I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1335: Sink

Grant glanced at the opposite person, with a disdainful smile on his face, and with a wave of his right hand, on the sea, the dragon and whale beast roared like a giant ship, and rushed toward the island again.


The surrounding waves raised several meters high, almost submerging the entire surface of the island. After a while, the waves receded. You can see that the island is obviously tilted to the left.

The three players guarding the island have already begun to attack the dragon and whale beasts. Groups of head-sized fireballs fly towards the dragon and whale beasts. For the magician, fireball is only a low-level spell below the third level, but it is One of the most commonly used spells, with great power, short release time and skill cooling time, and most importantly, the consumption is the least among all Tier 3 spells.

Three fireballs slammed on the surface of the dragon whale beast's body, and its power was not weaker than that of an RPG rocket. The dragon whale beast let out a scream and spewed a large amount of seawater barrage toward the three.

A fist-sized water ball, as hard as steel, was mixed in a water curtain and flew towards the three of them.

The three quickly dodged, one of them couldn't dodge, and was hit by a water polo in the water curtain, violently spouting a mouthful of blood and falling towards the sea.

The other two hurried to rescue. The Dragon Whale Beast rushed towards the three of them madly. However, Grant just snorted, the Dragon Whale Beast trembled all over, turned around again, and moved towards the island again. Bumped into it.

"Enough, Grant, let's stop!" Borkin shouted at Grant with an angry look: "You left here on your own initiative, why are you coming back now?"

"I left because I was weak!" Grant showed a trace of humiliating anger in his eyes, and he whispered: "I come back now for destruction!"

After speaking, the black aura on his body became more and more intense, and the whole person turned into a flash of lightning, rushing towards the two of them, and a death sickle in his hand, slashing towards the headed Bojin fiercely.

Bo Jin's face changed drastically, and the weapon in Grant's hand was shining with dark golden light. This is the equipment in the game, and it has the attributes that can bring out the game. This made Bo Jin's eyes a hint of greed.


There was a metal clash, and the silent man beside Bojin waved the long knife in his hand to resist Grant's blow.

Grant was repelled, but with a scornful smile on his face, he said to the man: "Mike, how many times can your alloy long knife resist me?"

McGill's face was very ugly. He stared at the long knife in his hand, with a painful look on his face. You must know that this long knife was acquired by him in the real world at a great expense. Made of special military alloy, it is extremely hard, but after an impact, a crack the size of a soybean appeared on the blade of the long alloy knife, from which a thin invisible crack extended backwards.

"Up to three more collisions, this long knife will break!" McGill secretly said in his heart.

"Grant, you have become an abyss race, and your strength has really increased, but have you ever thought that it will attract the attention of other people?" Bojin said in a deep voice, "For example, the military?"

You know, most of the players who can appear on this island are players who are unwilling to "register", but they choose to stay here due to the pressure of the country's military.

Transforming into the abyss race in the game is not a big deal. After all, with the back of the abyss hell, no one comes to their troubles. On the contrary, everyone of other races is in danger and fears the invasion of the abyss.

But in the real world, if someone dared to expose their identity of the abyss race, they would definitely be suppressed by the national military. Perhaps other ordinary players, the military could still have a peaceful dialogue with them, but for the abyss players who have been transferred, as long as If one is found, the military will destroy one.

Non-self races must have different hearts. They have given up their human identity and become people of the opposite camp. In the real world, they are definitely the rats that everyone shouts and beats.

Grant's face changed, and he said with a cold snort, "After I kill you, I have enough time to leave here."

After speaking, Grant brandished his death sickle and continued to rush towards the two of them. Bogin and McGill also greeted him and fought him.

As the battle progressed, more and more players appeared on the sea and saw the dragon and whale beasts. Those players who had escaped from the danger actively joined in the battle against the dragon and whale beasts.

However, most players are automatically shielded from the battle between the three in the air. After all, players who can be in the real world and have the ability to fly are definitely elites. If they join their battles rashly, they will probably die. Ugly.

The dragon whale beast was attacked and became more frantic. Under Grant's control, it could not attack those players. It just put a rage on that island.

If it is in the game, there must be a guardian formation in such a place, but here is the real world, there is no such thing at all, even if the player has the relevant skills, there is no way to get those formation materials.

Just as Song Jian swam out of the submarine channel, there was a sudden "rumbling" sound behind him. Turning his head to see, the original island began to sink slowly into the bottom of the sea. The part beyond the sea level was almost already Two-thirds were submerged by sea water.

The huge waves invaded, and the players who took the elevator up screamed and rushed towards the remaining third, but soon they were swept into the sea by the huge waves.

After all, not every player is powerful, and coupled with the loss of equipment bonuses, many players at level 30 or 40 are only three or four times more physical than ordinary people. In the face of huge waves like a tsunami, they actually It's no different from ordinary people.

"This player shelter is destroyed!" Song Jian showed a sad look on his face. After all, this is his place in the real world. It is now destroyed. Next time he comes out of the game, I don’t know yet. Where to appear.


An angry roar sounded, and the huge dragon whale beast jumped into the air from the sea and jumped more than ten meters above sea level. At this time, the dragon whale beast looked extremely miserable, with wounds everywhere on his body, and no blood. Stop gushing out, in some places, you can even see the dense bones and internal organs.

Even if you don't continue to be attacked, this dragon and whale beast may not survive, unless it is the player's pet, and now it is immediately included in the pet space for recovery.

However, in the real world, the pet space of UU reading www.uukanshu.com players is sealed, and this dragon whale beast does not know how to bring it out of the game. It seems that it has been controlled. Mind, was used as a disposable item.

After the dragon whale beast stayed in the air for a while, it fell fiercely towards the surface of the sea. Below its body, it was exactly one-third of the island that had not yet sunk.

A large number of players were all in the shadow of the dragon whale beast's body, with a desperate look on their faces and exclaims. Song Jian took a breath of air and couldn't help swimming towards the distance. This impact, not only was able to The entire destruction of the island will cause huge waves to be set off, and the surrounding players will suffer.


With a loud noise, the dragon whale beast let out a scream, the look in his eyes slowly dimmed, and the huge body slowly sank below the sea surface with the island.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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