I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1353: Inhuman Examiner

Passat originally had an amazing flying speed. After becoming a mutant Thunderhawk, his flying speed has more than doubled, so he is not very worried about those who are chasing behind him.

At this time, the human camp examiner who was chasing after him found that although he could not catch up with Passat, the direction in which Passat escaped was the direction of the meteorite fragments marked on the mission map. Naturally, no one was willing to give up, always far away. Hanging far behind Passat.

"It's unbelievable that some alien races have chosen the alien beast camp, you said, did those alien races choose the alien beast camp, and the main task is to prevent us from obtaining meteorite fragments?" There is an assessment of the human camp. After taking a look at the mission map, he said in surprise.

"It's very possible. Let's be careful. He might be luring us into the encirclement and want to kill us all..."

"Please, use your mind, we are in the air now, still surrounded, how can the air surround us?"

"Then you said, why did he forget the direction of the meteorite fragments to flee? If we change the direction, at his speed, I am afraid we would have given up chasing after!"

"Maybe that is his lair direction? Is it strange that the frightened beast chose to escape home for the first time?"

"That's an alien race, not a beast. Did you really equate the alien race with the beast? I really don't know how you reached the peak of Tier 2 combat power..."

Although the examiners from several human camps are bickering, they still look sharply around, with a vigilant look. If Patsha really wants to introduce them into the encirclement, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to be fooled. of.

Several people chased for a while, and seemed to have entered a special area, as if they had plunged into a thin transparent film. Although it did not hurt them in any way, they could clearly feel that something was worn.

Just when several people were surprised and uncertain, they received a system prompt at the same time.

System: You have entered the special area where the meteorite falls. Please find the whereabouts of the meteorite fragments as soon as possible. You only have 72 hours to complete this task. If the meteorite fragments are not obtained within the time limit, the assessment task has failed! Note: As long as one person in the faction holds a meteorite fragment, the task is considered to be completed by the assessors of the same faction!

"Time limit mission?" Someone yelled in surprise. Time-limited tasks are called time-limited tasks. The difficulty of this task is much higher than that of ordinary tasks. In addition to the difficulty of time, the task itself will be at least double the difficulty of ordinary tasks.

There were some relaxed human camp examiners in his heart, but when he looked at Patsha who had turned into a black spot, his heart suddenly became a little heavy.

At this moment, an examiner from the human camp suddenly exclaimed, yelling: "You should look at the mission map again. What the **** is this?"

Everyone opened the mission map and looked at it. After reading it, their expressions changed drastically, and a few began to yell.

Song Jian opened the map and saw that the cursor that originally marked the meteorite fragments had turned into a light blue oval aperture. According to the map, the light blue aperture range was at least half the area of ​​the North African rainforest. Big.

Finding a meteorite fragment with a diameter of no more than 30 centimeters in such an area is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. Most importantly, it must be completed within a limited time limit.

"It's better to judge our mission as a failure..." someone scolded bitterly.

In fact, in some people's minds, this is no different from mission failure.

"Let’s go to the Inhuman Race’s lair to see what happens. If he is really the only one, we can catch him and ask if we find other Inhuman Races, we can follow their buttocks and pick them up. After all, their number It is almost three times as large as ours. If you are also looking for meteorite fragments, it will find it faster than us..." A human examiner suggested.

Looking at it now, his method should be the best way to solve the problem, and no one else has a better method, so he can only try his method.

Therefore, these people were divided into two parts, leaving two people waiting for those who did not catch up, and then the remaining people continued to chase the Thunder Eagle.

However, what everyone did not expect was that after chasing for more than an hour, the thunderhawk beast's nest was not found, but was attracted by the sound of battle.

At this time, the place where they were was a hill, a large area of ​​desert, almost all of them were gravel and gravel. Some plants occasionally saw were gray-yellow bushes and cacti. Green plants were hardly visible in the field of vision. In the meeting.

If such an environment is normal, once a strong wind blows, it is a disaster for the creatures in this area. These large and small gravel and gravel will be blown by the wind every hour. Rolling at a speed of one hundred kilometers, even if it is hit by a piece of crushed stone the size of a fingernail, it is not weaker than a small-caliber pistol bullet.

Therefore, it is difficult to see ordinary creatures living in this area. The only creatures that can appear here are those that mutate due to the radiation of meteorite fragments.

What Song Jian saw was a group of alien examiners who were besieging a beast that had undergone a mutation. The beast looked like a strong bison, and its body was covered with an armor-like exoskeleton. One can clearly see the hard and strong white bones, sticking out of its body, and then twisting and twisting each other, forming a thick and airtight shell.

This beast was called the Bone Bull, and its defenses were extremely strong. Some aliens' attacks fell on its hard shell, and apart from splashing some sparks, it could not even leave a trace of charred.

Moreover, its attack is not weak. The two horns on its head are more than a foot long, and they are protruding forward like sharp blades. As long as they are touched by it, it is either dead or cruel. There were eleven or two alien races besieging it, but they didn't have any restraint against it, and could only consume its vitality a little bit.

"Hey, look, that Thunder Eagle is also over there..." Suddenly, a sharp-eyed human camp examiner suddenly let out a low cry, pointing to a place less than ten meters away from the battlefield.

Everyone looked in the direction he directed, and sure enough, the thunder eagle that attacked them before was also lying on a small deserted hill, its body was constantly bleeding out, UU reading www.uukanshu. One of the com's wings was only half left. The bright red flesh and white bone stubble were exposed to the air, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

However, even so, the alien race Patsha who had joined the alien beast camp was full of anger and cursed at the group of aliens who were besieging the alien animal.

"Simtan, you idiots, dare to attack Lao Tzu, waiting for the end of the assessment, Lao Tzu must make you look good!"

The Inhumans who besieged the Bone Bull did not pay attention to Patsha, but an Inhuman standing outside the battlefield with a bazooka on his shoulders with a smile and said: "Patra, the assessment is over, we are all Tier 3 You are a strong fighter, but you have failed the assessment. When the time comes, you dare to appear in front of us, and you will surely be beaten up. Now who will put your threat in the eyes..., you have long been told not to refine You didn't listen to that alien beast inner alchemy, and you were forced to choose the alien beast camp. Who can blame it?"


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting currency of "Fried Potatoes Dipped in Tomato Sauce"~


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