I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1303: Evil Phoenix Eyes

Song Jian was a bit hesitant about the Dragon God Altar, but after passing the game system certification, Song Jian was relieved.

However, Song Jian was slightly dissatisfied with the need to dedicate items to the Dragon God Altar, but this dissatisfaction soon dissipated.

This is not part of the task reward content. In the game, you have to pay as much as you want. Even if Song Jian and the black dragon are like the pets of the dragon, you can get the Dragon God blessing without dedication, then the effect of this blessing can be imagined. I know, I'm afraid it will be tasteless.

But now, by offering high-quality items to obtain the Dragon God blessing, then the higher the grade of the sacrificed item, the stronger the Dragon God blessing effect will be. For this opportunity, Song Jian will be firmly Hold it.

I have turned the whole body up and down, the highest quality items, I am afraid that there are only the parts of the sword fairy set, the Hengyuan wings and the broken sky sword, but these equipments are all a kind of Song Jian’s strength, and it is impossible to give up sacrifices.

"Huh, the opportunity is rare, at least one piece of legendary quality equipment must be sacrificed!" Song Jian secretly said.

At this time, his eyes fell on the legendary treasure chest just obtained. This is the loot of the evil fire phoenix. Although there are external forces involved in the killing, it still fell on the legendary treasure chest.

"With the NPC involved in the killing, even if it is a legendary quality item, I am afraid it will not be a very powerful item. Maybe it is a drop of one or two legendary quality materials. If this is the case, then use it to offer Sacrifice the Dragon God Altar!" Song Jian secretly said.

Legendary quality materials and legendary quality equipment, although there are some differences, but this is for players, for the game building such as the Dragon God Altar, the difference between the two is very small.

Song Jian did not hesitate to start to open the treasure chest in the parcel box. Be aware that opening the treasure chest will emit a dazzling light. If it is seen by the dragon priests, it is always a troublesome thing to open in the parcel box. There will be such trouble.

Just open the treasure chest in the parcel bar, it should be noted that there must be enough parcel compartment space, if the parcel compartment space is not enough, the treasure chest can not be opened.

When Song Jian clicked the "Open" button of the treasure chest, the treasure chest disappeared. In Song Jian's parcel box, there were more than a dozen items.

Song Jian swept his eyes, these items were of different colors, mostly some silver or even blue-quality items, but there was one item that exuded a faint purple-gold light.

"Evil Phoenix Eyes (Legend), Special Item, Attribute: After use, you can replace one of the user's eyes with this item, and master the special pupil technique of the Phoenix family, while owning a trace of the purest Phoenix bloodline!"

Song Jian's eyes opened slightly, and his breathing became heavy. Bloodline items, this turned out to be a legendary quality bloodline item!

The Phoenix Bloodline is considered to be the top of the player's known and unknown bloodline, while the Pushu technique will only appear in the legend. The player wants to master a pupil technique, even if it is the lowest white quality Pupil surgery requires a lot of luck and opportunity, and the time and energy spent in mastering pupil surgery is definitely ten times, or even more than one hundred times, that of other skills of the same quality.

However, the power of pupil surgery is also worthy of the time and energy it consumes. The power is often great, and in addition to the few, very special kinds of pupil surgery, there will be some blood and professional requirements. Most other pupil surgery are all There is no requirement for a profession, which is equivalent to an extra skill outside the profession. Such a skill is what all players dream of and desire.

This item, even Song Jian, is also a little emotional. If he is willing to take it out for auction, I am afraid that it will shock players and NPC professionals in several big cities around him. The transaction price will definitely be an unexpectedly high price!

"Damn, what can I do? I thought that only a legendary item would be opened, but now I have created the best bloodline items, and I can still master the pupil technique..." Song Jian's face hesitated. look.

At this moment, the Dragon God Altar suddenly shuddered slightly. It was originally a Dragon God Altar built from the skeletons of countless dragons. At this time, it seemed to be a living creature. A strong breath began to spread through the altar. Here, a rumbling dragon chant sounded, and several giant dragon sacrifices standing under the dragon **** altar suddenly became excited.

"Dragon, Dragon God even responded to the sacrifice. Dragon God's eyes began to stare here. This, how could this be possible..." The dragon dragon sacrificed Geer's excited body trembling, his eyes were full of incredible looks, and his white hair was also Starting from the windless automatic, the original Geer has always been very old and weak, but now, a surging breath emanated from him, and could not help the other dragons beside him to sacrifice his eyes.

This was because Geer was so excited that he didn't cover his breath for a while, and this was revealed.

Gore's age is almost approaching ten thousand years. During these ten thousand years, there are only a few sacrifices responded by the Dragon God. Every time the sacrifices received by the Dragon God respond, they will give extremely powerful blessings!

"He, no matter how he said, it's just a human being, how could the dragon god..." The flame dragon next to Yalifu also looked surprised and lowered his voice.

Although Song Jian was recognized by the dragon family, he did not have a trace of the dragon blood. The reason why he was recognized is that Song Jian has contributed to the dragon family on the one hand, and because he is Battle partner of Black Dragon Kamar.

Such a human being actually got the attention of the Dragon God, and suddenly subverted the three views of the dragon sacrifices that had been guarding the Dragon Temple and the Dragon Bone Wilderness!

At this time, Song Jian, the system prompt in his eyes, changed again.

System: An item in your parcel box caused a change in the altar of the Dragon God. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has attracted the attention of the Dragon God. I sincerely hope that you can sacrifice this item to it!

Song Jian's eyes fell on the parcel bar. At this time, all the items in the parcel bar, except the eyes of the evil phoenix, were grayed out. They were in a sealed state and could not be taken out and moved freely. Only the evil There is no change in the parcels of this item in the eyes of the eyes.

A bit of wry smile appeared on Song Jian's face. It seemed that the evil phoenix's eyes had already attracted the attention of the Dragon God. If he didn't sacrifice it, I'm afraid he couldn't walk down from the Dragon God Altar.

Thinking of this, Song Jian took out the evil phoenix eyes with purple-gold light, and gently put this slap-sized bright eyeball into the altar.

In an instant, a purple-gold light burst out of the altar, like a beam of light, rushing towards the sky and illuminating the entire cave like daylight.


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