the cold wave country?

Now according to your best calculation, what is the best destination for East Asia?"

"Divide and conquer."

Jiang Chen thought about it for a long time after asking Lao Jin.

There is no correct answer at all. In fact, history is the best testimony.

If peace in East Asia is necessary, sometimes maintaining the status quo of the cold wave country and the golden fat country is the best destination.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because with the progress of the times, people can only move forward, not backwards.

People can walk from primitive society to modern civilization, but if you have to return from modern civilization to primitive society, this is not an easy task.

So now the best way is to divide and conquer."

After Lao Jin finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded.

He felt that what society needs now is peace, especially now that as the earth's temperature rises faster and faster, Jiang Chen faintly feels a very bad feeling.

He felt that at this moment all people on the earth should unite. Now the times have changed, and the era of fighting alone should be over long ago.

"You said divide and conquer, can the cold wave country agree to it?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lao Jin took out the map in his arms.

He has been paying attention to the war between the golden country and the cold wave country, and he has always been holding a map.

"Look, Brother Jiang, the war has been fought for more than 5 years. The Kingdom of Pang Jin once attacked Chungnam City, and the capital of the cold wave country fell.

However, for nearly two years, the troops of the North Jinpang Kingdom have been stationed in Chungnam City.

Brother Jiang, do you know why they didn't continue to go south?"

After Lao Jin finished speaking, Jiang Chen shook his head.

He never cared about the war in the cold wave country.

"That's because years of wars have exhausted Jin Pangguo's domestic demand, and they are not wealthy.

After fighting for so many years, their people couldn't even afford to eat.

They originally had the big brother behind him gave them food to eat.

But Brother Jiang also knew that now is the age of the desert.

If his big brother wants to block the western desert, he must concentrate food on the Saha area.

So their food supply can only sustain the lives of their people, but cannot maintain their wars.

So they can't continue to fight south, and now winter is here, it will rain and snow when the cold wave country comes in winter.

This kind of rain and snow is even less suitable for war."

"When the spring begins, they will continue to go south. The demise of the cold wave country is a matter of time."

Jiang Chen immediately saw the essence of the matter.

In the past, the cold wave country was able to contend with the golden fat country, the main reason was because of the help of the United States.

Now Jiang Chen has removed the US military base in the cold wave country.

Therefore, without the help of the Mi Army, the cold wave country simply does not have enough military strength to resist the golden fat country.

"Yes, when spring begins, they will indeed go south.

But if they want to win this war, they will lose at least tens of millions of people.

At that time, even if they lay the cold wave country, the mess left to them will keep them in a state of foodlessness for many years.

And this place will continue to be poor now and in the future, which is not what we want to see."

Regarding poverty, Jiang Chen understands.

Jiang Chen lived like that when he was a child. If he could, he really didn't want to make the world so poor.

"But why should we help the cold wave country?

Lao Jin, you must know that they are my enemies!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lao Jin had no fear at all.

"There are no absolute enemies in this world, only eternal interests.

Brother Jiang, we must develop the East Asian Federation.

So my only suggestion is to take advantage of the land of the cold wave countries before the golden country goes south.

At that time, we will establish the East Asian Federation.

In the future, here will be the guarantee for us to connect to East Asia and expand our business to East Asia.

Moreover, now I think one thing that Brother Jiang promised is that the East Asian Federation is not a federation of cold wave people.

The East Asian Federation is the federation of the world and the federation of all peace-loving people."

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