I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1347: Tier 3 combat power assessment

Based on Song Jian's strength in the real world at this time, it can be said that he has become a nation by one person. His own strength is not weaker than nuclear weapons, and even to some extent, his power is greater than nuclear weapons.

Guo Zhijun obviously understood this too, and left happily. Song Jian stood outside the window. He could clearly feel that there were many gazes watching him around, from the street, the opposite building, and even the building where he was. Song Jian felt very uncomfortable on the roof of the building.

"Hmph!" Song Jian snorted coldly, which sounded like a thunderstorm, which sounded in the ears of all the people who watched him. These people suddenly shook their ears and let out a scream.

With a thought, all the monitoring equipment exploded out of thin air. After that, the monitoring feelings that made Song Jian feel uncomfortable disappeared.

Song Jian before, didn’t dare to do this. After all, this is already a provocation against the country’s majesty. But now, after Song Jian exposed his strength, they still don’t remove these surveillances. From Song Jian’s point of view, it’s just for him. Kind of offense.

In the next few days, Song Jian was given a rare break, and Guo Zhijun and others have not been in contact with Song Jian again. I am afraid the country is also evaluating Song Jian’s strength now, measuring what kind of Attitude to negotiate with him.

A few days later, players all over the world received the information that the game was updated and they could enter at the same time.

And Song Jian, this prompt message appeared directly on his retina, just like a prompt appeared in a game.

Seeing the game being able to enter, Song Jian felt inexplicably relieved, as if the game world was his main world, and the real world was a world of leisure and relaxation.

With a slight smile in his heart, Song Fitness Ying slowly disappeared from the room.

Returning to the game world, Song Jian took a deep breath, with a smile on his face, and said in his heart: "This is my main world!"

The first thing Song Jian did when he returned to the game world was to take out the newly acquired Seed of Life, and then began to imprint his breath.

In the game, this kind of operation is very simple, it only succeeds after only one cast. The instinctive resistance in the seed of life is not worth mentioning in front of the game system.

Although it has successfully imprinted its own breath of life, no matter in the game world or in the real world, it is no longer possible to plant a tree of life. The meaning of this seed of life can only become a production enhancement. Pharmacy materials for talent skills.

Thinking of this, Song Jian suddenly thought that in the Broken Kingdom, there is still an abyssal magic vine that is being transformed by the Holy Spirit. I don't know what the progress has been like after so long.

With a thought, Song Jian appeared in the kingdom of God. At this time, Song Jian saw that Nova actually planted trees on the edge of the forest before.

"This is in line with her identity as a tree spirit." Song Jian smiled in his heart.

At this time, he looked towards the only glorious building in the kingdom of God, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. At this time, a rattan with a length of about one meter and a thin arm was floating above the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The original purple-black rattan. , Is now being slowly infiltrated into the body by countless golden light spots. At this time, two-thirds of the body of the abyss magic vine has turned golden.

"It looks like it will take some time before you can be completely spiritualized!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

Finally, he glanced at the busy Nova, Song Fitness Ying, slowly disappearing in the kingdom of God.

Nova, who had been waiting for Song Jian to take the initiative to question, suddenly became stiff after Song Jian left, feeling that everything she was doing seemed to be seen by a blind man without any effect.

Annoyed, she threw the wooden spoon in her hand to the ground, and Nova stared at where Song Jian was standing before, her eyes full of murderous aura.


Song Jian, who had left the Kingdom of God, did not return to the City of Hope for the first time, but flew towards the Temple of Battle Power Evaluation. He has reached the peak of Tier 2 combat power. Only when he breaks through to Tier 3 combat power can his level be Will continue to improve.

There are still many people in the battle power evaluation temple, but most of them are NPCs. Most of the players have not entered the game at this time. Without restrictions, many people will choose to stay in the real world for a while and relax. a bit.

The light gate of the third-order combat power assessment has a pale gold frame, and there are very few people waiting in front of the light gate.

Song Jian stepped forward, and the faces of the people surrounding Guangmen suddenly showed a hint of joy.

"Finally waited until the last person came, I have been waiting for three days..."

"Three days is nothing. I heard that a nobleman in the sin city had too bad luck. After waiting for more than three months, he couldn't make up enough people. Together, he gave up the assessment directly, and the result still needs more Wait three months to reapply..."

Song Jian was taken aback. It seemed that these people had come to conduct the third-tier combat power assessment, and the assessment seemed to have to meet a certain number of people to proceed.

"The Favored One, turned out to be a Favored One who wants to perform a Tier 3 combat power test?" A burly orc warrior stared at Song Jian with a look of surprise on his face, and screamed aloud.

"The Favored One, just kidding, it's only been two years since the Favored One has appeared, how could someone conduct a Tier 3 combat power assessment?" Some of them didn't believe it, staring at Song Jian with suspicion and looked carefully.

"It's really a favored person, my God, the world is getting more and more incomprehensible. The favored person is indeed someone who is favored by the gods. In just two years, it has caught up with my 30 years of hard work..."


Just as a group of people were talking about it, a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his thirties stepped forward and said to Song Jian: "Young favored person, I am Tyr, who can be in such a short time , Reaching the peak of Tier 2 combat power, even among the favored ones, you should be one of the best! I am very happy that there has been another strong man among human beings. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also very happy to be here this time. In the third-tier combat power assessment, the human camp has one more reliable ally!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Now that we are all here, let's start!" An alien with a lizard head said in an icy tone. Its two eyes are gray and white. It looked like a blind man, but these eyes stared at Song Jian, but they revealed a strong killing intent without any cover.

"Huh, let's start!" The middle-aged man glanced at the lizardman with slanted eyes, snorted, and said to Song Jian: "You only need to go forward and choose the assessment. Add you, we will assess this time. The number of people is enough and can be assessed immediately!"

Song Jian's eyes on the content of the third-tier combat power assessment can be said to be smeared and he doesn't know anything, but seeing so many people looking at him, he can only bite the bullet and apply for the assessment.

The moment Song Jian approached the Light Gate, a translucent light curtain appeared in front of him. The content on it was exactly the content of this Tier 3 combat power assessment.



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