I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1342: Branded breath

This treasure chest looks translucent, with a sense of illusion and unreality, just like some kind of projection. Song Jian reached out to touch it, but felt empty.

"This is..." Song Jian frowned slightly, and the three-headed demons appeared in the real world, which was excusable, but the treasure chest that shouldn't have appeared in the real world appeared, but after it appeared, it did not seem to be real. , But a projection in the real world, Song Jian has never encountered such a thing.

Just when Song Jian was at a loss, a stream of milky white air suddenly appeared around him. These air currents continued to rush towards the illusory treasure chest, infiltrating it little by little, and merged with the treasure chest.

In a short while, the original illusory treasure chest gradually became real, and, on the treasure chest, a sixty-second countdown also appeared.

"This is... Luck!" Song Jian had a kind of enlightenment in his heart. This kind of enlightenment was like a thought that suddenly got into his mind. No one told him what it was, but Song Jian just knew it.

"Qiyun Treasure Chest, this is the power of this real world. The treasure chest of the game world is projected into the real world. This is a reward for me to kill the three demons!" Song Jian's mouth could not help but appear. There was a smile.

The milky white air flow infiltrated the treasure chest, and after manifesting it, there was still a small part of the air luck that hadn't been used up. After these air luck circulated for a while, suddenly flew toward Song Jian and poured into his body.

Song Jian felt a cool air flow all over his body, and he immediately felt refreshed, and his state instantly returned to its peak state.

Song Jian knew that this was a gift from this world. After condensing the treasure chest, he added a little luck. Although this little luck cannot produce a qualitative change, it can also make Song Jian luck in the real world. Slightly better.

When the coolness on his body slowly disappeared, Song Jian's gaze fell on the huge treasure chest in front of him, such a huge treasure chest, even in the game world, Song Jian has never encountered it.

"I am afraid I am the first to open the treasure chest in the real world!" Song Jian smiled in his heart.

Reaching out to touch the treasure chest, the treasure chest opened automatically the first time Song Jian touched it. Before Song Jian reached out to take it, dozens of items flew out of the treasure chest automatically, floating in it. Song fitness around.

"Boom!" Song Jian was surprised. These items not only included the death sickles used by the three demons before, but also various body materials, such as dragon skulls, goat skulls, and skeleton skulls. It is the most quintessential existence in the body of the three demon.

"It's really a good harvest, rich!" Song Jian laughed. You know, the death sickle used by the three-headed demons is already a legendary weapon, not to mention the three bodies. The materials and skulls are also legendary quality materials, which is equivalent to bursting four legendary quality items at once. If it is not for the luck bonus of the real world, such a burst rate will hardly appear in the game world.

However, how to store these items has become a problem.

Because the parcel bar is sealed in the real world, most parcel grids are unusable, but Song Jian has used the "Package Grid Advanced Gems" several times to increase the parcel grid that only has one grid that can be used in the real world. A dozen, but even so, so many items still can't be put into the parcel box.

"Equipment and these body materials must be put in the parcel box, otherwise it will be bad for people to see them, and these sundries can be carried with you..." Song Jian said to himself, at this moment, Song Jian's eyes suddenly fell on an inconspicuous object.

"How come this thing looks so familiar?" Song Jian took the fist-sized oval object in his hand and observed it carefully.

"Well, this looks a bit like the Seed of Life?" Song Jian asked in amazement. He quickly opened the parcel box again, and from a parcel box shining with golden light, the seed of life parasitized by the abyss magic vine Take it out, hold the two objects at the same time, and compare them with each other.

"The shape and color are almost exactly the same, but the surface of the three-headed demon bursting has some golden and green lines, and the weight is heavier..." Song Jian said to himself: "More importantly, it bursts. This one contains more life aura, almost twice as much as the other one!"

"Invasion of the real world, the three-headed demons probably planned for a long time. Grant also deliberately seduced them. Through special methods, they were parasitic in his spirit and escaped the detection of the game..., this seed of life, is it him? Are you planning to plant a new tree of life in the real world?" Song Jian's mind suddenly flashed, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "Its ambition is so big, it actually wants to plant it in the real world. A tree of life?"

Thinking of this, the same thought emerged uncontrollably in Song Jian's heart, and an inexplicable expression appeared on Song Jian's face: "I, can I also plant a life of my own in the real world? Tree?"

You know, in the game, the tree of life has existed for a long time. It is impossible for another tree of life to exist anymore. However, the tree of life has never appeared in the real world. It is theoretically possible to plant it successfully. of!

Thinking of this, Song Jian was holding two seeds of life, a thing called "ambition", which began to take root in Song Jian's heart, and it grew vigorously.

Seeing these two seeds of life, Song Jian took a deep breath. There can only be one tree of life planted in a world. Song Jian hesitated for a moment, and collected the parasitic seed of life from the abyss magic vine, and only the newly acquired Hold that one in your hand.

After all, this one is better in appearance, and contains more vitality, and it is easier to survive!

Seems to feel what Song Jian is preparing to do, UU reading www. uukanshu.com was originally clear in the sky, but suddenly I didn’t know where it came from. A large purple cloud floated over. The cloud was shining and rainbow-like colorful light. It seems that this world is full of planting the tree of life. look forward to.

Song Jian held this seed of life and first had to imprint his mark on it, otherwise, the tree of life planted would not completely belong to him.

In the game, with the aid of the system, the branding breath is very simple, but here is the real world. Even if the steps are exactly the same, it is much more difficult to implement. Moreover, when branding, Song Jian faintly felt that it was passed from the seed of life There was a force of resistance, which caused him to brand several times, all of which ended in failure.

Song Jian looked at the seed of life in his hand with some speechlessness. If he couldn't imprint his breath, even if he planted the tree of life, he wouldn't get any benefits.

Thinking of this, Song Jian sighed and could only open the parcel box, took out another somewhat damaged Seed of Life, and began to brand it.



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