I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1037: Epic Treasure Chest

The dilapidated city wall has collapsed in many places, and the remaining still standing city wall is covered with mottled traces of years. Cracks have spread from the roots to the top of the city wall. Weathering marks can be seen everywhere. Will collapse.

This is a rectangular old city, about a quarter of the size of the city of hope. An old castle in the center of the city shows the magnificence of the past. Song Jian feels that this city, and the human castle in the world Somewhat similar.

This is the abandoned fortress in the tutor Duan Jiankou. There was once a garrison of a glorious empire. The empire no longer exists hundreds of years later. The garrison in the garrison is nowhere to be found, leaving only some similar to the magic crystal track. The remnants of the artillery tell the strength of the army before.

There are many and complex buildings in the fortress, not all of them are military buildings, and there are also many commercial buildings. Song Jian even saw a sign of an auction house hanging on the top of a six-story building. The sign was already worn out, but the auction above The three lines are clearly visible.

The road inside the fortress is very spacious and can accommodate almost a dozen people walking side by side. The road is not ordinary cement and concrete, but a piece of blue slate that is more than one meter square. Even after hundreds of years of erosion, many green The slate remains intact.

Looking at the shops on both sides of the road, Song Jian can imagine the bustling scene here, could not help but enter into several shops to explore, hoping to get some unexpected gains.

But to his disappointment, almost all shops have no valuable items. Even if there are some residual equipment items, they are worn out due to the erosion of years, and they are turned to ashes with a touch.

On the street, there are still some zombies of soldiers wearing leather armor holding rifles in their hands and carrying a sword behind them.

"Big Tiger Legionnaire (Zombie), Fifty Elite, Blood 80,000 / 8000"

In this abandoned fortress, even the lowest-level monsters are elite bosses of level 50, and there are a lot of lord ranks. Song Jianguang took a quick glance and found more than five boss-level bosses. Among these elite soldiers, Wandering.

Song Jian summoned the Heavenly Sword, locked a legionary soldier in front, and was preparing to perform the Xuanyue Streaming Sword, but he suddenly heard the sound of a "bang" in the store in front of him. Looking over, I saw that the half wall of the shop suddenly collapsed, and one foot with two adult-sized claws came out of the shop.

It was this huge claw that blasted down the wall of the shop, and nearby legionnaire soldiers, even those of the military ranks of the lord level, avoided each other, as if a fierce monster was hidden in the shop.


A huge monster completely collapsed the shop, the surrounding masonry splashed, and a huge werewolf more than five meters tall appeared in Song Jian's eyes.

"The fifty-nine dominance boss, the head of the mutant werewolf army ..." Song Jian narrowed his eyes. From this boss, he felt a threat. Song Jian felt that this dominion boss was even better than the fifth-level abyss. The final boss in the copy of the shadow is much stronger.

If there is only the boss of the werewolf legion, Song Jian is still interested in playing against each other. Maybe it can reach the fourth stage of the Red Lotus Sword Formation and improve the proficiency of Wan Jianjue.

But now in addition to the boss of the dominion-level werewolf army, there are also a large number of elite bosses and boss bosses. Once a battle occurs, I am afraid that all the monsters in the fortress will be surrounded.

Song Jian didn't come here to upgrade the monsters or bosses, but to complete the task.

Mindful of his thoughts, Song Jian displayed the stealth technique that comes with the epic necklace, entered the stealth state, and touched the fortress.

When approaching the head of the werewolf legion, Song Jian even deliberately bypassed it, but the head of the werewolf legion still sniffed vigorously, as if he smelled something, and burst out an angry roar.

"Fortunately, I didn't approach, otherwise, I'm afraid it has been found by now, and forced to enter a combat state." Song Jian glanced at the head of the werewolf legion from afar, secretly in his heart.

In the fortress, the roads are criss-crossed, dense and dense like a spider web. Occasionally, there will be one or two small squares that can accommodate five or six hundred people. There are also some dead-end-like locations. These places are all lined with one. Only the boss-level bosses at the dominion level just glanced from a distance, which caused these bosses to perceive and become restless.

"Fortunately, there has been no fighting before, otherwise, there is no second way for this environment other than to escape!" Song Jian thought with embarrassment. He did not expect that the fortress was actually a barracks. There are so many monsters.

The bronze coffin mentioned by the instructor Duan Jian did not specify the specific location ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ It just said that in this fortress, Song Jian searched street by street, and there were powerful bosses, or more special buildings, Will search carefully.

He found that in this fortress, there are only two or three master bosses who can't see the level. The remaining bosses and elite bosses are numerous. Fortunately, they have stealth, otherwise, If you want to find the bronze coffin in this fortress, you can only clear all the monsters in this fortress a little bit. In this way, I am afraid that it won't be able to complete the epic task issued by the instructor in one month.

Song Jian searched for a long time and did not find the bronze coffin. Looking at the castle in the center of the fortress, Song Jian sighed and could only touch the castle.

This castle occupies almost a fifth of the entire fortress, which is higher than the fortress's wall. There are only three **** bosses on the square in front of the castle. When entering the castle, the monster level must be higher. More quantities.

Song Jian originally held a trace of luck, but now it seems that the bronze coffin mentioned by the instructor should be in this castle.

Sneaking all the way to the castle, passing by a dark alley, Song Jian was suddenly attracted by a touch of fuchsia light. At the end of this dark alley, there was an epic treasure chest, lying quietly There, Song Jian felt a little surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Treasure chests in the game will not be refreshed repeatedly. As long as they are opened, they will never appear again. Except when Song Jian first encountered the treasure chest when he first entered the game, he never encountered the treasure chest any other time. Unexpectedly, in this place, you can still encounter treasure chests, and they are also epic treasure chests, which is almost equivalent to picking up an epic gear.


ps Thanks to "Wushen Zhao Yun" for a reward of 100 starting coins


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