I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1330: Binocular injuries

Song Jian stripped away the remaining vines after the death of the abyss magic vine, finally revealing the large pit that was originally filled with liquid amethyst.

This should be the accumulated savings of the Abyss Demon Vine. It occupies the entire Amethyst Mine and only accumulated such a pool.

Standing by the pool, Song Jian couldn't help but frown.

"Why is there only so little left?"

Song Jian saw a pool full of liquid amethyst before, but now, I don’t know when the liquid amethyst was actually consumed, leaving only a shallow layer at the bottom of the pit, and this shallow layer The liquid amethyst was still consumed at a slow rate, as if the bottom of the pool had leaked, it was slowly seeping down.

Song Jian quickly took out a few glass bottles and filled the liquid amethyst at the bottom of the pit. After spending some time, he finally filled up to 50 or 60 kilograms of liquid amethyst.

Although it looks like a lot, it can't be compared with the full pool before.

Song Jian sighed. Although the harvest was different from what he had imagined, this fifty or sixty kilograms of liquid amethyst was of high quality, surpassing all the raw amethyst ore that Song Jian had seen before, and the energy contained in it was even greater. Song Jian's amethyst raw ore obtained ten times or even dozens of times!

So many liquid amethysts are enough to raise Song Jian from level 100 to 110 or so, but now Song Jian has not passed the third-tier combat power assessment, and his experience value can only be increased to 99% of level 100 and cannot break through. Now using Amethyst to upgrade is a bit wasteful.

"Even if you add these liquid amethysts, you still get a little bit of loot!" Song Jian muttered to himself, you know, the Abyss Demon Vine is not weaker than the King of Fire's powerful BOSS, and they are all legendary. The existence of the pinnacle is almost a symbol of invincibility in the game world.

In the scorching gorge, no one can defeat the King of Fire in the underground lava lake. It stands to reason that no one here should be able to defeat the abyss magic vine with an entire amethyst mine.

But what is unexpected is that the Abyssal Demon Vine was defeated by three deep human powerhouses in the early days of the legendary realm, and was severely injured, which made Song Jian a little puzzled.

"Maybe because it left the amethyst mine?" Song Jian guessed in his heart: "After leaving the amethyst mine, it can't absorb the energy from the amethyst mine, and it cannot recover in time, so it will be Those three teamed up to defeat?"

Song Jian himself didn't quite believe this answer, but obviously, this was the best explanation.

After taking all the liquid amethyst away, Song Jian began to collect the remaining amethyst crystals at the bottom of the pit. The quality of these crystals was a little worse than that of the liquid amethyst, but they were also much higher than those of the amethyst ore. It is the residue of liquid amethyst, left in the cracks in the bottom of the pit.

These crystals are very small, the large ones are only half the size of a fingernail, and the small ones are even the size of sand grains, but for Song Jian, they are still rare treasures.

After collecting the amethyst crystals for a long time, Song Jian harvested another high-quality amethyst about the size of two fists, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly noticed that the bottom of the pit seemed to convey a hint of fear, as if something was hidden at the bottom of the pit, but he was full of fear for Song Jian.

Song Jian's heart moved, his eyebrows were broken, and his eyes slowly opened, a gleam of divine light emerged from the dark golden eyes, looking towards the bottom of the pit.

"There is something under the pit, but..." Song Jian's brows were slightly furrowed, and the eyes of the **** of broken delusion could not help but opened a few more points. A ray of colorful light suddenly appeared, and the area near the bottom of the pit was nearly three meters in Song Jian's eyes. Now.

"No? How could it be..." Song Jian was surprised. He could clearly perceive that there was something at the bottom of the pit, but under the gaze of the broken eyes, he saw nothing.

"Humph!" Song Jian snorted coldly, and could not help closing his eyes, focusing all his energy on the eyes of the God of Pomou. You must know that with Song Jian's current strength, he can't completely control the eyes of God's Pomou. After all, there is a trace of the charm of the Dragon God in it, which is not something that an ordinary person can bear.

Song Jian only opened a gap when he used the eyes of the God of Destruction, and didn't dare to use it with all his strength, but today, Song Jian began to work hard to control the Eye of the God of Destruction. A complete eyeball slowly emerged.

It can be seen that in this eye with colorful divine light, a small dark gold rune is slowly turning, it is this rune that exudes the charm of the dragon god!

Three meters, five meters, seven meters...

Song Jian saw that the underground area was getting wider and wider. At the same time, a trace of blood began to slowly ooze out of his closed eyes. After all, the pressure on Song Jian was also extremely high when he used his full power to use his eyes.

"I saw you..." A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Song Jian's mouth. Although he hadn't seen the specific thing clearly, Song Jian had already seen something under the ground, and he was constantly digging deeper. , At this time he had already seen the traces left by the other party in the mud.

Ten meters, eleven meters, twelve meters...

Song Jian finally saw what was under the ground. It was a creature that looked like a tadpole. It was an oval ball the size of a fist with a long slender green tail behind it. At this time it was desperately facing the ground. Drill away.

But just after the divine light of the god-broken eyes saw it, its tail suddenly trembled violently, and it stopped moving and shrank motionlessly in the mud, as if it had encountered a powerful natural enemy, and did not dare to resist. escape.

Seeing that this thing was stunned by the eyes of the gods, Song Jian did not dare to waste time, after all, controlling the eyes of the gods was very difficult.

Song Jian worked hard to dig. The distance of more than ten meters is a big project for an ordinary person. It may take a long time, but for Song Jian, it is very easy. After all, the bottom of the pit is all mud. Not a hard rock wall!

It didn't take long before Song Jian dug out the tadpole-like object from the ground. The moment he held it, Song Jian immediately closed his eyebrows.

At this time, Song Jian was already bleeding, his eyes were severely injured, and he couldn't open it temporarily. Song Jian was about to put the thing in his hand into the parcel tray, but found that it turned out to be a living thing and couldn't be put in the parcel. Bar.

In desperation, he could only throw it into the broken kingdom of God, then took out a bottle of advanced healing potion and poured it into his mouth.

After a long time, Song Jian slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he felt that his vision was a bit blurred, and his eyes still felt sore. It seemed that his eyes would need to rest for a while to fully recover.

At this time, Song Jian felt scared for a while, and it was too dangerous to completely open the eyes of the goddess. If you opened the eyes for a longer period of time, it might cause permanent blindness in both eyes, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

"If you want to be in full control, you only need to reach the legendary level, but my current strength is worth reaching the second-order peak!" Song Jian showed a wry smile: "A mortal, I really can't control it. God's item!"

Shaking his head, Song Jian focused on the item he had just excavated. At this time, his figure slowly disappeared in place and appeared above the kingdom of God.

The item had disappeared in place before, and I don't know where it fled again, but in the kingdom of God, Song Jian is the complete controller. No matter where the item is hidden, it is impossible to escape Song Jian's detection.

Soon, Song Jian's gaze fell among the dense woods in the distance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


PS: Thank you "Habeiyang" for rewarding 100 starting coins~

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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