I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1408: Halo

The people who had heard of being able to disembark and leave this ghost ship were all attracted by the "reward" that Captain Swan said, and they all looked towards it.

Captain Swan didn't talk nonsense. With a wave of his hand, a palm-sized treasure box appeared in front of everyone, floating on his chest.

"One for each person. The longer you persist, the more monsters you kill, and the better the quality of the treasure chest. Jie Jie Jie, are you a little regretful now that you haven't shown all your strength and killed a few more monsters?" Captain Swan laughed, as if watching a play, staring at everyone's face.

Sure enough, Song Jian saw that several people looked a little ugly. They seemed to be the people with hidden strength in Captain Swan's mouth. However, in this endless hunting, the individual would only think about delaying time and persist until the last moment. .

"Those who are no longer on the boat are mostly people who tried their best to hunt down skeletons from the beginning!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

The faster you kill, the faster the skeleton advances, and the faster you get out. Unless Song Jian has extremely strong strength, otherwise, you can spend time safely and steadily to get through this trial. The right way!

Song Jian shook his head and didn't think too much. He looked at the treasure chests in front of other people. Most of them were blue or silver. Only the treasure chests in front of a few people exuded golden light, while the treasure chest in front of Song Jian was Exuding purple gold.

"Legendary treasure chest!" Song Jian smiled slightly. He thought it would be an epic treasure chest, but unexpectedly, he would get a legendary treasure chest.

"Kill the Jade Skeleton Commander, the treasure chest will be upgraded by one level!" Captain Swan seemed to see Song Jian's mind and glanced at him calmly.

Song Jian directly opened the treasure chest, and suddenly a purple-gold beam of light rose into the sky, very dazzling!

System: You open the reward box, gain 6.3 billion,945,576,600 points of combat experience, and increase your level by 2!

System: You get the items "Endless Hunting Gloves", "Endless Hunting Boots", and "Endless Hunting Bracers"!

System: You get the advanced aura "Endless Hunting", which can only be obtained in the Ghost Ship Endless Hunting Trial. The current aura level is 1;


"The reward is so generous!" Song Jian's eyes lit up. You know, he is now one hundred and one level, and each level requires a lot of combat experience. If you hunt a monster, you must kill the same level for at least half a year. Only by killing monsters in the ghost ship for less than half a day, it has been upgraded by one level. For Song Jian, it is like a hundred times experience.

Of course, this kind of welfare is not only for Song Jian, Song Jian has seen that many people have upgraded on the spot after opening the treasure chest, and they have improved several levels in a row, and everyone has an excited smile on their faces.

In addition to massive combat experience, Song Jian also obtained three legendary equipment, and these equipment were actually 100-level suits. After looking at the attributes, Song Jian discovered that these equipments are second only to the sword fairy suits, but they are also It's the top equipment in the one hundred level.

Each piece of equipment has added a lot of attribute points to Song Jian. Now, almost all of Song Jian’s attributes have exceeded 200 points, and his spiritual attributes and strength attributes have even exceeded 350 points. In the real world, with Song Jian’s current strength, as long as he is not hit by a nuclear bomb head-on and suffers damage at the center of the explosion, it is impossible to die. Opposite ordinary firearms or even heavy weapons, Song Jian can’t get rid of it while standing still. His defense!

However, these are not the most precious. In Song Jian's view, the biggest gain this time is the advanced halo. A bright white pearl appeared in Song Jian's hands. The surface of this pearl was slightly rippling with a milky white halo. The circle continued to spread outward, and then slowly disappeared.

Endless hunting (halo), level 1/∞; halo attributes: damage increased by 10%, blood recovery increased by 5%, energy recovery increased by 5%, when the user chases prey, the movement speed increased by 8%; down The number of monsters to be hunted for the second promotion: 0/5000 (the monster level cannot be lower than 100);

The first-level endless hunting halo, with average attributes, at most equivalent to a piece of blue quality equipment, but Song Jian felt most shocked by the fact that the level upper limit of this halo turned out to be ∞, that is, there is no upper limit, you can Increase its level endlessly.

When Song Jian saw it for the first time, his first thought was that there was a bug in the game. How could such a sky-defying item appear? As long as you kill monsters, you can increase the level of this halo infinitely. Then when Song Jian will take this halo When his level is raised to one hundred, two hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand, who else is his opponent?

"Follow him, let's use it first!" Song Jian immediately crushed the pearl, and a heat flow suddenly appeared on his body. But soon, the heat flow disappeared. Open the skill bar, and sure enough, under the talent skills, A halo skill appeared, and at the same time, a faint white halo appeared under Song Jian's feet. If you didn't look carefully, it would be difficult to find that his foot was stepping on the halo.

Just when everyone checked their rewards, the speed of the ghost ship slowly slowed down and came to a small island, stopping in front of a white sandy beach.

Pointing to the white sandy beach less than a hundred meters away, Captain Swan laughed and said: "Passengers, now you have the opportunity to disembark. The real journey in time and space has not yet begun. This is the only time you will cruise on the Doomsday. If you have the opportunity to disembark before the trip, if you are not confident about your own strength, I advise you to disembark immediately. Everyone, you only have five minutes to consider!"

As soon as Captain Swan's words fell, a few people jumped directly into the sea from the deck. After jumping into the sea, they did not swim towards the island, but rose directly into the air, seemingly wanting to go directly. Go back and fly back!

Seeing this scene ~www.ltnovel.com~Captain Swan's body suddenly burned with black flames.

"I let you get off the boat and go to the island, who told you to leave without authorization!" Captain Swan's words revealed a cold taste.

Withdrawing the scimitar at his waist, Captain Swan slashed in the void at the few people who had already flown dozens of meters away. Suddenly, behind those people, a ghost of death appeared, which was a hundred feet tall. Those few people are like ants in front of it.

The death ghost waved the sickle in his hand at these people, and a knife light flashed, these people were cut in half silently, and the corpse fell towards the sea, and the death ghost slowly disappeared. .


PS: Thank you "梼杌丶" for rewarding 100 starting coins~

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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