I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1425: Ripe fruit

Guo Zhiqi knew that with his current strength, he had no advantage in facing these ordinary monsters from 80th to 85th level. All he learned were some bad street skills, and he could hunt them down. This is the epic chopper obtained through hidden missions!

I originally thought that this kitchen knife only had a bonus attribute for cooking, but I didn't expect that it actually had a hidden attribute that increased its attack power when attacking undead creatures.

With this kitchen knife, Guo Zhiqi successfully killed three wolf-shaped skeletal monsters when his vitality was less than 10%!

After a **** four kills, Guo Zhiqi's depressed mood was vented. He originally wanted to commit suicide, but his mind gradually faded. After a glance at the blood stains on his body, Guo Zhiqi was stunned again and returned to the previous one. In the hole.

"Hehe, you can't die if you want to die!" Guo Zhiqi threw aside the trophies that had fallen from killing the bone monsters, with a wry smile on his face.

After another half day, Guo Zhiqi's qi and blood value returned to 80%, but soon, his hunger level had reached the warning line. At this time, he had no food.

"Do you really want to starve to death!" Guo Zhiqi cried and laughed.

If it were in an ordinary world, a world with living creatures, Guo Zhiqi could still survive by gathering and hunting animals and making food, but in this undead world, where the power of death was everywhere, he could not get any food at all.

At this moment, Guo Zhiqi's gaze suddenly fell on the few trophies he had obtained before.

A pitch-black wolf bone, a fist-sized eyeball that is as hard as a stone, and a wolf heart filled with the power of black death. These three are the items that the bone monsters burst.

"Wolf bones are the alchemy material for the undead potion, the eyeballs are strange objects that can be exchanged for money, and the wolf heart is an advanced task item for the necromancer class. If these things are obtained in the game world, they are of great value, but for me now Say, it's not as valuable as a piece of bread!" Guo Zhiqi smiled bitterly, and threw these three objects aside, lying flat on the ground, sighing.

With the passage of time, Guo Zhiqi’s hunger and thirst became lower and lower, and his body gradually became weak. The speed of the recovery of vitality and mental value was affected. If this continues, I am afraid it will not be long. The blood value of your body will automatically decrease.

"I'm a chef, a master chef, how could I be starved to death like this!" Guo Zhiqi turned over and sat up, staring at the three objects, a bloodthirsty crazy look appeared in his eyes.

Having stayed in this world full of death breath for more than 30 days, Guo Zhiqi was actually affected invisibly. In the face of the threat of death, Guo Zhiqi finally broke out.

He stood up and took out a lot of kitchen utensils for cooking, pots and pans, every kind of kitchen utensils was shining brightly, just like new.


A flame bloomed from Guo Zhiqi’s fingertips, and then, the firewood under a cauldron was ignited. Guo Zhiqi began to use the force of death to condense the wolf bones, wolf eyes and wolf hearts to make a special kind of food!

There is no corresponding recipe, Guo Zhiqi turned on the self-created mode, ignoring the system's prompt message like a waterfall: "This item is not a cooking ingredient. After use, there is a high probability that the cooking will fail and the item will be destroyed. Please use it carefully! "

If such a system prompt appeared in the previous cooking, Guo Zhiqi would give up immediately, but now Guo Zhiqi, who has become a little crazy, directly shielded the system prompt, just like the old witch in the call is making witch medicine. It is dim. In the light of the fire, Guo Zhiqi's shadow flickered, and a strange smell slowly radiated from the pot...

I don't know how long it took, Guo Zhiqi suddenly shocked all over his body, and a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared in his already confused eyes, looking towards the pot.

At this time, the iron pot exudes a strange fragrance, this fragrance is only a faint, but after people smell it, there is a feeling of perpetual decline, like the fragrance of poppy, but the effect is ten times that of poppy. ,hundred times!

Guo Zhiqi couldn't help but took a spoonful of it and drank it. Suddenly, the hunger and thirst value that was about to fall into the trough once again soared.

"Okay, delicious!" Guo Zhiqi opened his mouth and let out a silent smile. He didn't notice that a trace of death force was filling the pot, and he who was constantly devouring the food in the pot appeared on his body. The power of death.

At the same time, the cooking proficiency that has not been improved for a long time has begun to improve again, and the original ordinary cooking has also become an epic color "dead cooking".

The main profession that had been vacant had also appeared several fonts of "Undead Devourer" with purple and golden light...

Not to mention the gains of other travelers in the Fragmented Universe, at this time Song Jian was carrying the Heaven-Breaking Sword and was carefully following a few monitor lizards.

After discovering that the wusuo fruit tree was ripened in advance, the monitor lizards were furious. Almost half of the monitor lizards chased in the direction where the little monitor lizards fled, while the rest were guarded by the wusuo fruit trees. The power of the hot law enveloped the area.

I don’t know how long it took. The large group of people who chased and killed the little dragon lizard came back, but it seemed that they did not catch the little dragon lizard. In the days that followed, the life of the dragon lizard fell into a huge panic. In it, it's like an invisible **** of death, harvesting their lives every day!

Within a month, Song Jian had hunted more than 100 monitor lizards. Almost every two or three of them was hunted, a rule fragment would surely burst. The rule fragments dropped in so many days were enough to make Song Jian Synthesize a heart of law, but Song Jian uses these law fragments all to restore the fruit.

At this time, the maturity of the Posuo fruit has reached 99%. You only need to fuse a fragment of the law to become a complete Posuo fruit!

Song Jian withdrew the Heaven-Breaking Sword from the corpse of a dragon lizard. These dragon lizards are powerful, and there are even three legendary peaks, who have stepped into the demigod realm with one foot. The leader, if he fights head-on, Song Jian is not the opponent of these dragon lizards at all, but he is like a killer hiding in the dark, as long as he finds a dragon lizard alone, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will do it. Performing the sky-one pose, killing directly, then quickly picking up the spoils and disappearing in the stone forest, the whole process did not even last ten seconds.

Seeing the shimmering fragments of the law under the dragon lizard corpse, Song Jian, who was a little haggard, showed a smile on his face: "In one month, I can finally get a complete whirling fruit, hahaha, The law of time, I can finally understand the law of time..."

Thinking of this, Song Jian did not hesitate to bring the law fragments close to the Posuo fruit, which had reached 99% maturity, and swallowed the law fragments again. After a short while, after the maturity reached 100%, the whole Posuo fruit surface , The dark red flame suddenly became vigorous. The flame that was originally just a phantom became extra real. At the same time, an aura about the law of time diffused from the fruit, making Song Jian couldn’t help but want to be immersed in it. This special insight.

"No, it's not safe here. You have to go to a safe place and calmly comprehend it!" Song Jian showed a struggling expression in his eyes, and put the saucy fruit into the parcel and ran away quickly.



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