I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1332: Retrofit

As if guessing what Song Jian was thinking, Nova showed an awkward smile on her face, coughed twice and explained: "My lord, do you want to cultivate a new tree of life with it?"

Song Jian was taken aback and asked: "Why, can't it?"

"My lord, in theory, this idea of ​​yours is not wrong!" Nova carefully organized the sentence, looking like she did not want to hit Song Jian, but wanted to explain clearly: "But in fact, this world is not at all There may be a second tree of life!"

"Although the seed of the tree of life is rare, it is not the only one, because it is too large and connects countless universes. Every year, a large number of seeds of life fall into each universe. There was a **** who collected the seeds of life. I want to cultivate a second tree of life, but after consuming a lot of precious resources, the seed of life can’t even break the shell..."

"Some people speculate that this may be due to the laws of the universe. The universe we live in bears the blessings of the tree of life, so it is impossible for a second tree of life to appear. If you want to cultivate the tree of life, you must leave the tree of life. The shroud area of ​​the tree will do!"

Nova said with a melancholy expression: "However, the universe we are in is already vast, not to mention the nearest neighboring universe is also within the envelope of the tree of life. Even the gods have no ability to leave the tree of life. Trees, find another universe, so if you want to cultivate a new tree of life, it only exists in theory..."

Nova actually thought of cultivating a tree of life of her own. This is the only shortcut to break through after the god’s strength reaches its peak. Not only Nova, but also the former gods are trying to cultivate life. The tree of life, but none of them succeeded. On the contrary, some gods spent a lot of precious resources to cultivate the tree of life, causing their strength to drop and their opponents to annihilate them.

"In other words, is this Seed of Life actually useless?" Song Jian looked at the Seed of Life with a small tail in disappointment.

If this is the case, it's better to just let the Abyssal Demon Vine plant successfully, maybe you can cultivate another creature, even if you can't conquer it, kill it to get some loot!

Song Jian now finally understands why the strength of the Abyss Demon Vine is so much worse than expected. The three deep human powers in the early Legend stage severely wounded it. It turned out that all its energy was placed on the seedling life. Because of this, the strength is greatly reduced.

You know, the natural rank of the Seed of Life is not known how many times higher than the Abyss Demon Vine. If the Abyss Demon Vine can be successfully planted, then it can be said that it has unlimited potential. Once it succeeds, it will rely on the body and the Abyss Demon Vine. An amethyst in a mine, it will definitely grow up in a very short period of time, and it may really be able to break through the pinnacle of the legendary realm and reach another realm.

Just when Song Jian hesitated, Nova suddenly said: "My lord, even if it cannot be cultivated, the Seed of Life is a very precious alchemy material and can be used to make precious potions that enhance talent..."

"Improve talent?" Song Jian was taken aback, a bright light flashed in his mind, and he immediately said with joy, "Could it be a potion to increase golden skill points?"

You know, if you want to improve your talent skills, you must use golden skill points, and obtaining golden skill points is much more difficult than a piece of legendary quality equipment.

If you can really make a bottle of potion that increases golden skill points, then this seed of life is also worth the money.

Thinking of this, Song Jian saw the little green tail behind the Seed of Life, and a trace of murder suddenly appeared in his heart.

As if feeling Song Jian's killing intent, the Abyss Demon Vine desperately drilled towards the Seed of Life, as if there was a warm haven.

Nova quickly said: "Sir, I have a way to make alchemy potions, and I also have a way to take it out of the Seed of Life without harming the Seed of Life!"

Song Jian was taken aback, glanced at Nova thoughtfully, and with a move with his right hand, he sent the Seed of Life to Nova's hands.

"Will this tree spirit become so powerful after it is advanced?" Song Jian was puzzled, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he smiled and said, "Then please, take it out first!"

Nova's heart "thumped". Song Jian's eyes made her understand that she was a little eager to behave, but revealed a flaw, but fortunately, the other party didn't understand the tree spirit, and there was no danger for the time being.

Nova smiled softly, took the Seed of Life, and gently touched the case of the Seed of Life with her left hand. She said something in her mouth. For a while, she was desperately trying to get into the abyss of the Seed of Life. After a certain kind of shock, he escaped from the Seed of Life with a "swish". Just about to escape from here, Song Jian lightly pointed to the purple-green cane that was less than a foot long. It's solidified in the air, floating motionless.

Song Jian looked at the Abyss Demon Vine at this time. At this time, the Abyss Demon Vine looked like a slender green snake, with purple lines on the surface of the body, narrow and pointed tail, and only a big, hideous mouth on the head. It splits three petals, and inside are densely packed barbs with pale white fangs, which look unusually sharp.

Seeing the deep black and red liquid dripping from the mouth of the abyss magic vine, Song Jian felt a nausea. Such a creature is neither a plant nor an animal, but a combination of the two, and only the abyss hell. Such disgusting species will appear in such places.

When Song Jian thought, a dark red flame appeared in his palm. The red lotus karma fire had the ability to purify, and it had the ability to restrain all monsters with evil attributes.

Although the Abyss Demon Vine seems to have the ability to resist this kind of flame, it is now at its weakest time, and this is Song Jian's home field. As long as it is contaminated with the red lotus karma fire, it will definitely be burned to ashes.

As if feeling the disaster of extinction, the abyss magic vine twisted frantically, and the hideous mouth kept opening and closing, as if constantly biting something.

Seeing that Song Jian wanted to kill the Abyssal Demon Vine, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Nova suddenly had a heart attack and quickly stopped and said, "My lord, this demon vine has a lot of use. Just kill it like this. Some waste?"

"Oh? What is the use of this magic vine?" Song Jian looked towards Nova.

"My lord, this kind of creature that has reached the legendary state has its own extraordinary features. The most important thing is that it is contaminated with the breath of the seed of life, its potential has been greatly improved, and the possibility of growing again is extremely high. At that time, the adults will gain a great combat power!" Nova said respectfully.

"However, its magical nature has not faded. If it grows up in the future, what can it be done?" Song Jian asked.

"The adults only need to place it in the Holy Spirit Temple to eliminate the abyssal devilish energy on it. In the future, it will be the same as those of the Holy Spirit Warriors, being loyal to adults and never betraying!" Nova laughed.


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