Chapter 26: Shootout

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Three police cars stopped at the door of the hospital. Seven or eight people wearing police uniforms stepped out of the car.

“Hello, Mr. Lin. This is Jiang Yuqing from the Clearwater Police Department. Please understand the inconvenience caused by special circumstances.”

A middle-aged man saluted Lin Yun and showed his police certificate.

Lin Yun gave him the gun in his hand and turned around, wanting to leave.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Lin. Due to the seriousness of this, we need your help to make a statement.”

Jiang Yuqing stretched out his arm, stopped Lin Yun, and said with a smile, “I hope you can return to the police station with us. It won’t take too long. After all, this is too strange. Too many people died. We hope to understand this matter in detail.”

Lin Yun thought for a while, then nodded.

Under the guidance of Jiang Yuqing, Lin Yun got on one of the police cars. Jiang Yuqing sat next to him precariously. Lin Yun had a feeling that Jiang Yuqing seemed a little nervous. His eyes seemed to be evasive and anxious.

“Don’t worry, I won’t lodge a complaint regarding this matter.” Lin Yun comforted with a smile.

“Eh, what?” Jiang Yuqing froze for a moment, then forced a smile on his face. “Thank you for your understanding and support.”

Under the high-intelligence automatic driving system, the police car drove fast. Soon, he arrived at the police station.

Jiang Yuqing slowly got out of the car and said politely, “It’s getting late. Please rest in the room for a while. Later, we will ask you to take your statement.”

Lin Yun nodded and followed a young man with a crew cut into the police station. The crew-cut young man led Lin Yun into a small room, then locked the door and walked away quickly.

There were no lights. Lin Yun felt that this was a simple room with only two small slate beds and a toilet. Someone laid on one of the small beds. It was a burly man with bulging muscles.

“Kid, why are you locked up?” The burly man was not asleep. A deep voice sounded in the dark.

Lin Yun went to another bed and sat down gently. He just realized there was no pillow or mattress on it.

“I’m here to give my statement.”

The burly man laughed. “Give your statement, who are you bluffing? Kid, how many people did you kill?

“How do you know I killed someone?” Lin Yun frowned. He was surprised.

“This cell is for murderers. If you didn’t kill anyone, how can you get in?”

What? Lin Yun was shocked. This was a cell for murderers!?

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

He called the police twice. Twice the police said they were stuck in traffic due to an accident. However, on the way to the police station, he did not see any other vehicles and found no signs of traffic jams.

Every time he called the police, the police always ordered him to stay in the ward. At that time, the young man in the monitoring room always knew his position. It was as if the police were tipping him off.

Thinking up to this point, Lin Yun had a chilling thought.

“Could it be, the person who wanted to kill me has bribed the entire police station to kill me secretly?”

He didn’t want to believe it, but these doubts forced him to believe it. Bearing the thought of clarifying matters, he pounded on the door.

“Let me out!”

After a long time, a lazy voice came from outside.

“Do you know where this is? This is the cell for murderers on a death row. There are only two ways to go out. Either you’re dead, or you’re on your way to die.”

Sure enough, this group of policemen treated lives so lightly! Lin Yun only felt the anger from his heart. He punched the metal door with his fist and the door vibrated with a “Kuang” sound.

“Your Physical Strength is higher than I expected. You’re at least Level 4, right? However, this door is made of titanium alloy. Even Level 6 Physical Strength won’t open it. Save your strength.” The voice came with a trace of ridicule and helplessness.

“How can this titanium alloy door trap me?” Lin Yun snorted and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

“Save your effort, there’s no signal here. Even an anti-shielded mobile phone can’t get through.”

The burly man’s voice sounded again. Lin Yun saw that the word “no signal” displayed on the phone.

Masked signal, Skynet couldn’t possibly be masked, right? Hence, Lin Yun laid on the bed and connected to Skynet.

“You have a message from Dongfang Ruoxue, read now?”

Once Lin Yun connected to Skynet, he received a system prompt. He looked at the time of the message. It was when he fought those villains tonight.

Lin Yun muttered “view” in his mind. Dongfang Ruoxue’s beautiful face appeared in front of him. Her eyes were red and swollen, her expression was languishing, and she seemed to be in low spirits.

“Lin Yun, after struggling, I still decided to tell you. Although I always hated you, I still want to remind you. Run, leave Clearwater City. The farther the better, don’t come back.”

Hearing that, Lin Yun thought, “Dongfang Ruoxue obviously knows this person who wants to kill me. However, she doesn’t want to reveal who it is. From her expression, it seems she feels bad. This shows that her relationship with this person is relatively intimate. Could Guo Yun be the mastermind behind this?”

However, his top priority was to quickly leave this place. So, in Skynet, he looked for people who might be online.

“Eh, Song Junming is actually online?”

Lin Yun was overjoyed and sent a chat invitation to him.

Suddenly, Skynet’s system prompt appeared. “Lin Yun, Clearwater City’s felon, has been blocked. You cannot communicate with the outside world until the block is lifted.”

“What? I have been blocked?!”

Lin Yun was taken aback. He had long heard that the police could apply to superiors to block the felons’ Skynet permissions, but he did not expect that the Clearwater City would take action so quickly.

“I can’t communicate with the outside world, and I can’t use my mobile phone. Am I cut off from the world? No one knows that I’m here.”

Lin Yun’s brow furrowed. His clenched fist trembled slightly, agitated.

“If my father can’t find me tomorrow, he will be very anxious. If I’m slandered as a murderer and executed, my father will become the father of a murderer. I won’t be able to clear my name for life. No, I must escape.”

At this point, Lin Yun suddenly sat up from the bed and observed the cell. With Level 3 Spiritual Strength, he carefully explored every corner of the cell.

“Don’t waste your energy, there’s no way you can get out. This is the most secure area of the whole police station. Even explosive bombs cannot cause any cracks.” The burly man’s lazy voice sounded as if he was mocking Lin Yun’s ignorance.

Lin Yun surveyed the entire cell without any luck. This cell was like a sturdy, thick iron box with no gaps.

“They can’t lock me here for a lifetime. Once they lead me out, I will find a chance and escape.”

Thinking up to this point, Lin Yun laid down on the cold and hard slate bed once again, conserving his energy.

“Hey, kid. Fate brought us together. Want to listen to my wonderful experience? It’s so boring here I’m almost suffocating.”

The big man seemed to be in high spirits and initiated a conversation. “Or you can tell me about your experience. How many people did you kill? How did you kill them? How did the police catch you? Or you can talk about your girlfriend, your pet dog, anything.”

Lin Yun closed his eyes and ignored the chattering man. The man was still unsatisfied and kept talking.

After an unknown period of time, a small bag was stuffed through the small window of the prison door. The bag dropped onto the ground and an impatient voice came from the door. “Eat!”

Like a cat who saw a mouse, the burly man jumped off the bed quickly, rushed forward, and caught the bag in his arms.

Lin Yun opened his eyes and saw the man sitting there. His expression was awkward. Lin Yun was not sure if he was crying or laughing.

“What’s wrong with you?” Lin Yun glanced at the contents of the bag and asked, “It’s just a few bags of tasteless nutrient solution. Is there a need to be so excited?”

The big man squeezed a bag of nutrient solution into his mouth and shouted excitedly, “In order to prevent us from running away, the daily nutrient solution can only barely maintain our calorie consumption. After a little activity, you will be hungry. My daily intake is only three bags of nutrient solution! And he actually threw in four bags this morning.”

Lin Yun suddenly felt a little sympathy for the big man. He said slowly, “You can have all these nutrients. I’m not hungry yet.”

The man drank two more bags of nutrient solution, threw the last bag of nutrient solution to Lin Yun, and whispered, “I advise you to drink this bag of nutrient solution.”

Lin Yun took the bag of nutrient solution and asked the big man, “Why?”

The big man’s mouth twitched as if to recollect the pleasant aftertaste of the nutrient solution. Then, he calmly said, “There’s an old saying, ‘the king of hell doesn’t take in hungry ghosts’. Out of these 4 bags of nutrient solution, 3 were prepared for you. This is for you to fill your stomach so you don’t die hungry. The last time this happened, the other man in the same cell was executed on the same day.”


Today, Lin Yun would be executed!

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