I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1412: Elf Loth

Originally Song Jian had enough time to choose a time and space node that suits him and raise his strength to another level, but he didn't know that Captain Swan kicked him out after discovering that he had the power of the Dragon God. The ghost ship immediately fell towards those time and space nodes.

After leaving the ghost ship, Song Jian’s body is no longer under his own control. If he originally selected the space-time node, as long as he stared at that space-time node, he would contact the space-time node and be drawn in. But now, he is not No choice was made, so he could only fall into one of these hundreds of millions of spatiotemporal nodes.

Song Jian's body was floating in the void, unstressed, but falling at a very fast speed toward the star-like time and space node. Before his eyes, there was a sea of ​​light, endless and vast.

Every spot of light is like a continent. When you get closer, you can see the mountains and rivers above as well as cities and villages. When Song Jian carefully observes these time and space nodes, he suddenly trembles and his flight speed increases. A space-time node began to enlarge, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a piece of earth. The strong gravitational force made Song Jian unable to resist and fell directly on this piece of land.

Song Jian looked like a meteorite, falling toward the ground from the air, with a long tail flame behind him. The creatures on the ground saw the meteorite fall, and they all ran away in a panic.

At this time, Song Jian's body seemed to be covered by a light curtain. He could not see anything except the dark red light, but he could feel that he was falling, and the falling speed was getting faster and faster!


Song Jian felt a shock all over, and the light curtain on the surface of his body was completely shattered, and there was a flower in front of him, and all the surrounding scenery came into view.

At this time, he discovered that he was in a huge deep pit. The temperature of the deep pit was extremely high. There was charred mud everywhere, exuding the heat of Baidu high temperature. At the edge of the big pit, there was even the mud that melted into crystals. sign.

"This is, really fell to the ground from a high altitude?" Song Jian couldn't help being speechless. Even with his strength, hitting the ground from such a high place, even if he was not killed by a spike, he would definitely enter a state of dying serious injury. .

But now he has nothing to do. Obviously, the light curtain that shrouded the surface of his body before played a protective role similar to invincibility.

Song Jian tried it. After entering here, he was able to control his body again, and his strength recovered. With a light leap, wings appeared from the sky behind him, supporting him to float in the air.

At this time, Song Jian discovered that he had actually fallen into a forest. The trees within a radius of tens of meters were all broken by the impact of the fall. The trees near the crater had even burnt into coke.

"This power is a bit small!" Song Jian glanced around and muttered softly. If such a meteorite falls to the ground in the real world, it will be affected within a radius of tens of kilometers, but now, in this time and space. On the node, it only caused damage within a range of tens of meters, as if there was a mysterious power that minimized the harm of him falling to the ground.

"Don't worry about this, let's see where you are." Song Jian sighed and looked around.

This is still the game world, and Song Jian can be sure that there is an endless forest around him. Looking around, even at the limit of his field of vision, he can see the end of the forest.

The trees in this forest are all ancient trees, and they are all at least 500 years old. This shocked Song Jian. Such a strong and vigorous ancient tree is worthless. His fall this time destroyed at least dozens of them. Putting them in the real world is a crime.

The soil in the forest is very fertile, it is the kind of fertile soil that can squeeze out the oil when you grab it, but the sky here is somewhat different from other places. On the blue sky, there is an emerald green sun hanging high. This surprised Song Jian. He had never seen a green sun.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt a prickly pain from his left temple. He was shocked and subconsciously tilted his head back.


A white light flashed from the front of the eyes, leaving an afterimage in the air, and the cheeks hanging from strength ached. Looking carefully, Song Jian discovered that it was a wooden arrow flying away in the distance. At this speed, At this distance, I am afraid that even the top sniper rifle can't be compared.

"Who!" Song Jian gave a soft drink and turned his head to look, only to see a man wearing an emerald green wooden armor with a pair of long ears, standing on the treetop, aiming at him with a long bow.

This person is exactly the same as the fairy in the legend, with long golden hair draped over his shoulders, and his handsome face can't tell whether it is a male or a female. Song Jian subconsciously looks at his chest.

Unexpectedly, Song Jian's actions immediately angered the other party, and the wooden arrow in his hand was more than three feet long, actually shining with magical light!

"Legend-level strength..." Song Jian frowned slightly, staring at the elf and looking at it. This was the first creature he encountered when he had just entered this time-space node. He did not expect it to be a legendary power By.

"Even if it is a coincidence, it would be too exaggerated. If the creatures in this space-time node are of this kind of strength, then..." Song Jian frowned. If this is the case, with his current strength, he can't It's rampant as before.

"The sinner who destroys the forest, leave the forest of life immediately, otherwise, your bones will become the supply of this forest!" The elf in front of him stared at Song Jian and said angrily.

Song Jian was not familiar with what the elf said, but when he heard it, he immediately understood what the other party meant!

System: You come into contact with the ancient elves and activate the general skill-ancient elves. The current skill level is zero;

Song Jian currently masters many languages, but there are only two of the most important ones. One is the lingua franca of human beings. The other is Abyss Magic. The other languages ​​are small languages. In terms of color division, the lingua franca of humans is gold, while the magic of the abyss is legendary purple gold, and the other small languages ​​are simple white or green.

Now, under the lingua franca of humans and the magic of the abyss, there is another purple-gold category language, the ancient elves.

"Elvish language and dragon language are just silver-quality languages. Why is this ancient elven language, legendary, purple-golden language?" Song Jian thought strangely.

Seeing that Song Jian was motionless, he seemed to be in a trance. Elf Ross showed a trace of anger, snorted coldly, released his fingers with the wooden arrow, and the wooden arrow shining with magic light "swish" towards Song Jian shot over.

During the flight of the wooden arrow, the emerald green magic light attached to the surface of the wooden arrow, like tentacles, spread to the surroundings, looking like a living tree branch, flying towards Song Jian.



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