I have a city in the desert

Chapter 958: Kingdom of Akkad

"Fatty Wang, you can be sure, this should be an ancient tomb.

This should be a place to worship the heavens, so they opened up the top of the mountain.

Also, the totem of this country should be a falcon."

Jiang Chen raised his head on the other side of the wall, and the closest to the sky was a dozen eagles flying on display.

And the falcon is always above the golden carriage, which is obvious.

Speaking of ancient tribes or kingdoms in the depths of the desert that advocated falcons, Jiang Chen really remembered one.

He once saw in Sun Mi's book that Jiang Chen was by her side almost every day when Sun Mi was about to give birth.

At that time, Sun Mi always had a book in her hand to read. This book was called the Study of Desert Origin Dynasty.

The book records that there was once such an Akkadian kingdom established by the Sur people. When the kingdom was its strongest, it once spread throughout West Asia.

The sixth king of the Akkad Kingdom was a tyrant. He liked the falcon in the sky, and he felt that it was the will of the sky.

So he raised a group of the most precious falcons. These falcons feed on the meat of children all day long. A falcon will eat the meat of hundreds of children in its lifetime.

And this king is also a madman who likes war very much. When he was reigning, the kingdom fought on all sides, which was also the main reason for the rapid decline of the Akkadian dynasty.

Of course, there is another reason that he likes luxury, which is not only in life, but also after death.

In order to let him still enjoy a luxurious life after his death, according to legend, he expropriated millions of people and worked for decades to create the most luxurious cemetery for him.

After his death, he got his wish and was buried in this cemetery. According to legend, he buried nearly half of the kingdom's wealth.

However, many countries and regions later sent archaeological teams and expeditions to search for his cemetery. They traveled to countless deserts and were not found.

According to legend, millions of people who built his tomb were buried alive in the cemetery.

"Brother Chen, you said this is a cemetery, whose cemetery is this?"

Fatty Wang remembered the excavation of the ancient city of Salman with Jiang Chen.

In the process of excavating the ancient city, they really found countless rare treasures.

Even now, Fatty Wang's villa still contains many treasures collected from the ancient city.

"It may be from a king, if I guess right, he may be Sargon VI!"

Speaking of King Sargon VI, Fatty Wang became excited, but for a moment he became quiet again.

"Who is Sargon VI? Why haven't you heard of it at all?"

Fatty Wang didn't know much about the culture of the Western Regions. The only thing he knew was the Salman dynasty, oh, there are several Akhanate dynasties.

After all, I have heard more or less from the local people.

"Let's tell you this, you know King Salman!

When the Salman Dynasty was at its strongest, it was not as rich as half of the Akkad Kingdom.

So now you should be excited!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, when he said that the Akkad Kingdom had more money than the Saman Dynasty, Wang Fatty instantly became excited again.

But after a while he calmed down again.

"What does the wealth of the Akkad Kingdom have to do with Sargon?"

The names of these people from the Western Regions are very long, and they all stunned Fatty Wang.

"I'm rubbing, how does this explain to you?

Sargon VI is the most prodigal king of the Akkad Kingdom, forget it, let me tell you this.

If it is determined that this tomb is Sargon’s tomb, then this stone lion will start at least 5 million!

The copper tripod here is at least 100 million!"

A copper tripod is worth 100 million, and there are at least 6 copper tripods here, but they have not been cleaned out yet.

Just a burial chamber alone, that is close to 1 billion income!

"This Wang Ba Lao is really valuable, Brother Chen, these must be ill-gotten wealth, I can't wait to open his coffin!"

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded.

That's right, since he is a tyrant, he must be anointed by the people, so let's let him use his remaining heat.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen pointed to the remaining material pile and shouted, "Fatty Wang, get them done in two days!"

"It must be done, my Fatty King is full of power again! It's time to let the evil see the light again!"


For the next two days, Jiang Chen and Fatty Wang kept packing up their supplies.

The stone chambers are full of neatly arranged wooden boxes, and each warehouse is as high as two people.

Two days later, the two of them slumped on a pile of archaeological N suits, really tired!

Jiang Chen didn't know why he had an archeological suit here, the only thing that could explain it was Sun Mi.

She is the only one in the family who likes archeology, and she alone has this equipment!

In the middle of the night, only the central cauldron in the stone chamber was left uncleaned, and the cauldron was too big to be surrounded by at least six adults.

Fatty Wang really didn't have any strength, so he poured a bottle of water all over me. In fact, at night, the cave was extremely hot.

Water is the most precious thing in the desert, especially in such a desperate situation, water is the guarantee of their lives.

So Jiang Chen pointed at Fatty Wang and screamed, "Fatty is not in the Saha area. You can't waste water like this.

Otherwise, if there is no water later, we will die of thirst!"

Although the train derailed, but fortunately, the water from the train was preserved.

Jiang Chen piled up all the bottles of mineral water in the southeast corner of the stone room. At this moment, the water also piled up into a small mountain.

"All right, Brother Chen, let's continue tomorrow!"

Fatty Wang deliberately placed an inflatable bed in the northeast corner of the stone room. The bed was covered with a soft silk quilt. Now he can't enjoy it.

Fatty Wang had already guessed that he might have to live such a lonely and quiet life.

So he copied nearly 1,000 films from the film group early, and there are many films that have not been released at all.

At this moment, Fatty Wang lay on the bed and picked up the computer produced by Nisso and projected the movie.

The movie shows the Battle of Karse, which is one of the patriotic films launched in the Saha region. It was shot by the famous director Fang Rui.

The movie reflects the story of the U.S. Allied Forces then pro-Kase Town and the people in the Blue Town fought the war.

Looking at Fang Rui's movie, he suddenly remembered the scene when he fought against the United States.

At that time, Mi Bo was so powerful, he was like a child who was at a loss. If it weren't for the natural barrier to resist, the entire Saha area would have long ceased to exist.

Thinking of the U.S., for some reason, Jiang Chen quickly remembered his worries before leaving.

Guan Zuo said that although the United States was defeated and surrendered, his true strength did not decrease too much.

The newly established U.S. government is taking all the time to restore basic equipment such as scientific research, and Europa has also done all they can to help the United States.

Even though he is afraid that the United States will become stronger again with the help of these countries, the Saha area will definitely suffer with his hostile attitude towards him.

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