I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1440: Field power

Song Jian flew toward the beam of light on the sea. In other places, many people found the beam of light, and all flew toward the beam of light. For a time, wind and waves slowly began to rise on the otherwise silent sea. The waves of waves shook up on the sea.

Song Jian also saw that someone else had discovered the beam of light, and he didn't care. When he got close, Song Jian realized that these figures flying towards the beam of light had a slightly unreal feeling, just like a 3D projection, although they looked genuine. They are exactly the same, but there are still some flaws in the details that people can see at a glance, which is not true!

"These people are also part of the secret realm. In other words, they are all in the past. Millions of years ago, the Dragon Palace treasure was opened, and they all came here to hunt for treasures. When the time and space are intercepted, their images are also All intercepted..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

"Hey, it's another human race. I can see you everywhere. It's like a locust in the sky!" In the distance, a legendary monster looked towards Song Jian with a look of disdain and deep eyes. There is still a trace of killing intent!

Song Jian turned his head to look. This big demon looked like a pig demon, with fat head and big ears, with a pig head on his sturdy neck, and a few bronze pieces hanging on his long pig nose. Nose ring.

Unlike other pig monsters full of fat, although the big monster in front of you looks sturdy, but there is no fat on his body. Just like a fitness trainer, his body is full of muscles, swelling, slightly moving, under the skin. It's as if a little mouse is moving around. Before it gets close, there is an oppressive force rushing toward you!

"One hundred and seventy-nine, only one level to reach the pinnacle of the legendary realm..." Song Jian squinted his eyes, staring at the big demon in front of him for a closer look.

Because of the existence of Blind God Eye, even if it exceeds level fifty or sixty, Song Jian can clearly see the opponent's level, unlike other people, as long as it exceeds level ten, all he sees is the level of skeletons.

"Hahahaha, pig head, in the human realm, you still dare to speak rudely, are you really afraid that the strong human race will kill you!" A dark carapace was covered in a dark carapace and looked like an alien monster staring at the pig monster After taking a look, he let out a sharp neigh and laughed.

"What about the human situation, old pig, I'll come and leave if I want!" Pig demon looked at the left and right with some guilty conscience, and said with a cold snort.

"Okay, Zisha. The Dolphins are famous for bullying and fearing hardship. Although this is a human situation, it is only in name. The strong humans rarely appear here. Don't scare Tu Ke. They are teammates! "A slender figure looks like a human, but only a creature with horizontal eyes smiles.

The beam of light cannot enter at this time. Once it approaches, there will be a strong repulsive force. Song Jian, like everyone else, floats in the air around the beam of light.

Within a short time, twenty or thirty people appeared around the beam of light. Looking around, they were all strange-looking alien races, not a single human!

Moreover, all the people who appeared here were all Legendary realm powerhouses, the lowest was the 120th level of the early legendary realm, and the highest was 180th level, the legendary peak powerhouse.

Among them, a burly ape with a golden hair and a height of more than two meters exudes the strongest breath of power, and a strange wave of fluctuations spread to all directions.

This golden-haired ape tried his best to control the strange fluctuations on his body, but it couldn't cover it perfectly. From time to time, there would be a trace of fluctuations that other people could perceive.

"The power of the law..." Song Jian's heart sank. Although the opponent is only at level 180 and is at the pinnacle of the legendary realm, the strange fluctuations in his body imply the power of the law, indicating that he has stepped into it with one foot. In the field of law, it is only a matter of time before the promotion to the demigods.

By its side, a large area was vacated. Obviously, other people also felt that this golden-haired ape was not easy to provoke and did not dare to approach it.

And this golden-haired ape also had an arrogant look. He looked at others around him contemptuously, and when he saw Song Jian, he also snorted coldly, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"I am now in the secret realm. These aliens can see me and kill me!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart: "They didn't hide their intent to kill me, but none of the aliens dared to actually do it. It seems that the humans of this period are really powerful, shocking all races!"

The surrounding alien races are all above the legendary level, and Song Jian’s performance at this time is only the third-order combat power. Generally speaking, his strength is only an ant-like existence in the eyes of the legendary level. Crushed to death.

But when so many foreign races saw Song Jian, they only dared to show their murderous intent, but they didn't dare to do it. Obviously they were afraid that the news would leak and the human race would take revenge!

"The Dragon Treasure belongs to the Deep Sea Dragon, and it belongs to a foreign race. Humans are not qualified to enter it..." An ox tribe with curved horns stared at Song Jian and suddenly muffled.

When the other aliens saw someone coming out, they all looked at the show, staring at Tauren and Song Jian with an inexplicable smile on their faces.

"Yes, human, you are too weak, so you should leave. This is a treasure of a foreign race, and the human race is not qualified to enter!" A python spit out the snake core, hissing, and echoed.

"Hahaha, little guy, I only have Tier 3 combat power, and I dare to come here. I'm so courageous. Didn't your grown-up say that if you meet a foreigner in the wild, you should leave quickly?" The other foreigners laughed. , What they fear is the prestige of the human race, but it is not the human being with only Tier 3 combat power in front of them.

Song Jian stared at the bull tribe who spoke first, and his breath exploded fiercely, as if he wanted to fight with him.

At this time, there is no need to fight over tongues. It is enough to show strength. The strong will not work with the weak. The reason why this group of aliens embarrass Song Jian is that on the one hand, Song Jian is a human being, on the other hand, it is also because Song Jian has revealed it. The strength is the weakest.

"Hahaha, Modo, this kid is provoking you!" The other aliens burst into laughter, looking at the bull tribe with joking expressions.

"Humans, have a sense of awe for the strong!" The cow tribe Modo snorted coldly, and a powerful aura was revealed, and the power of the domain unfolded to reach an area of ​​30 meters in radius.

The surrounding aliens retreated one after another, UU reading www.uukanshu.com gave up a large area! The bull tribe Modo let out a low growl, and stepped into the air, rushing towards Song Jian.

Soon, Modo, a cow tribe, rushed within 30 meters of Song Jian. For a moment, Song Jian felt a binding force on the surface of his body, as if countless ropes were tied to him, making himself motionless.

"The power of the domain, the rudiment of the power of the law, the ability that only the strong of the legendary realm can understand..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's too weak. This strength is not at all. It may restrain me, and the range is only 30 meters, ridiculous, I am afraid this is the weakest field power I have ever seen!"

With a thought, Song Jian shouted: "Open!"

Suddenly, a fierce breath emerged from Song Fitness, like a sharp blade, cutting away all the restraining forces surrounding him. At the same time, Song Jian's hand broke the sky, bursting out a dazzling sword aura. , Hacked towards the Niu people.


PS: Thank you "Qin Shihuang" for rewarding 500 starting coins~

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