I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1429: Planting the tree of life

"The tree of life is a divine object that maintains the existence of heaven and earth!" The white-haired ape man kept staring at the seed of life in Song Jian's palm, and explained in a low voice: "Only in the world where the tree of life exists can it survive forever... …"

Song Jian stood quietly on the spot, waiting for the white-haired ape-man to explain to other legendary experts what the tree of life is and what the tree of life does.

"Master Ape, you mean, if our world, after having a tree of life, can continue to evolve and become a complete world?" The emerald python said with surprise on his face.

"It can only be said that there is a chance. After all, it is too difficult and too difficult to grow into a big world, but as long as the world we live in can grow into a small world, we can survive forever, and we will not be One day the world suddenly collapsed and died!" The white-haired ape man laughed.

"It's really great!" All the legendary realm powerhouses all cheered.

Song Jian, who is in the game world, will not understand how desperate the creatures in the fragmented universe are, that no matter how powerful you are, life and death cannot be controlled in your own hands. It is possible at any time and any place. Because the world where they were located suddenly collapsed and died, after all, what they were in was just an extremely tiny fragmented universe!

"You, are you really willing to plant a tree of life here?" The White-haired Ape Man asked excitedly.

"Of course, as long as you are willing!" Song Jian smiled, seeing the expressions of these legendary powerhouses, he knew that this matter was already settled!

Surrounded by a group of legendary powerhouses, Song Jian came to the place where he landed before. Although three months have passed, he can still see the broken old trees, the charred tree stumps, and the barely green ground around him.

In the verdant forest, here is like a scar, which looks very ugly.

Song Jian walked to the center of the scorched earth, dug a hole at will, and buried the Seed of Life in it. After waiting for a while, Song Jian could feel that the Seed of Life had cracked a gap and a small root system. Drilling hard towards the soil.

In a short while, the area of ​​tens of meters in a radius was covered by the root system of the tree of life, and a strong main root was still poking downwards, vowing to drill through the entire planet. .

For a long time, these creatures in the forest of life did not see the seed of life germinate and emerge from the ground. They were a little flustered and talked in a low voice. They did not imprint their breath on the seed of life, and could not detect that the seed of life had already Began to take root and sprout.

"Master Ape, this is..." a creature asked in a low voice.

The white-haired ape-man waved his hand. It could feel that this piece of scorched earth had undergone some subtle changes, but for the species of life, the white-haired ape-man was still unable to perceive its growth. In the white-haired ape-man’s perception, life The location of the seed is like a black hole, constantly devouring everything around it, and even its perception of consciousness is swallowed a small part when it approaches.

"Be patient!" the white-haired ape man whispered.


After waiting for more than an hour, Song Jian finally felt that the roots of the Seed of Life seemed to extend into an empty space, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If the roots of the Seed of Life touch the void, it means that it has been able to take in nutrients from the void on its own. At this point, the tree of life has been planted successfully!

"Huh, it succeeded!" Song Jian smiled.

The emerald python glanced at the charred dirt with nothing, and several question marks appeared on his forehead.

Spiderman: "???"

Elf Los: "???"

White-haired ape-man: "???"

Other creatures: "???"


Just when everyone was puzzled, the ground suddenly shook, as if an earthquake, and then a "monaco" suddenly broke out of the ground and grew into the air at an alarming speed.

Seeing the tree of life soaring into the sky like a giant dragon, everyone's faces showed surprises, staring blankly at the growing tree of life!

While growing upward, the tree of life became thicker, and within a short while, it became a giant tree with a diameter of more than 100 meters!


The ancient trees around also made a cheerful sound, seeming to celebrate the arrival of a king. At the same time, there was a fragrance of fragrance in the air. Song Jian knew that this was the aura released when the tree of life grew. With the growth of the tree of life, this world will gradually be nourished by spiritual energy and will be promoted!

The growth of the tree of life lasted for a full fifteen minutes before it slowly stopped, and then the entire tree of life became nothingness, like a phantom, appearing occasionally!

Since then, although the tree of life has taken root in this fragmented universe, it has actually escaped into the void, and it has obtained nutrients from the void to grow on its own, and no one can harm it.

"Aura, this is Aura. We succeeded, this world has been rescued, we have been rescued!" The white-haired ape man roared excitedly, and beat his chest with both hands.

Some other creatures also cheered and leaped with excitement on their faces. The eyes they looked at Song Jian became more friendly.

"Thank you, mankind. From now on, you will be our friend of the forest of life. If you have any request, please do not hesitate to ask, and we will do our best to satisfy it!" The white-haired ape-man seemed to have become younger and moved towards Song Jian. Yili, said.

Song Jian waved his hand and said with a smile: "I just want to make up for my previous mistakes. The tree of life can take root here and save this world. I am also very happy!"

The tree of life that has been imprinted with his breath is equivalent to a clone of him. When the tree of life grows for a while, when it enters the maturity stage~www.ltnovel.com~ Song Jian can locate this fragmented universe through it, and through it Being able to enter here at any time, just like the real world, when the tree of life in the real world grows up, he can return to the real world from the game world at any time!

"Wishuo Fruit Tree, Wishuo Fruit, Power of Law, you are all mine!" Song Jian looked up towards the Silent Stone Forest, positioning this fragmented universe, and able to come back here at any time, then the Wishuo Fruit Tree in the Silent Stone Forest, Sooner or later it is in his pocket.

You know, owning a fruit tree is equivalent to possessing an infinite power of laws. The power of the laws contained in each fruit is random. In other words, in the near future, Song Jian will even be able to sell the power of the laws. The fruit of the power of various laws!

When he thought of this, Song Jian's heart suddenly became hot, even a legendary powerhouse, it is impossible to have his wealth!

Just when Song Jian was in high spirits, a system prompt suddenly appeared in front of him!

System: The end of the doomsday cruise journey is coming to an end. Please contribute enough treasures as the ship's cost. If the value of the contributed treasures is not enough for the ship's cost, you will always stay in this time and space node!


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