Chapter 44: Lizardman King

As soon Lin Yun heard the voice, the huge Lizardman swooped up and flew forward at lightning speed. His hard claw made a cut in the air, creating a dark light, and grabbed Lin Yun.

Lin Yun was already on his guard. He twisted his body and avoided the claw sideways.

But the Lizardman swept his tail violently as it swung his claw. The giant tail, which was more than three meters long, was in front of Lin Yun in an instant.

Lin Yun didn’t manage to dodge in time and could only cross his arms in front of his chest.


A huge force came from Lin Yun’s arms. He was like a small boat in the sea swept out by the huge waves.

Lin Yun made a few turns mid-air and tried to maintain his balance. As he landed on the ground, the Lizardman appeared in front of him again. His big mouth cracked 180 degrees open, revealing neat and sharp fangs as he bit toward Lin Yun’s head.

Lin Yun was not afraid of this strange attack. He snorted coldly and used his Stacking Skill. Crackling sounds emitted from his body continuously. He aimed at the Lizardman’s chest and punched him.

Stacking Skill, Double Attack!

The Lizardman’s body was like a huge sandbag. His body flew from the impact and rolled back countless times. However, the moment the Lizardman flew back, his claws scratched Lin Yun’s right arm, leaving three deep claw marks.

“Hiss hiss!”

Seeing that their king was repulsed by Lin Yun, the group of lizards roared loudly, making a deafening noise, as if cheering their king.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed as he looked at his bloodied right arm. Yellow fluid flowed out from the wounds on his right arm. At the same time, his right arm felt numb and was immobile.

There was poison in the Lizardman’s claw!

At this moment, the huge Lizardman seemed to have recovered from Lin Yun’s punch. He stood up tall and appeared in front of Lin Yun with a “swoosh”. His claws were like two sharp blades, scratching toward Lin Yun constantly.

If he was clawed again, he would most likely be paralyzed! Lin Yun dodged left and right, avoiding the claws of the Lizardman. Unexpectedly, he was struck by the Lizardman’s tail.

The Lizardman’s yellow eyes emitted fierce bloodthirsty light. It crawled on the ground on all fours and rushed towards Lin Yun again.


The Lizardman stretched out his right claw again and grabbed Lin Yun’s left shoulder. Lin Yun quickly rolled to the right to dodge the blow. At the same time, he went behind the Lizardman and punched his back with his left fist.

Stacking Skill!

It was a pity. The Stacking Skill was a failure. Lin Yun didn’t manage to activate multiple attacks.

The Lizardman’s body twitched slightly. Then, his giant tail swept toward Lin Yun again.

“Hahaha, your punch has no effect on me. Stop struggling and become my prey!”

The Lizardman’s loud voice sounded as he opened his mouth wide, flicking his tongue.

“Hiss Hiss Hiss Hiss!”

The surrounding Lizardmen clamored as if celebrating the forthcoming victory of their king.

Lin Yun humphed, swiftly stood up supporting his body with palms, and looked calmly at the Lizardman.

The Lizardman charged toward Lin Yun again, but he did not counterattack. Instead, he dodged the Lizardman and was accidentally swept off his feet by his tail.

“Hahaha. My prey, have you not given up yet?”

The Lizardman’s yellow eyes narrowed as he flicked his tongue nonstop, revealing a mocking expression.

Lin Yun slowly stood up and patted the dust off his body as if nothing happened.

“Another 5 minutes passed!”

As soon as he heard that, Lin Yun stomped on the ground and charged toward the Lizardman like a flying cannonball. He clenched his right fist tightly and had a glint in his eye.

“It’s no use. Your earlier punches may have hurt me, but you were poisoned by the paralytic toxin from my claw. Your punches now can only tickle me.”

Seeing that Lin Yun was charging towards him, the Lizardman remained where he was. His eyes were full of provocation and mockery.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun looked at the Lizardman disdainfully.

Lin Yun’s dodging was just to wait for the 5 minutes Cooldown after he used his Stacking Skill. Now, the skill could be used again.

“Since you wish to die, I will grant your wish!”

Lin Yun roared and used his Stacking Skill. A slight crackling sound came from his body again as he quickly punched the Lizardman on the chest.


Lin Yun’s punch brought about rapid wind and a pressing, terrifying aura. Before his punch landed, huge wind pressure had already hit the Lizardman’s chest.

Stacking Skill, Triple Attack!

This punch triggered a triple attack directly!

The power of Lin Yun’s punch had reached an astonishing 390 KG. A triple attack was more than one ton. What was the concept of one ton? An ordinary car might not even weigh one ton. But a car moving at high-speed could smash a cow into minced meat. Now, this huge force of one ton from his punch could only have one result!

In the Lizardman’s horrified eyes, Lin Yun’s fist was like pins poking into tofu. It shattered his scale armor without difficulty and thrust into his chest, piercing his heart directly!

“How can this happen?” The Lizardman expressed his last thoughts and fell to the ground. His yellow eyes reflected horror and doubt.

Lin Yun killed the King of the Lizardmen with one punch!

Lin Yun slowly pulled his hand out of the Lizardman’s chest. His arm was covered with the Lizardman King’s green blood. With a murderous look, he looked coldly at the Lizardmen around him like a bloodthirsty hunter scorning his prey.

“Hiss Hiss…”

Lin Yun’s toughness frightened this group of underground creatures. The Lizardmen communicated with each other and slowly receded like a tide. After a few moments, no Lizardmen could be seen around Lin Yun.

He was safe now. The feeling of numbness in Lin Yun’s right arm felt stronger and stronger. He couldn’t help but sit on the ground. Fortunately, the color of his blood flowing from the right arm had returned to red. This lizard’s paralytic poison was likely not fatal.

After a short break, Lin Yun continued advancing. Along the way, he never encountered attacks from the Lizardmen again. Some Lizardmen fled when they saw him. Finally, he found a sewer outlet and climbed out.

After exiting the sewer, Lin Yun entered a remote street corner surrounded by all kinds of garbage. The air was filled with a foul smell. Lin Yun looked at the surrounding environment and slowly compared it with the map in his mind.

“According to the map, this should be a residential area in the city center. However, it’s impossible for the residential area in the city center to have garbage dumps everywhere with no garbage station to handle it. That Epic Mission seems to have happened in the past. The map given to me should be the situation of the city in the past. It seems that the former city center has been abandoned.”

Lin Yun thought as he walked out of the street corner slowly. The streets were deserted and the attached houses were dilapidated. Some light peeped out from the sporadic windows of the house, which made this dilapidated street even more lonely.

The Blue Snow Planet seemed to be in winter all year round. The thick blue snow on the street had reached Lin Yun’s knee. He walked in the snow, tired and cold.

“With my Level 4 Physical Strength, it’s already very tiring to run all the way from the Blue Snow Prison to here. The important thing now is to find a place to eat something and rest.”

Just as Lin Yun looked at those brightly lit windows and hesitated where to stay overnight, a frivolous man’s voice could be heard.

“Miss Ma Li, have you considered that matter?”

Then, a gentle female’s voice said, “I won’t agree. Help me thank your boss for his kindness.”

Lin Yun looked toward the direction of the voices. On another street corner, a woman was blocked by three men. The woman seemed to be seventeen- or eighteen-years-old. Her shabby clothes could not conceal her curvy figure, and the dust on her face could not hide her beautiful face. She carried a large bag containing a lot of garbage. It seemed she made a living by picking up garbage.

The three men looked unscrupulous at first glance. One man was skinny with a mohawk and had triangular eyes. The other two men were big and dressed like hooligans. They had tattoos on their bodies and their hair was dyed yellow-green. The three men surrounded the woman as if they were persecuting something.

“Miss Ma Li, how much can you get from picking up garbage every day? If you follow our boss, you can live in the lap of luxury. Life will be so beautiful.”

The skinny man picked his ears and continued to shout, “Miss Ma Li, don’t forget that this street is taken care of by our Blue Dragon Gang. If you don’t agree, we won’t let you pick up garbage here. Will you be able to survive?”

The woman named Ma Li begged and said aloud, “Big brother, I beg you. Please spare me. I heard that every time your boss finds a woman to marry, the woman will die in a few days. I’m only 18-years-old, I don’t want to die yet.”

“Humph! You should count yourself lucky that our boss took a liking to you. Seems like you want to do this the hard way!” The burly man rolled up his sleeves and threatened Ma Li.

Another burly man stared with his eyes wide open and shouted at her, “Follow us obediently. We don’t want to be rough on you. Our boss actually sent us here to capture you.”

Ma Li seemed to succumb and whispered, “Alright, I’ll go with you.”

The frivolous skinny man smiled, revealing a shiny golden denture. “That’s right. When you become our boss’ wife, don’t forget to take care of us.”

Ma Li followed the three men for a while, then suddenly tossed the garbage bag and turned to run.

“Shit, she tricked us!”

“Quick, go after her. Don’t let her get away!”

When these three people reacted, Ma Li was already over ten meters away and was approaching Lin Yun.


In her rush, Ma Li accidentally slipped in the snow and fell beside Lin Yun. The three men caught up with her and saw Lin Yun.

“Kid, Blue Dragon Gang has business here. Don’t be a busy-body!”

The wretched skinny man sounded arrogant. At this moment, Ma Li looked at Lin Yun with appealing eyes pitifully, like a lost lamb.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Lin Yun hesitated. “It’s not appropriate to get myself involved. If I use my strength and Song Junming finds out, it’ll be hard for me to escape. But this person is so pitiful, how can I not help her?”

Should he help or not?

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