I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1307: Shake people

The level of the Black Dragon is similar to those of these Centaurs, but the Black Dragon is the dominant boss, which is only one step away from the king level. There is no way to make up for the gap in strength.

In just a few minutes, the Black Dragon killed 70 or 80 centaurs. Every part of its powerful body can be used as a weapon. Even if they don't cast dragon magic, these centaurs are not their opponents.

Moreover, Song Jian feels that the Black Dragon Kamata seems to particularly like this **** close combat, and does not like to use dragon language magic. After the battle begins, even Dragon Flame is rarely used.

Soon, the remaining Centaurs fled, and the Black Dragon Kamata seemed to have some unsatisfactory intentions, even spreading his wings and flying in the air, trying to chase them.

After a moment, Kamata seemed to think of something, and flew back again.

"This prairie belongs to this group of centaurs. Let's leave as soon as possible, killing so many of them, I'm afraid you will be retaliated against!" Black Dragon Kamata stared at Song Jian and said with embarrassment.

The killing was too painful before, Kamata also temporarily forgot the strength of this centaur tribe, knowing that being able to control such a large grassland, this centaur tribe is very good in terms of number and number of masters. Astonishing.

Song Jian turned over and rode on the black dragon, and the black dragon turned around and flew in the direction of the city of hope.

After flying for half an hour, Song Jian suddenly noticed a strong breath and was approaching them quickly.

"An enemy is approaching..." Song Jian immediately warned, but looking at the expressionless expression of the black dragon, it seems that he already knew that a strong man was approaching.


With a sound of Long Yin, the Black Dragon turned and flew in the direction of the other party. It seemed that he wanted to play another game with the other party.

"The other party may be legendary strength..." Song Jian frowned slightly and couldn't help saying.

At this time, Song Jian only wanted to hurry back to the city of hope, and did not want to grow outside the festival. The legendary powerhouses all have their own killer skills. If they encounter restraint, Song Jian can still fight one, but encounter Song Jian, the pinnacle of the evil fire phoenix, couldn't even escape.

Black Dragon Kamata didn't seem to hear him, but he was flying a little faster.

Song Jian was a little speechless, and since the Black Dragon Kamata was promoted to the dominance level, it seems to have become a little arrogant. Even monsters that are more than one level of themselves are not in the eyes, and dare to challenge.

Soon, a centaur with golden light appeared in front of Song Jian. The burly pole of this centaur was at least one meter taller than the ordinary centaur. Maybe it was a special practice. The centaur is golden, and it looks like gold casting.

On this centaur, a warhammer with a length of two or three meters is hung on the left side, while on the right side are three war spears with a length of about two meters and arm thickness.

"Ninety-eighth level, king-level boss, is this the Centaur leader, King Saqin?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and observed carefully.

Poor God's eyes have not yet evolved completely, and Song Jian can only judge the other party's attributes with the simple identification system and experience given by the game system.

"This is King Saqin's little boy, and is the third son of King Saqin. The data records that the eight sons of King Saqin are all dominance. Unexpectedly, this guy has already been in order to King level..." Black Dragon Kamata seemed a little surprised, staring at the golden centaur in front of him.

All the inherited memories of the Black Dragon Kamata come from the bloodline. After the bloodline evolution was started and the Dragon God blessing was obtained, the information of the Black Dragon family for nearly a thousand years was opened to her. These messages are all inherited from the bloodline.

If the Black Dragon Kamata goes further and advances to the legendary level, then the information materials of the Black Dragon family for tens of thousands of years can also be opened to her for her to consult at any time.

The information materials passed down by each dragon family of the dragon family are different. Some are more focused on elemental magic, some are more time, space, and some are close combat, but like some historical data, all dragons are almost the same. ,There is no difference.

"So, is it just a guy who has just stepped into the legendary realm?" Song Jian's eyes lit up. If the other party has just stepped into the legendary realm, then it may not necessarily be a battle!

At this moment, the opposite Centaur suddenly took off a war spear and threw it fiercely towards the Black Dragon.

The sound of breaking the sky roared out, and the sharp hissing made Song Jian's eardrums feel uncomfortable. Seeing the speed of the war spear, Song Jian's face also changed.

"Quick, this has broken the speed of sound..." Song Jian was thinking, the Black Dragon Kamata suddenly turned sharply, rotating 180 degrees in the air, this war spear almost touched Kamata's belly and flew. Went out.

Song Jian's subconscious feet worked hard to make him not fall from the black dragon, but this time made the black dragon Kamata a little dissatisfied, looked back at him and shouted: "Hurry down, don't you have wings to fly, How do you fight on my back?"

Song Jian is not a dragon knight profession. He can ride on the back of a giant dragon and ride on the back of a black dragon in battle. Not only can he not exert his strength as one person and one dragon, he will become a drag.

Song Jian's legs loosened, and the figure fell off the back of the black dragon. A flying sword made an arc in the air and flew to Song Jian's feet, holding him back to the ground.

Although fighting against this centaur in the air has some advantages, Song Jian feels that he is better able to fight with the black dragon on the ground.

Not hit, the Golden Centaur was not discouraged, but took off another war spear, aimed at the black dragon, and threw it out fiercely. This time, the war spear was faster.

Song Jian saw that each of the three war spears had purple runes carved on its surface. After throwing them, these runes began to emit light, seeming to increase the speed and damage of the war spears.


The black dragon glanced over the golden centaur's head and spit a dragon's breath of flames towards it;


The golden centaur suddenly gave a roar. The war spear that had originally wiped out the long tail of the black dragon's cone, strangely made an arc in the air, and turned around and pierced the black dragon's back.


The black dragon Kamata didn't notice it for a while, didn't notice the war spear behind him, he was even stabbed into the back by the war spear. The war spear more than two meters long, penetrated the back of the foot more than two feet deep, blood Splashes, scorching blood, puffs spattered on the grassland.


The Golden Centaur lost its dodge time in the face of the Dragon's Breath because of its control of the war spears. It could only withstand the blow stiffly. It was hit by the Dragon Creek Flame and flew out seven or eight meters away. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The location of the grassland where it was located was contaminated by the flame of the dragon's breath, and it started to burn, and quickly spread over ten meters.

The Golden Centaur turned and stood up. The position of his chest could clearly see a black mark. The grassland was lit by the dragon's breath. A anger appeared in the eyes of the Golden Centaur. The last thing they want to see is the grassland fire.

The Golden Centaur looked up at the culprit Black Dragon, and immediately gave a roar, and from his waist, he reached out a horn horn and put it on his mouth, blowing it hard.

Suddenly, a low, desolate voice began to reverberate across the grassland. In Song Jian's heart, a bad feeling suddenly rose.

"This hasn't been much hit, it is about to start shaking people?" Song Jian secretly said.


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