I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1290: Big incident

Heilong glanced at Song Jian, dismissive of his attentive behavior, turned his head and hummed softly, and continued to walk forward.

But soon, her movements slowed down, her nose twitched continuously, and even her breathing movements accelerated.

After a while, Black Dragon Kamata's cheeks were reddish and asked in a low voice: "You, what kind of wine are you, why is it so fragrant?"

Song Jian smiled slightly, but the Jade Liquid wine was a wine that even the elders of Yujianzong could not resist. Using it to enhance the intimacy of the pets of war was really a waste.

However, Song Jian didn't care. He handed a jug containing a pound of jade liquor to Heilong Kamata and smiled: "This is jade liquor. It's not easy to drink. Do you want to try it?"

Black Dragon Kamata hesitated for a moment, then reached over and took a whisper: "Thank you". If it weren't for Song Jian's good ears, I'm afraid I couldn't hear Kamata's mosquito-like thanks.

Kamata took a small sip, and his eyes lighted up. "Gurudu" swallowed all the pound of jade liquor in one breath. After drinking, he only had cheeks reddish, and handed the empty jug Give Song Jian, and then look at Song Jian expectantly.

"It's delicious!" Kamata shouted, looking at Song Jian looking forward.

Song Jian looked at the interface of the pet of war. His favorability with the Black Dragon rose directly from forty-five points to sixty points, a full increase of fifteen points.

With a smile, he shook his head. Song Jian drew out three more jugs of jade liquor from the parcel box and handed it to Heilong Kamata. He asked again: "Drink slowly, don't get drunk."

Heilong Kamata showed a joyful expression on his face, holding all three jugs of jade liquor in his arms, and giggled.


Heilong couldn't wait to fill another pot, and said with a smile: "It's delicious!"

Song Jian shook his head and continued to walk forward. It didn't take long for Song Jian to suddenly feel the sound of a "bang" falling to the ground behind him. He turned his head to look at it, and a huge black dragon was lying on the ground. When he fell asleep, at his feet, three empty flasks rolled down.

Song Jian was stunned: "Just four pounds of jade liquor turned it over? How can this accompany me to complete the task?"

Looking at the sleeping black dragon, for a few hours, I am afraid that there is no way to wake up. Song Jian sighed and returned it to the space of war pets.

At this time, the intimacy of Black Dragon and him has reached 80 points, which is already the limit of being able to improve with foreign objects.

Song Jian thought with regret: "If you knew it, you wouldn't give it so much..."

Thinking about it, Song Jian suddenly saw a shadow in front of him, a huge skeletal monster, struggling to climb out from the hill.

This monster looks like a fossilized skeleton of a giant beast, but inside its skull, there is a green flame burning.

The body of the whole skeleton fossil monster is five or six meters high. After it climbed out of the mud, it left a big pit in the place, which exudes a faint force of death, but soon, this force of death It dissipated.

Song Jian hid behind a hill and looked at the monster that appeared suddenly.

"Eighty-nine-level undead creatures, elite-level BOSS, skeletal monsters..." Song Jian frowned slightly. You know, this is a dragon cemetery. The dragons are absolutely not allowed to become undead creatures after death. They think After death, it becomes the resurrection of undead creatures, which is a blasphemy of life, so in the dragon bone wilderness, the power of death is difficult to condense.

Of course, there are also very few dragon clan strongmen who are reluctant to accept the fate of natural death. They will use sacrifice rituals to transform themselves into dragon witches before they die. However, there are very few such existences. The dragon family hunted endlessly.

"The more powerful creatures in front of you, the more difficult it is to become undead creatures after death. If there is no accident, such a giant beast cannot be turned into undead creatures..." Song Jian secretly said in his mind, naturally in his mind The necromancer who requested to be killed in the mission content emerged, and the heart determined that the appearance of such a necromancer must be the movement of the necromancer.

Thinking of this, Song Jian quietly followed behind the skeletal beast and wanted to let it lead him to find the Necromancer.

The Black Dragon was drunk, and no one was able to take him to find the Necromancer. This was Song Jian's self-sufficiency. The skeletal beast in front of him just filled the Black Dragon's lack.

Soon, Song Jian followed this skeletal monster to a hill. In addition to this skeletal monster, Song Jian saw more and more skeletal creatures are gathering towards this side, it seems that the undead The mage seems to know that his position is exposed, and he is gathering undead creatures scattered throughout the dragon bone wilderness to form an army of undead.

Song Jian shook his head. If this necromancer was hiding in the dragon bone wilderness like this, I am afraid that the dragon family would not bother to find it trouble. At most, they sent some small characters like Song Jian to hunt it.

But now that it dares to make such a big noise, is it because the knife that guards the dragon soul guard is too blunt, can't it be cut!

Looking around, thousands of large and small undead creatures spread all over the hill. At this time, Tang Li was also trembling with excitement. He lay on the back of a hill and carefully probed half of his head.

"A big event, this must be a big event, maybe it's an epic or even a legendary story mission. If it can be triggered, it will be developed, developed, haha~" Tang Li's face was full of excited smiles.

The encounters of monsters in the game often involve plot tasks, and those tasks that can affect the direction of the game, such as the abyss invasion task, once they are involved, you will get a generous reward. If you can trigger a few A task about the plot, which is just a task reward for completing the task, can make people earn a lot of money.

It's just that such tasks are often unavailable. Once players who find signs of such tasks often try to contact them to see if they can trigger related plot tasks.

The same is true for Tang Li~www.ltnovel.com~ Undead creatures that could not be seen in the keel wilderness suddenly gathered together. Tang Li, who has a keen sense of adventure and smell, suddenly felt that things were not simple. Cannot trigger related tasks.

At this time, on the other side, Song Jian also stood at the top of a hill and looked forward. The dense undead creatures also shocked him. I did not expect that there were so many hidden in the dragon bone wilderness. Undead creatures.

"Those Dragon Soul Guards are simply dereliction of duty, and even let so many undead creatures appear in the Dragon Bone Wilderness..." Song Jian shook his head, recalling the Dragon Soul Guard who had just encountered the Dragon Valley wilderness, he could not help but sigh. .


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