Chapter 19: Barbarian Chase

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Ignoring the battle between King Locke and the others behind him, Lin Yun carried the baby and ran into the desert as fast as he could.

After a long time, seeing that the Barbarians had not caught up, Lin Yun looked at the baby in his arms.

It was a cute baby, with pale milky skin and a pink face, destined to be beautiful. Lin Yun speculated that she would grow up to be a devastatingly beautiful woman. A blue gem on the baby’s neck emanated coolness. She seemed to be asleep in Lin Yun’s arms, her long eyelashes motionless.

Looking at the baby in his arms, Lin Yun suddenly had a thought. “If I complete this task, I wonder if it will count as me passing my Skynet Three-Star Qualification Assessment.”

Hence, Lin Yun held on tight to the baby and continued running through the desert. If he looked up, he could see the three suns in the sky.

After running for an unknown length of time, Lin Yun found himself lost. He couldn’t find anything at all to use as a reference. The surrounding scenery was the same yellow sand and the wind blew from all directions. The suns in the sky formed an equilateral triangle, casting no shadow on the ground.


A small cry came from his arms. Lin Yun looked down and saw that the baby girl had woken up. The baby girl stared at Lin Yun with big gem-like eyes, unmoving. Lin Yun realized that the baby girl’s eyes were a strange red color.

“Red eyes? I haven’t heard of any humans who have red eyes. However, it’s said that there are many tribes in the Demon Race who have red eyes. Could it be that this baby girl is from the Demon Race?”

However, Lin Yun shook his head. “Who cares. This baby girl is a virtual NPC in the Skynet System. After the completion of the task, she will probably disappear. Whether she’s human or demon is none of my concern.”

Suddenly, a strange cry rang from his side. Lin Yun turned his head and saw that the centipede-riding Barbarians had caught up with him.


A black ray of light hit the sand in front of Lin Yun, causing the sand to fly out everywhere.

Without hesitation, Lin Yun ran. At the same time, he changed his perspective and kept avoiding the dark rays behind him.


Unable to dodge, a black ray hit his back.

“You were attacked. HP -25. Current HP: 190. If your HP falls to 0, your character will die, and you will fail the mission.”

Lin Yun was terrified. That meant if he got hit by another volley, he would fail his mission. He ran with all his might, desperately trying to evade further attacks.

However, the centipedes the Barbarians rode were almost the same speed as Lin Yun. They shouted loudly and the bone staffs in their hands kept emitting black rays. Lin Yun would get hit if he were not careful.

After taking many other attacks, Lin Yun’s HP had dropped to below 50. He couldn’t help but shout, “Hint, is there any hint?”

As if hearing Lin Yun’s cry, the female prompt spoke up suddenly:

“Tip: Look for water sources. It can restore life.”

“Sister, you’ve already made that suggestion.” After taking another hit, Lin Yun was very depressed. Seeing that he was only left with 15 HP, he suddenly had the urge to throw the baby girl in his arms to his back.

“Wait!” Lin Yun had a sudden flash of inspiration. He took out King Locke’s bottle and took a sip of water.

“Consumed water. HP restored.”

Looking at his HP, which had become 215 again, Lin Yun was overjoyed. With renewed vigor, he continued to run forward.

Just like this, Lin Yun kept running and the Barbarians riding the centipedes kept chasing. When his HP dropped, Lin Yun took a sip of water to restore it. It seemed that the water bottle was bottomless. He had never drunk so much water in a day in his entire life.

An unknown period of time had passed. To Lin Yun, it felt like months. He looked up and suddenly saw the body of the yellow poisonous scorpion that he had stepped on.

“Good, I will lead them to the poisonous scorpions and poison them to death.”

With that thought, Lin Yun strode fearlessly towards the dead scorpion. At the same time, his feet stomped hard, trying to wake the scorpions under the sand.

Lin Yun’s plan was quickly realized. Countless yellow poisonous scorpions soon burrowed out of the sand and rushed towards the Barbarians.

“I finally got the savages off my back.” Lin Yun continued to run, heaving a breath of relief.

“Eh, that’s bad!” In midair, Lin Yun saw the Barbarians’ centipedes eating up the poisonous scorpions. The centipedes were making “gobble, gobble” sounds. After eating the scorpions, the centipedes’ speed had obviously increased.

Lin Yun finally felt acutely the meaning of “going for wool and coming home shorn”. He could only continue to run, but he felt the Barbarians behind him getting closer. It seemed that they would be next to him in the next second.


Seeing that he was about to get caught, Lin Yun sweated anxiously. However, the baby girl in his arms burst out in a peal of laughter.

A Barbarian with a skull necklace on his neck was already less than 20 meters behind Lin Yun. He straightened up, jumped from the centipede’s back, and smashed his bone staff towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun did not want to try the power of this bone staff. He rolled forward and escaped it.

However, more and more the Barbarians jumped at Lin Yun. Before long, he would be surrounded by the savages.

“Boom, boom!”

Suddenly, a strange sand vortex appeared in the calm sand beside Lin Yun. Then, a yellow-white figure appeared from it.

It was the incomparably ugly sandworm!

The sandworm opened its mouth wide, revealing dense black fine teeth, and instantly swallowed a few centipedes. As soon as the remaining centipedes saw the sandworm, they fled, not even listening to the command of their Barbarian masters.

Lin Yun was overjoyed and quickly ran into the distance. The Barbarians abandoned the centipedes and chased on foot.

However, Lin Yun’s Physical Strength and Speed were on par with that of the centipedes. How could the Barbarians catch up with him? After a while, he shook off the Barbarians again.

“Finally safe.”

Lin Yun heaved a sigh of relief. He looked down at the baby in his arms and realized it had fallen soundly asleep again. Listening to the baby’s gentle breathing, he couldn’t help but smile. “You’re enjoying yourself. Luckily, you don’t need food and don’t have bodily functions. Otherwise, I will become a babysitter.”

The baby girl’s little eyebrows twitched as if she were having a troubling dream.


A huge force suddenly came from behind Lin Yun, knocking him off his feet.

“You have been attacked. HP -100.”

Lin Yun quickly got up and looked around. However, no matter which perspective he used, even using supervision, he found no trace of the enemy. He was surprised. Where was the enemy?

Suddenly, a red ray appeared from the air nearby and shot towards Lin Yun’s head.

Lin Yun hurriedly jumped to the right and escaped the red ray. In the direction where the red ray came from, he noticed that huge centipede footprints were appearing on the sand seemingly out of nowhere.

“Could it be the Barbarian Leader who rides the red centipede? I didn’t expect that he would be able to become invisible.”

With this thought, Lin Yun started running again without hesitation. So, the chase started again. The Barbarian Leader was very fast and his attack was even more unpredictable.

A red ray reduced 100 points of HP. A black ray caused 5 minutes of visual loss. Occasionally, the Barbarian Leader’s bone staff would fly through the air from what appeared to be nothing, and if it hit him, it would cause him to be stunned for 3 seconds.

However, the water in the bottle could restore life, and visual loss did not affect other perspectives. As for the 3-second stun, the bone staff was out of the Barbarian Leader’s hand, what would he use to attack? By the time the bone staff flew back to the Barbarian Leader, Lin Yun had already regained mobility.

As Lin Yun ran, he realized that he was getting anxious for nothing. The Barbarian Leader was indeed very powerful, but he was not a big threat to himself. He wondered if the difficulty might have been lowered due to the mission prologue?

Immediately, he realized he was wrong.

The Barbarian Leader seemed to realize that he could do nothing to Lin Yun and suddenly became visible again. On his huge red centipede, he chanted loudly while holding a bone staff in his left hand. As he chanted, he danced. After a while, he put his right hand in front of the skull on the bone staff. The skull’s eyes gleamed with a strange light. It opened its mouth wide and bit the right hand of the Barbarian Leader. Then, copious amounts of black blood flowed from the right hand of the Barbarian Leader and disappeared into the mouth of the skull.

Seeing this weird scene, Lin Yun suddenly felt ominous. He put up his guard and prepared to dodge the Barbarian Leader’s attack.

Suddenly, the ground under Lin Yun’s feet gave way, and the hard sand that he was originally standing on turned into a huge sand vortex.

Lin Yun quickly channeled strength to his legs and tried to jump out. However, innumerable hands made of sand appeared in the sand vortex and held on tight to him. The sand hands pulled Lin Yun into the vortex, seemingly intent on burying him alive in the desert.

Lin Yun struggled desperately. The usually loose grains of sand were now extremely solid sand hands. He tried his best but could not break even one. Gradually, he had sunk up to his waist into the strange vortex. He could only hold the baby girl tightly in his arms and try to think of a solution.

However, he couldn’t think of anything!

The Barbarian Leader’s voice suddenly increased in volume, and the number and strength of the sand hands increased rapidly. After a while, Lin Yun’s body and the baby girl he was carrying were completely submerged, leaving only his head visible. If nothing changed, Lin Yun was going to be buried alive in the desert. When that happened, all he could do was suffocate and fail his mission!

Suddenly, the Barbarian Leader shouted!

In the next instant, Lin Yun’s vision went black as he was sucked into the vortex of sand. The rapidly swirling sand vortex, as well as the weird hands of sand, disappeared quickly. They were instead replaced by the originally hard and hot desert as if nothing had happened.

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