I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1327: toxin

These abyss players are the elites of this quest, and are the best among all players who participated in the abyss invasion plot. They were not killed by other players or plot characters, but died in the abyss human beings who were also in the abyss camp. In the hands of the soldiers, it is simply a kind of irony.

Dozens of abyss warriors lined up in a dozen rows in the narrow passage, and dozens of spears were thrown. These demonized abyss players had no place to dodge, so they were all stabbed by these spears. Kill.

Several abyss warriors who were fighting with them stepped forward with expressionless faces and after confirming the deaths of several players, they began to collect the loot left over from them.

Because the player dies, most of the items in the parcel slot will disappear, but most of the equipment in their equipment slot will remain.

The equipment of these elite players is much higher than that of ordinary players, and they are deeply loved by these abyss warriors.

"Continue to search to see if there are any gopher beasts that have slipped through the net!" A leader said coldly, looking at the players who still had traces of the abyss demon.

Hundreds of abyss warriors began to walk along the mine tunnels and toward each mine. The leader looked back at the tunnels that had been dug, with a hesitant expression on his face.

He knew that if he continued to go deep along this mine tunnel, he would be able to enter the cracks in the ground, and through the cracks in the ground, he could enter the area where the abyss magic vine was located.

He was hesitating whether to block this passage, but after a moment, he shook his head and turned to leave. After this battle, he didn't believe that anyone dared to enter the depths of the mine. It was simply a dead end.

When everyone left, Song Jian walked out of the mine on the side. The concealment technique may be exposed in front of the legendary powerhouse, but in front of these abyss warriors who are lower than Song Jian, the effect is surprisingly good. Several Abyssal fighters had entered the mine where he was to check before, but nothing was found.

Song Jian looked at the bodies of several Abyss players and began to slowly decompose, feeling a little sad in his heart. If these players died in the game without special resurrection skills like "Enemy of Death", they would be quiet in the real world. The sound disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Across these corpses, Song Jian walked into the tunnel just dug with a cat waist, and continued to move toward the depths of the mine.

The deeper you go, the higher the quality of the amethyst ore in the mine. Seeing the dark purple light shining in the surrounding mines, Song Jian couldn’t help but feel excited. You know, here is worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of doomsday coins. Ore, and even with so much money, it is impossible to buy these amethysts. Amethyst is a stronger currency than Doomsday!

"It's like walking in the underground warehouse of the Central Bank..." Song Jian said to himself.

Just as Song Jianqiang resisted the greed and continued to walk toward the depths of the mine, a slight "click" suddenly came from his ear, and when he turned his head, the sound came from a mine.

Just when Song Jian was hesitant to check it out, the sound of "clicks" suddenly sounded one after another, as if the amethyst ore in the entire pit was all shattered at the same time.

Song Jian's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help running towards the nearest mine. When he reached the edge of the mine, he found that all the amethyst raw ore on the rock wall had cracks on the surface, and these cracks were still there. Continue to spread, like a spider web.

Looking in from these cracks, you can see a small section of dark purple roots, which are continuously extracting energy from the amethyst ore.

If it is said that the abyssal magic vine that Song Jian saw before extracting the energy of the amethyst raw ore is gentle, then the abyssal magic vine is now extracting all the energy from the amethyst raw ore recklessly and violence.

With this extraction, almost half of the energy in the amethyst ore will be wasted, and Song Jian can see the purple mist continuously flowing out from the cracks in the amethyst ore.

"Damn it, the Abyss Demon Vine must have suffered a very serious injury, and we are now extracting all high-quality amethyst ore to treat the injury!" Song Jian frowned, in his opinion, if he can kill the severely injured Abyss Demon Fujigo, these high-quality amethyst raw ore will eventually fall into his pocket, but now it seems that this may not be possible anymore. Seeing hundreds of billions, trillions of ores disappear in front of his eyes little by little. , Song Jian felt that his heart was severely held, painful and uncomfortable.

"My ore, **** it!" Song Jian gritted his teeth, and his forward speed suddenly accelerated, not minding whether or not he was exposed.

Just when Song Jian rushed to the crack in the ground and was about to continue drilling down, a dark purple cane with the thickness of an arm, as if it had been in ambush for a long time, suddenly emerged from a rock wall next to the crack, like a snake, towards Song Jian rushed over.

At this time, Song Jian had already focused all of his attention on exploring the road, not paying attention to the wisteria drilled out of the nearby rock wall.

When he sensed the danger, it was too late, and the purple cane rushed over quickly, and the sharp and hideous mouth bit his shoulder fiercely.

For a while, blood spattered, and Song Jian even felt that the bones on his shoulders made a "crunchy" rubbing sound.

The sky-breaking sword in his hand slashed with a backhand and cut off the popped cane. A large amount of dark purple liquid spewed from the break. The cut cane was like a snake, constantly twisting, slowly He took it back slowly, and the piece of cane on Song Jian's shoulder looked like a wolf, biting **** his shoulder without letting go.

Song Jian gritted his teeth and wielded the Heaven Breaking Sword. After cutting the cane on his shoulder into several pieces, he cut out the fangs that had penetrated into the flesh. Then he took out a bottle of advanced healing potion and poured it in. In the mouth.

The wound on the shoulder was filled with purple-black blood. The wound around it looked like a steamed bun, and it was swollen. With the wound as the center, countless dark purple lines appeared, like blood vessels, slowly spreading towards the surroundings.

Obviously, the toxin of the abyss magic vine ~www.ltnovel.com~ is much more powerful than ordinary toxins. If an ordinary player is bitten by such a bite, I am afraid that there is no antidote of epic quality or above, and there is no way to eliminate it.

The "Indestructible Body" in Song Jian's talent skills was triggered, and the skill bar was shining with purple-golden light. The originally slowly spreading lines seemed to be suppressed, and the speed became slower and slower. Finally, the lines began to retreat and shrink towards the wound. Went back.

A large amount of purple-black blood spewed out from the wound, and within a short while, the blood changed from purple-black to red, and all the toxins were excreted from the body. The hideous wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it soon became thick. A thick layer of scab.

Song Jian moved his left arm, only feeling a slight faint pain, which was no longer in the way. Looking at the dark cracks in the ground, a smile appeared at the corner of Song Jian's mouth.

"It seems that the injury of the Abyss Demon Vine is more serious than I thought..." Song Jian muttered to himself. For a time, his confidence increased and he continued to drill into the cracks deep in the ground.



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