I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1437: give up

"Snippets taken in the long river of time and space?" Song Jian moved in his heart. Why does this sound like a fragmented universe?

"Sister Xin Ling, tell me specifically about this secret realm. Brother, I don't know anything now. If I enter rashly, I might encounter danger!" Song Jian smiled.

"Huh, even if you understand it clearly, what can you do?" A disciple of the Yujian Sect next to him suddenly interrupted: "This secret realm is an endless battlefield. A terrifying meat grinder will fight with the ten thousand clan as soon as you enter it, although the secret realm If you die in the middle of nowhere, you won’t really die, but it will severely damage the sea of ​​knowledge. Unless you have the God of Pregnancy Pill after coming out, it will take several years to just rest on the sea of ​​knowledge!"

"This senior, the name of Gao?" Song Jian glanced at this person and said with a smile.

Song Jian and Xin Ling were the last to start. After they started, Yujianzong never recruited any disciples. The next recruitment will take three years. Therefore, Song Jian and Xin Ling are the youngest in the sect.

"Don't dare to be, in the next Tang Song, Gu Yuefeng disciple, the peak of Tier 3 combat power!" Tang Song glanced at Song Jian and said lazily, "This secret realm is very important to Yu Jianzong. There are countless treasures in it, and the most important. The corpse of a legendary and demi-god powerhouse can be seen almost everywhere. Even the body of a god-level powerhouse is not impossible to touch. If you are lucky, you can really get the body of a god-level powerhouse. But you really made a fortune. The opponent’s godhead, godfire, **** realm, and artifacts on your body are all yours. Even if you get the corpse of a semi-god powerhouse, although there is no **** fire, godhead, **** realm, etc., the opponent understands You can also absorb insights by means of the power of the law..."

Song Jian glanced at Tang Song and said with a smile: "Senior brother wants to go in and obtain the body of a semi-god powerhouse, and then feel the power of the other party's laws?"

Generally speaking, the power of the law can only be mastered in the legendary realm, which is the key to advanced semi-divine realm, but there is no mandatory requirement. You must enter the legendary realm to realize it, and the third-order combat power can also be realized, but the strength is too weak and equal Under circumstances, the perception effect is one-tenth of that of the legendary realm, or even lower, but it is not that no one has the power of the law when the third-order combat power is.

Even if a disciple of Yujianzong is a random disciple, he is also a proud generation. Those who dare to enter the secret realm of the starry sky and ten thousand races are all people who are confident in their own strength. It is not that much to gain the power of the law in the third-order combat power. Strange things.

"The power of the law is too far away for me. I am now at the peak of Tier 3 combat power. I entered this time just to feel the power of comprehension..." Tang Song smiled, but his face was arrogant. Obviously, what he thought was different from what he said.

At the peak of Tier 3 combat power, if you want to break through and enter the legendary realm, you must master the power of the domain. The power of the domain is actually the weakened version of the power of the law, and you control a domain. In the domain, your own strength will get a bonus. The enemy's strength will be weakened.

The battle between the two legendary realm powerhouses is the battle of domain power first, and then the competition of their own strength. If the domain power is not as good as the other, then they will completely lose the first move and lose most of them first.

"The power of the domain and the power of the law are in the same line. If I want to break through the legendary realm, I must first master the power of the domain of time..." Song Jian frowned.

He is not worried about the power of the law. After all, he has a fruit tree that will produce several fruit. As long as you wait patiently, there is always a chance that you will encounter a fruit that contains the law of time. Therefore, the power of law For Song Jian, it is much simpler to master than domain power.

Tang Song only talked about the benefits that might be gained after entering the secret realm, and did not specify the danger, but Song Jian also understood what the other party meant. The corpses of the legendary realm and the semi-god realm can be picked up, and the corpses of the god-level strongest luck. What does it mean to get good? It shows that in this secret realm, the legend is not as good as the dog, and the demigod walks all over the ground, but the disciples who enter the secret realm are all under the legendary realm. For the legendary realm and the semi-god powerhouse, these third-tier combat power disciples , Not even cannon fodder, it's just an ant-like existence, you can kill it if you meet it easily!

"This is simply more dangerous than a doomsday cruise and even more terrifying than the fragmented universe!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

"Brother, this secret realm was intercepted by a powerful person from the long river of time, and then sealed with a secret method. It is trapped in an endless loop. It will reappear every once in a while, so every time you enter, you will encounter the same scene!" Xin Ling secretly handed a booklet to Song Jian, and said in a low voice: "This is the information I collected about the secret realm. I don't have time to read it now. After you enter the secret realm, study it carefully. It may help you a little bit! "

Song Jian was overjoyed. For him, it was raining in time, and finally he wouldn't enter the secret realm in darkness.

At this moment, Duan Xing flowed out to the front of the square with a solemn expression. He glanced at the thousands of disciples on the square and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

These disciples are all elite disciples of Yujianzong's peaks. They are the backbone of Yujianzong. When entering the secret realm this time, there will be someone who will advance to the legend, but most of them will probably die in the secret realm, and even their bodies will not be left behind. For Yu Jianzong, this loss is almost unbearable. If it weren't for the next secret realm to open, it would take hundreds of years, and Duan Xingliu would even give up this secret realm.

"The legendary realm powerhouse is the future of a sect. If you don't enter the legend, the number of disciples is useless!" Duan Xingliu secretly said in his heart.

After a while, Duan Xingliu suddenly shouted: "Quiet!"

In an instant, thousands of people in the entire square were silent, all staring at Duan Xingliu intently. Duan Xingliu was quite satisfied with the reaction of the sect disciple. If it was put in normal times, he would inevitably praise it, but now, Duan Xingliu didn't have that mood anymore.

"My disciples, the mystery of the ten thousand clan in the starry sky is about to be opened. I must have known that even if the legendary realm enters, it is very likely to fall. You only have the peak of Tier 3 combat power, and there are only ants in it. Although there are many opportunities in UU reading www.uukanshu.com, there are more dangerous places. If there are disciples who are unwilling to enter, they can still withdraw now, and the sect will never blame!"

After a pause, seeing no one coming out, Duan Xingliu sighed and said: "At the peak of Tier 3 combat power, it is not that difficult to enter the legendary realm. There is a domain pool in the sect, and you can enter with contribution points. Although the effect is mediocre, if you enter a few more times, you will always realize the power of the domain. It only takes a little time, but it is better than safety..."

After hearing Duan Xingliu's words, some disciples began to hesitate. Xin Ling cast his lips down and whispered: "The effect of the domain pool is average. It takes at least ten times before it is possible to comprehend the power of the domain. Most of them are areas with very general effects. Even if they break through the legendary realm, they are still the bottom characters among the legendary realm powerhouses..."

"I, I quit!" At this moment, a disciple with a pale face suddenly raised his right hand and walked out of the crowd.

Seeing this disciple, the face of a peak master, it suddenly became difficult to look like this disciple was a disciple of their line.

"Yes, it takes courage to enter the secret realm, and it also takes courage to give up. You stand aside first, are there other disciples who want to quit!" Duan Xingliu glanced at the disciple, nodded slightly, and continued.

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