I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1350: All show their magic

After Song Jian watched the main mission, he found that other companions started discussing the mission.

"I feel that this assessment task is quite simple. If you are more careful, you can still complete it..."

"Not necessarily, the number of Inhumans is three times ours. They must be playing the role of a competitor. We can't be careless!"

"Yes, this time we only need to get the meteorite fragments before them. There is no need to confront them head-on. The situation is actually beneficial to us..."


Hearing these people’s comments, Song Jian didn’t feel any sense. He opened the task bar and took a look, and found that there was a city map on the task map, one of which was located in the suburbs. It was flashing and faint. Red halo.

The flashing place is the Eagle Airport that needs to be reached in the first stage of the main mission. Song Jian looked at their location. It is almost 20 kilometers away from the Eagle Airport. If there is no traffic jam, it will take at least 20 to 30. Minutes.

Thinking of this, Song Jian was suddenly startled, and quickly looked at the only clock in the living room.

The voice on the phone asked them to arrive at the airport before ten o'clock, but now the clock shows that the time at this time is already nine thirty!

Song Jian quickly clapped his hands. After seeing everyone looking at him, he pointed to the clock hanging in the living room and said: "Everyone, before you discuss the content of the task, please take a look at the time. We have to rush by ten o'clock. At the Eagle Airport, we are 27 kilometers away from there. We have to get there within 30 minutes. Everyone, should we solve this problem first?"

After hearing Song Jian's prompt, everyone was shocked, but soon their faces showed a look of relief.

The small man before said with a proud look: "It's only 27 kilometers, 30 minutes, enough for me to run three back and forth..."

"My Pegasus can take two people, and I promise to arrive at the mission location within ten minutes. Is there anyone willing to join me, preferably a lady!"

"Everyone, I'll take a step first. Speed ​​is not what I am good at. I must at least guarantee 20 minutes!"

For a time, more than a dozen examiners showed their magical powers. Some summoned a flying horse and jumped directly into the air. Some looked like the Flash and brought out a series of afterimages when running. It seems that everyone can guarantee Arrived at the airport in thirty minutes.

Song Jian saw that Doya directly used the Transfiguration Technique to transform herself into an eagle, then tilted her head and glanced at him, spread her wings and rose into the air. After a while, she became a little black. The point disappears.

Soon, only Song Jian and Tyre were left in the room.

"We have all experienced Tier 3 combat power assessments several times, and we will encounter different situations each time, so everyone is well prepared!" Tyre smiled slightly, and took out a pale golden order from his arms. The card was held in his right hand and held high, shouting: "Sayaka, my partner, Tyre needs your help!"


A group of flames appeared out of thin air, blazing in front of Tyre, and within a short while, a group of maroon horses emerged from the flames.

This horse is as tall as one person, and it is majestic. Its two eyes are like rubies, crystal clear and shining with light. On the forehead of this horse, there is a three-inch-long spiral horn, which shines from time to time. Electric light.

Tyre patted the steed on the back and said to Song Jian, "This is my combat partner, Soyaka. He has the blood of a lightning unicorn. Not only can he fight with me, but he is also good at long-distance attacks!"

"Song Jian, if you have no other way to hurry, I don't think Soyak will mind taking you a ride!" Tyre said with a smile.

Soyaka seemed to understand Tyre's words, snorted a little unhappy, arched his head towards Tyre, and looked at Song Jian with deep contempt.

"Thanks, I think I should be able to get to the airport within the specified time." Song Jian rubbed his nose and said.

In the game, he didn't learn riding skills. A horse like this kind of horse must have high riding skills. Otherwise, he couldn't control it at all, even riding with Tyre.

Hearing Song Jian's words, Tyre nodded and did not continue to invite him. After all, from the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to share his horse with others.

Tyre turned on his horse, glanced at the mission map, waved to Song Jian, and rode away.

Song Jian glanced at the battle pet space. At this time, the black dragon was still in a deep sleep for promotion, and there was no time to remind when he would wake up.

However, even if the black dragon had successfully advanced, Song Jian didn't plan to ride it on his way. This was too blatant.

"I have been riding the black dragon more than once, so why didn't I understand some skills about riding?" Song Jian whispered to himself, and at the same time closed the pet space.

With a thought, a flying sword appeared out of thin air. After rotating around him a few times, it quietly stopped in front of him.

Song Jian jumped and stood steadily on the flying sword. His whole body turned into a flash of lightning and flew into the air.

Ten minutes later, Song Jian's figure appeared at the mission destination. There was a transparent aperture covering almost the entire Eagle Airport. This aperture was only visible to the assessors, and others could not. of.

As long as you enter this aperture, you will have completed the first mission.

After Song Jian arrived at the airport, he found that there were already seven or eight people waiting at the airport. He was not the fastest, but he was not the slowest.

Seeing the flying sword of Song Jian, Tyre and Doya looked at each other, and both saw a look of surprise in each other's eyes.

"Yujianzong?" Doya whispered.

Tyre didn't speak, but just nodded slightly~www.ltnovel.com~The other examiners also glanced at each other, and the eyes that looked at Song Jian became a bit eager from the indifference before. .

After a few more minutes, all the examiners from the human camp arrived at the airport one after another, and none of the 14 people were late.

It was ten o'clock, and everyone received a reminder that the mission was completed. Then, the content of the mission changed, requiring everyone to take a plane to the western desert to find the meteorite fragment.

After reading the content of the follow-up task, Song Jian suddenly moved in his heart and couldn't help but open the task bar and read the task prompt again.

"Task reminder: The meteorite fragment may burn out in the atmosphere during the fall. If this happens, all camp assessment tasks will end in failure!"


PS: Thank you "Book Friends 20200131225723270" for rewarding 100 starting coins~


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