I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1011: Cloud City

The army of the elemental camp slowly moved towards the human camp, watching Song Jian standing on the wall of a third-level main city of humankind. Tutan pointed to him and asked, "Do any of you know this person?"

The appraisers of the Elemental Faction have used exploration skills to check Song Jian's personal attributes.

"Sir, he seems to be a god-dependent ..." an appraiser hesitated.

"God's dependents? Has the speed of the gods' dependents been so fast?" Tutan was a little surprised. The appraisers who were present did not experience hard work for more than a decade or even decades, only today. Strength, but the emergence of God's dependents, just in just over a year, has actually caught up with their hard work for more than ten years.

"It's incredible, it's really a group of people who are taken care of by the gods. It's really amazing." After a closer inspection, Tutan also confirmed the identity of Song Jian, shaking his head and admiring: "There is nothing to negotiate. Let ’s attack directly, the gods are all a group of guys who do n’t see the coffin and do n’t cry. ”

The appraisers of the element camp laughed. If it was the aborigines of the game world, they still had the intention to end the assessment through negotiations. However, if it is a god's supporter, I am afraid that this war will be inevitable. Before the last moment, God The dependents will not give up the assessment task at all.

"Let the miscellaneous soldier go up and try his fineness first," said an appraiser.

Tutan nodded. Now that the other party is ready, there must be some trump cards. Use these low-ranking units of the second and third ranks to try and see if they can reveal the opponent ’s cards earlier.

A large number of second-tier and third-tier troops rushed towards Song Jian's castle crazyly. Behind these units, rows of siege vehicles issued a rumbling sound and began to throw stones at the castle wall.

With a big wave of Song Jian, the soldiers on the city wall immediately launched a counterattack. Because of the existence of the smithy, all the gunmen and archers had changed their equipment.

The spearmen wore a scale armor, and their weapons were replaced with halberds. The archers also wore a silver armor, holding a metal bow and a triangular arrow in their hands. Both the attack and defense were improved. A lot.

Even the griffins of the third-level unit are covered with a thin layer of scale armor. Without affecting their actions, the defense has greatly increased, and through the enchantment of Gutua, the griffins can release lightning. 30% increase in skill power;

Song Jian's eyes did not fall on the lower ranks who were constantly attacking the wall. His eyes were always locked on the twelve Titan giants.

"It's a bit difficult, if only three or two are okay to say, so many, even if Wan Jianjue is used to trigger the industry fire red lotus sword array, there is no way to kill it all at once!" Song Jian secretly said.

The total damage of the karma red lotus sword formation is certain. If concentrated on one or two seventh-level units, even if they cannot be killed, they can lose their ability to continue fighting, but if it is twelve seventh-level units In the case of apportionment, I am afraid that each one will only suffer minor injuries. For these arms that use war as their survival purpose, minor injuries are nothing at all.

"If you want to kill them all, you will have to release at least five times the Wan Jianjue, and every time you must trigger the karma red lotus sword formation, it is a bit difficult!" Song Jian calculated in his mind.

It takes about one minute for five times the sword, but if the karma red lotus sword array is triggered every time, it will take a lot of time. After all, thousands of swords are consumed, and it takes at least thirty seconds to recover again. time.

"I am afraid that the walls of the third-level castle will not be able to withstand the Titan giant's attack together. By then, the city walls will be broken, allowing these seventh-level troops to swarm in. With those assessors, it will be easy to break the city's main house and destroy it. The core of the castle! "Song Jian frowned, glanced at the item in the parcel, and hesitated.

Song Jian once obtained a treasure in the city of the sky and was able to build a cloud-based city that produced angels. Because of the existence of the eighth-order fantasy angel, Song Jian feared that once he built the city in the city of hope, he would attract the hatred of fantasy angels. , A devastating blow to the city of hope.

But in this world, there is no such worry, and the Cloud City is originally a building that can be built by a fifth-class human castle. If Song Jian builds it here, there will be no future troubles.

However, nothing in this world can be taken out. Once this treasure is used, the Cloud City is built in this castle. I am afraid there is no way to get back the original game world. This is equivalent to losing one directly. Cloud City, such a loss, makes Song Jian distressed.

The war has been going on. Song Jian recruited only about two hundred soldiers. With the castle's defense facilities and tall walls, and because he has maintained a high morale, even when facing more than five hundred attackers, In the slightest tribe, more than half an hour passed, and the soldiers of the element camp still did not reach the wall.

"Sir, don't delay, let the Titan giant and Beamon go!" Said an appraiser a little impatiently.

"Yeah, the lower ranks can't test his strength at all, but his soldiers are a little strange, and they have always maintained a high morale!" Said another examiner squinting.

As the battle progresses, the morale of the soldiers in the element camp will inevitably continue to decline. It is reasonable to say that the morale on the opposite side should also decline, but until now, the soldiers on the opposite side still maintain a high morale.

"Maybe there is something to increase morale. This is not very much to us, and it is not the blade of the end!"

Zuo Lan: "..."

Tutan stared at Song Jian on the city wall and looked closely for a long time. He found that the opposite relative had no panic expression on his face. He had a well-formed chest, obviously holding a great card in his hand. .

"Ordered that all the seven ranks of troops be pressed up, break the wall as soon as possible, enter the castle, and break through the main city!" Tutan finally made a decision.

Two Beamon giants roared and rushed towards the castle wall. Twelve Titan giants clenched their scepters and ran towards the battlefield ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ adults, they coming! Gutua said nervously.

"It's okay, just follow the strategy we set out before, Gutua, when the two Bemon monsters are close, you will release the curse." Song Jian said.

Sighing, Song Jian took a golden seed from the parcel box and threw it towards the sky.

If the other one by one, let these seventh-level arms attack in batches, and destroy a few first. Song Jian still has the confidence to use Wan Jianjue to destroy them all, but now he will attack them all in one breath. Once the midtown is built, I am afraid there will be no chance to build it again.

A dazzling golden light bloomed over the castle, a rolling cloud layer appeared out of thin air, and a huge city slowly emerged from the cloud layer. The moment the hymn appeared in the city, it resounded through the whole land.

"Cloud, cloud in the city, how is this possible!" The appraisers of all the elements camp, staring at this scene, one by one, stunned, it seems that they have lost the ability to speak for a moment, all eyes widened, staring at the human castle silly The clouds above.


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