I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1442: Starry sky

The young man’s sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a heroic look on his face, shocked all the fish warriors. It was the two twig-like horns on the young man’s forehead. The horns were only three inches in size, and they were bronze and shimmering. With a strange light.

"Dragon, Dragon Race!" The mermaid leader felt his throat dry, and a look of fear appeared on his face. The power of the domain also trembled in an instant, and slowly shrank back.

With a domain power of 100 meters, he is already considered to be the best among the legendary realm powerhouses, at least much stronger than the previous bull tribe, but before this young man, the mermaid commander did not even dare to expand the domain power. How deep is the aftermath of the dragon clan that shocks them these sea clan.

"My lord!" The mermaid commander directly knelt down and stood on his knees in the void. He didn't even dare to lift his head. Behind it, a large group of mermaid warriors also knelt down and can float in the void like flat ground. These mermaid warriors, at least. All are Tier 3 combat power.

"My name is Ao Tian, ​​this time I am here specifically for the Dragon Palace Treasures, you lowly blood, you dare to covet the Dragon Palace Treasures, you should be punished!" Aotian stared at the group of mermaids with a grim expression.

"My lord forgive me!" The mermaid leader trembled, and the opponent radiated a faint dragon power. This is a natural bloodline suppression. Although the mermaid leader has reached the peak strength of the legendary realm, the opposite Ao Tian is only in the middle of the legendary realm at most, a difference of two A small realm, but the mermaid leader knew in his heart that once a dispute occurred, it would be easy for the other party to kill them.

Sea tribe, all sea tribes are under the leadership of dragon tribe, facing the order of any dragon tribe, can not disobey, even if the opponent is just a child with first-order combat power.

Because in the bloodline genes of all sea tribes, they carry genes that fear the dragon tribe. In Longwei, the sea tribe can’t even exert one percent of its strength. This is why the dragon tribe can dominate the sea tribe for thousands of years. s reason.

If it weren't for the battle with the human race, the dragon race was almost annihilated, the sea race like the mermaid tribe would never have appeared on the surface of the sea. They were still in the depths of the sea, doing the cheapest jobs such as mining and planting.

"Hmph, the Dragon Race has suffered a catastrophe. Now it is the time to use people, let me spare you once..." Ao Tian snorted, followed the mermaid commander, and said with the two lieutenants around it: "The three of you will follow me. , Enter the Dragon Palace and take out the treasure. At that time, not only will your disrespect be avoided, but there will also be a reward!"

"Thank you, my lord!" The mermaid commander responded quickly. After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "My lord, are there only three of us? Although the soldiers behind me are low in strength, they are also soldiers of a hundred battles. The enemy can also be defeated, and bringing them will definitely help the adults!"

"Huh, if you don't reach the legendary level, you will die if you enter. Let them wait outside and pick us up at any time!" Ao Tian glanced at the soldier behind the mermaid leader with disdain, then turned and flew towards the beam of light: "Keep up, Dragon Palace The treasure is about to open!"


In the starry sky, a planet has been occupied by the Void Zerg. On one of the highest peaks, a palace was erected. On the square in front of the palace, countless Zergs in black carapace screamed while fighting each other. They were all The newly-born Zerg is undergoing combat training, but the light green blood is constantly splashing during the training, as if it is fighting life and death.

At this moment, a black shadow flicked through the air, and a zerg with a length of more than three meters and three spear-like long-tailed zerg floating behind it landed in front of the square.


A strong breath burst out of the palace in front of the square, and a Zerg commander flew out from the palace and knelt down in front of the Void Zerg who had landed.

"Mother Marshal!" Kaza knelt down on one knee in front of this Void Zerg with three bone tails, with a look of admiration on his face, bowing his head and said: "Mother Marshal is coming, I don't know what to order?"

"Kaza, are you familiar with the barbaric planet?" The black aura, like a long dragon surrounding the marshal, stared at the Zerg general and asked directly.

"Mother Marshal, the barbaric planet used to belong to the dragon clan, but now the dragon clan has been defeated by the human clan, and now it belongs to the human realm. However, after the human clan defeated the dragon clan, only the dragon slayer army was left to garrison. Strength, within three moves, defeated the Dragon Emperor Xihai and took off its head!" Kaza respectfully said: "At the time, I was watching the war, but I didn't fight with the human race!"

"Hehe, you are quite brave!" The Zerg female handsome smiled slightly, and there was a hint of girlish charm on her hard cheeks. It threw the things she had been holding in front of Kaza with a smile: " This is the head of the Dragon King of East China Sea. I only used one move to kill it!"

"What, Dragon King of the East China Sea? God-level powerhouse..." Kaza looked at the hideous head that fell in front of it, with a look of surprise on his face, and quickly complimented: "The majestic marshal, the commander of the Dragon Slayer Corps. Not your opponent at all..."

"Well, if you compliment, you don't have to say it!" The mother-in-law waved his hand and said: "From the Dragon King of Longhai, I got a message that the Dragon Palace Treasure will be opened soon. Take a few people and give me the Dragon Palace Treasure. Take it back, remember, there is a Dragon King’s dragon ball in it, you must bring it back to me, remember it!"

"The commander's orders, the subordinates must complete!" Kaza said quickly.

"Well, very good!" The mother-in-chief nodded in satisfaction, and said: "At least you have to be eligible to enter the legendary realm. You can figure it out. Once it is done, I will purify your bloodline once!"

Kaza was taken aback, then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, and he repeatedly said: "Please rest assured, the subordinates will complete the task!"


In the depths of the starry sky, a huge star beast with a body more than ten kilometers leisurely wanders in the void. The star beasts are few in number and have an extremely long life span. Adult star beasts live by devouring the planet. The starry sky often appears because of one Only an adult star beast swallowed a star and caused the destruction of the entire galaxy. Therefore, once the star beast appears, it will be besieged by all races!

Star beasts are born with legendary strength. Once they reach adulthood, they will reach the demigod level. As time goes by, star beasts over 100,000 years old will have god-level strength. The star beast in front of us is only over a thousand years old. , Among the star beasts, they belong to minor children.

The star beast, who was wandering with its eyes closed, seemed to perceive something, its nose flapped slightly, opened its eyes, and looked in one direction.

"The fragrance of treasures, many treasures..."

The white light flashed, and the original huge body of the star beast disappeared. Instead, it was a human child with a somewhat weird appearance. This child had no eyebrows, big eyes and big mouth, which looked a bit ugly.

"Treasures, a lot of treasures, if they can be swallowed, maybe they can enter the sleeping period early..." The child muttered to himself, staring at the distant void, with a smile on his face.


The child turned into a white light and disappeared instantly.


The opening of the Dragon Palace Treasure attracted a lot of attention. Song Jian saw that people were constantly flying towards the beam of light. Those who had not reached the legendary realm of strength did not even dare to approach, but only dared to watch from a distance. However, he approached the beam of light without any scruples and observed it.

"Almost all are legendary powerhouses. Up to now, I haven't seen demigods and god-level powerhouses appear!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, a pleasantly surprised voice came from a distance: "Brother, brother, you are actually here, great!"


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