I have a city in the desert

The ninth and forty-ninth chapter star and moon night

After Jiang Chen simply bandaged Fatty Wang, he dragged his dislocated leg and crawled out of the window.

Climbing to the damaged car door, Jiang Chen directly punched the car door.

"Yes, how come the more I get into the desert, the stronger I am?"

Open the door, the wind and sand in front of me is gone.

The silver moonlight hung in the vast desert, and the stars filled the starry sky.

"it's beautiful!"

When there is a moon on weekdays, there are very few stars.

When there are many stars, there is basically no moon.

But the world in front of you is different, and there is a wonder of the coexistence of stars and moon!

It's just that Jiang Chen wasn't in the mood to appreciate it at this moment, because it was as cold as an ice cellar outside, and he felt his clothes were frozen.

"Hurry up and find the carriage!"

Jiang Chen must find the carriage, because all his food and medicine are in the carriage, and there is blood.

Fatty Wang bleeds so much that he must be transfused.

Stepping on the sand, the surrounding area is cold into an ice cellar, but the sand is steaming hot.

"So warm!"

Jiang Chen reached out and touched the sand. After the daytime exposure, the sand was like an oven.

"Get Fatty Wang out first!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen returned to the front of the car.

He pulled Fatty Wang, who had fallen into a coma, from the front of the car and put him on the sand dune.

The sand dunes were very warm, and Fatty Wang, who quickly shrank into a prawn, stretched out.

Put Fatty Wang away, Jiang Chen went to look for the carriage again.

Looking up, there are sand hills everywhere, and the carriage has long been wondering where it is.

Jiang Chen climbed to the stone mountain where half of his head was exposed, and looked up, under the silver moonlight, Jiang Chen quickly found the carriage lying on the top of the two mountains.

Jiang Chen ran over quickly, and the closer he got to Shuangfeng Mountain, the more he felt uneasy.

The carriage in front made a humming sound, and the sound came from the gap in the middle of the mountain, as if the middle of the mountain was hollow.

"No matter what, let's go now!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen hurriedly climbed towards the mountain.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Chen came to the middle of the two mountains.

These two mountains are not so much two as a big mountain that was split in half by a sharp sword.

Because of the movement of the earth's crust, the two-half mountain opened a hole close to ten meters.

At night, Jiang Chen climbed into the carriage. After taking the food flashlight and medicine from the carriage, he climbed out again.

I took a flashlight from the carriage and took a photo of the mountain pass. The mountain pass was too deep to detect low.

"Forget it, hurry up and save Fat Wang!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, carrying the medicine box, he ran towards the hill where Fatty Wang was.

As soon as he got to the back of the small hill, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a slight change.

This change does not come from nature, but from a certain animal.

Jiang Chen increased his vigilance and drew the pistol from his waist.

This is a specially made pistol. The gun's power is 10 points strong. Don't look at it as a small pistol. His bullet can penetrate steel plates.


The voices in the distance were getting closer and closer, and suddenly Jiang Chen discovered that a meat flag had been drilled in the big desert by the top of the mountain.

The behemoth was swimming in the desert, which made Jiang Chen suddenly think of the sharks in the sea.

It's just that this thing is swimming in the sand.

"Fuck, what is this?"

That thing was so big that it moved and stirred up a sea of ​​sand half the size of a basketball court.

And this thing seemed to be particularly sensitive to the smell of blood. It smelled the blood of Fat Wang on the sand sea, and it began to swim slowly towards Fat Wang.

Seeing how high the flesh flags of the two men were swimming in the desert, Jiang Chenxin raised her throat.

"Fatty Wang, get up quickly, Fatty Wang!"

With a shout, Jiang Chen ran towards Fatty Wang.

The behemoth hit the hard rock before it even reached the shark.

According to Jiang Chen's inference, their current location should be on an endless mountain peak.

The strong wind blows violent sand and submerged this mountain area, so the tops of the high and low mountains appeared abruptly in the sea of ​​sand.

The top of the mountain on which Fatty Wang lay was a small mountain, the tip of the mountain was very steep, so if the thing wanted to eat Fatty Wang, it would have to hit the mountainside.


When the thing hit the hard rock, it seemed very angry, and the monster, a dragon with its tail, jumped out of the sand directly.

Seeing the monster as big as a house in front of him leaped out of the sand like a carp, Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Fuck. Isn't this the fucking shark?"

The thing in front of him was exactly the same as a shark, his mouth was huge and his sharp teeth were sticking out.

He has no legs, but he can swim faster in the sand than with legs.

Jiang Chen didn't understand why sharks can exist out of the ocean, and why sharks can live in the sand?

There is only one explanation now, that is, the shark has mutated, and it has moved from the ocean to the mainland like other creatures.

But this kind of mutation is certainly not possible in hundreds of years. It is possible that everything, as his grandfather said, there is an unknown species evolution process in the desert.

There is no time to think about why sharks live in the desert.

Seeing that giant shark, he was about to treat Fatty Wang as a supper, Jiang Chen quickly pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang.

There were several huge gunshots in the desert, and soon a few bullets hit the shark's body.

After the hard steel bullet hit the shark, there were a few fires, and it flashed that the bullet was actually bounced off by the shark's hard skin.

Seeing that the bullet was useless, Jiang Chen helped pull out the flares.


The flares exploded in the yellow sand, and soon the foot of the mountain was bright as day.

Seeing the bright light came, the shark seemed terrified. It struck a carp and got into the yellow sand.

Taking advantage of the time when the shark was escaping, Jiang Chen hurriedly ran to the hill, picked up Fatty Wang, and ran towards the top of the mountain.

Running to the top of the mountain, Jiang Chen hurriedly got into the carriage.

Although the front of the super train is damaged, it is fortunate that the carriage is relatively strong.

So now Jiang Chen and Fatty Wang are still barely able to hide from disasters inside.

"Brother Chen, it's cold, so cold!"

Jiang Chen had raised the temperature in the car to 32 degrees, but Fatty Wang was still cold.

"It's okay, Fatty, you have lost too much blood, I will give you a blood transfusion right away!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he quickly opened the blood bag and gave Fatty Wang a blood transfusion.

When he was able to come, Jiang Chen thought about the need for blood for injuries, so he had arranged a hospital long ago and put a lot of hard work in the car based on the blood types of him and Fatty Wang.

After the blood transfusion, Fatty Wang's complexion improved a lot.

After Jiang Chen took medical scissors and needles and thread to seal the scars on Fatty Wang's face, she used alcohol to sterilize Fatty Wang in the end.

After everything was done, Wang Fatty had fallen asleep deeply.

At night, Jiang Chen didn't feel sleepy at all.

He was worried that sharks would come again, and they were sharks, as long as they smelled blood, he would never let them go.

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