I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1337: In the way

Song Jian saw that a hideous skull came out from the back of Grant’s neck. The skull was only the size of a palm, with blood still remaining on the surface. The two eye sockets continued to exude a black atmosphere. It looks weird.

"Do not!"

Grant let out a scream with despair. The tentacles pouring out of his mouth were so powerful that they were beyond the control of Grant. After breaking away from the shackles of his hands, all the tentacles wrapped his entire head, looking like It's like a monster, enjoying its food.

"Jie Jie Jie~" The skull that came out of the back of Grant gave out a weird laugh. He looked around and said to himself with satisfaction, "It really is a new world. ..., too barren!"

Grant's entire head was wrapped in tentacles, but he still didn't give up, he was struggling desperately, and even took out the death sickle directly and slashed towards the tentacles on his head.

In a short time, the blood dripping from several tentacles, the weird skull behind his head, staring at the constantly waving death sickle, once again let out a "Jie Jie Jie" laugh.

"Haven't you succumbed? In order to gain strength, you said that you were willing to pay any price!" The skull is like a phantom, even if the death sickle passes it, it cannot cause any harm.

"The price is your life and soul!" The skeleton roared from his hair, opened his big mouth, and bit towards the back of Grant's head.

A screaming scream sounded, and Grant's whole body began to tremble violently. The hands wielding the death sickle seemed to lose all power at once. The death sickle fell from his hands into the sea, and his whole body began to be wrapped in the rolling black mist. stand up.

From a distance, the black mist is like an oval-shaped egg suspended in mid-air, with a bulge on the surface from time to time, and a weird sound similar to chewing faintly comes from inside.

Song Jian was in the distance, and could feel the endless evil power emanating from this black mist. Obviously, this player named Grant accidentally revealed the existence of the real world to an evil demon. This weird parasitic method came from the game world to the real world through Grant's body.

"It's terrifying, how could this kind of loopholes appear?" Song Jian suddenly felt unreal.

In the distance, the black mist kept surging, and Song Jian slowly approached the black mist. In any case, the demons in the game could not be allowed to appear in the real world!

Although the real world has gradually been affected by the game world because of the existence of the player, this influence is only indirect. Now, the monsters in the game are beginning to appear in the real world, which makes Song Jian feel a sense of urgency and crisis. sense!

With a thought, the Sky-Battering Sword emerged, and it was held tightly by Song Jian. Sword Qi surged in his body. All the sword energy began to converge towards the Sky-Battering Sword. The bright sword light was on the blade Blooming.

Ten minutes later, the black mist began to roll violently, and a gust of wind blew around, and a vague figure appeared in the black mist.

The figure opened his big mouth, and the wind was howling, and all the mist swirled around into his mouth.

The fog disappeared, and the figure floating in the air was the previous Grant. Grant was completely normal at this time. He was wearing a black suit with a faint smile on his face and there was no black around his body. The breath of the abyss swirls!

"This feeling is exactly..." Grant closed his eyes slightly, and took a deep breath with his head held high, with a smug expression on his face.

Karma Red Lotus Wan Jian Jue!

A soft drink came from behind him, and Grant's face suddenly showed a look of surprise, and the threat of death made his whole body tense.

Looking back, countless densely burning spirit swords with dark red flames flew towards him overwhelmingly.

"My friend, do we have any misunderstandings!" Grant's face changed drastically, and he quickly stepped back, defending loudly, "Did you admit the wrong person? I don't know you!"

"Evil demon, you shouldn't be in this world!" Song Jian said in a deep voice. With a thought, the whole person rushed towards Grant.

Grant's face sank, and a weird smile appeared: "Jie Jie Jie, it seems that you have seen something you shouldn't have seen. It's a pity..."

With that, Grant made a move with his right hand. The death sickle that had sunk into the sea suddenly flew out of the sea and was held by Grant in his hand.

Holding a familiar weapon, a smile appeared on Grant's face: "It's a satisfying sacrifice, and brought my soul weapon into this world..."

With a wave of his right hand, the death sickle made a sound of howling ghosts and wolves, and black blades burst out from the death sickle, slashing towards Song Jian like a meteor.

This black blade light left many traces in the air, and it seemed that even the space would be shattered by it.

Clang clang~

There was a sound of metal clashing, and dozens of black blade lights rushed into the spirit sword, slashing the spirit sword arbitrarily. In an instant, more than ten spirit swords were split into two sections and collapsed in the air.

"Jie Jie Jie, unbearable!" A scarlet light flashed in Grant's eyes, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was about to continue the attack, but also stopped, holding the death sickle in his right hand and holding a knife. Hua, holding the death sickle behind her back, looked at Song Jian with a calm look.

Song Jian's face changed slightly. The fragility of the spirit sword was beyond his expectation. However, the destruction of more than a dozen of the six hundred spirit swords did not affect the evolution of the sword formation. Song Jian's heart moved, and the spirit that was originally entangled with the black blade light The swords flew towards Grant one after another.

Grant changed his face and snorted coldly: "I originally wanted to play with you for a while, but I didn't expect that if you wanted to die quickly, then you would be fulfilled!"

As he said, Grant clenched the death sickle in both hands and waved fiercely in front of him. Suddenly, a black sword gas of more than ten feet followed his split and appeared in the air.

Song Jian's face changed a lot when he rushed to Grant!

"I'll die!" Song Jian had such a thought in his mind. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com quickly stopped his figure, and his thoughts moved. Two identical Song Jian appeared in Grant's eyes, one on the left and one on the right. Flee sideways.

A hesitant look appeared in Grant's eyes, but soon he chose the figure on the left at will, and controlled the knife light to chase him.

At this time, hundreds of spirit swords were less than three meters away from Grant, and the dark red red lotus karma fire had already caused Grant's hair tips to curl up slightly.

Feeling the scorching heat of the red lotus industry fire, Grant's face changed, and the spirit sword that hadn't been in his heart at all attracted his attention.

"This, what kind of flame is this!" Grant narrowed his eyes, staring at the spirit sword that was rushing towards his face, and muttered to himself.



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