I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1444: Treasure opens

Heavenly Demon Sect Song Qi, hearing the three words Yujianzong, did not find the corresponding school in his mind, and suddenly became contemptuous.

But soon, the god-level guardian behind him spoke to him: "Don't underestimate him, that man possesses a god-level aura, and he was pulled by my body's aura before, leaking a trace..."

"God-level aura?" Song Qi was shocked. No one who can possess a god-level treasure body is a small school disciple. The thoughts in his mind flashed, and the smile on his face couldn't help but fill up three points.

"It turned out to be the two high-ranking disciples of Yujianzong, so lucky to meet!" Song Qi said.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect, one of the ten ancient sects, the core practice of this sect, the Heavenly Demon Dance, and the legendary quality exercises are the same as the Chaos Sword Art. However, by our time, it has disappeared. The method is also a fragment, reduced to a golden quality technique..." Xin Ling whispered to Song Jian.

For this trip to the secret realm, Xin Ling did a lot of homework, and a lot of information was not included in the booklet she gave to Song Jian. That booklet only briefly explained the basics of the secret realm of the starry sky. Know how.

"Then if someone enters the Heavenly Demon Sect in the secret realm, wouldn't they have the opportunity to learn the entire version of the Heavenly Demon Dance?" Song Jian raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"Yes, it is possible in theory, but it is actually difficult!" Xin Ling glanced at Song Jian and said, "Think about the conditions for you to learn the Chaos Sword Classic. Here, the number of sects is a thousand times that of Yujianzong. The strength is a thousand times, ten thousand times that of the Imperial Sword Sect, and the Heavenly Demon Dance is a Zhen-style exercise. If you want to learn it, you must at least be the Tianjiao Saint Child of the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

"So, this person in front of you is the Tianjiao Saint Child of the Sky Demon Sect? If you kill him, I don't know if you can explode the Sky Demon Dance?" Song Jian stared at Song Qi, his eyes flashed suddenly.

Song Qi suddenly felt a little cold on his body, it seemed that someone was hitting his idea, and a burst of anger surged in his heart, but he soon suppressed it again.

"Brother Song, Brother Song?" Song Qi couldn't help crying when he saw Song Jian seemed a little sluggish.

"Ah, oh, Brother Song, I don't know how many levels of the Heavenly Demon Dance have you practiced, but will you have a complete technique?" Song Jian raised his head and asked suddenly.

Song Qi showed a trace of anger, but in the end he managed to squeeze a smile and said, "There are nine levels in the Heavenly Demon Dance, and I only learned the first three levels. It's not worth mentioning..."

Song Jian didn’t know, he rashly asked other people’s core techniques, but he made a big taboo, but even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care. After all, this is just a secret world. These people are just images from millions of years ago. Even the ashes are gone. In the secret realm, as long as he gains enough benefits here, he will leave here, and he will not interact with these images too deeply.

Song Jian's rash questioning seemed to anger Song Qi, and after a few hastily chats, Song Qi hid away.

"Originally, I thought that the two were of the same clan, but I wanted to bring two helpers together so that they could form an alliance with the Dragon Palace Treasures and explore the treasures together. Unexpectedly, he was so bold and asked the Heavenly Demon Dance...humph!" Song Qi gritted his teeth and secretly said.

"Don't mind, the Heavenly Demon Dance is a legendary technique, and they are inevitable that they are curious, but what kind of sect is this Yujian Sect, I have never heard of it, if it is really just a small sect, how can there be a god-level treasure? Guardian, strange, strange..." The guardian behind him was also confused, not knowing the origins of Song Jian and Xin Ling.

At this moment, there was a "rumbling" sound around the pillar of light to the sky, and the surrounding sea water violently stirred up like a tornado, flying along the pillar of light into the air, and within a short while, it was formed. A sight of a dragon absorbing water with a diameter of several hundred meters. Such a magnificent sight is rare in a century, but the surrounding area is full of domineering spatial power. A legendary demon clan got too close to him, and was directly caught by dozens The force of space cut into pieces and scattered towards the sea.

This scene frightened everyone. Only the young Dragon Clan Ao Tian stood far away with a sneer on his face. Everyone present, if anyone is most familiar with the Dragon Palace Treasures, then only this young Dragon Clan Ao Tian.

He had known for a long time that the Dragon Palace Treasure would overflow the power of space when it was opened, so he avoided it early.

"It's a pity that only one person was killed. This has accumulated hundreds of years of spatial power. Even if a demigod-level powerhouse is involved in it, he will be seriously injured, let alone a legendary realm, huh!" Ao Tian's face was cold. Mindful, talking to himself, the celebrity fish clan generals behind it looked at each other, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, if it weren’t for Ao Tian’s reminder, they might have been involved because they were too close. Such a trap is simply not something they can contend with.

In a short while, a thick white mist filled the water from the eloquent dragon. Soon, it enveloped an area several hundred meters in radius. Some cautious people retreated one after another. The scene before Everyone was terrified, and now seeing the white mist appearing, I didn't even dare to come closer.

Seeing the appearance of the white mist, the dragon youth said in a low voice, "Go!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed in towards Bai Wu first, and several celebrities and generals of the fish clan hurriedly followed. At this time, it is only possible to enter the Dragon Palace treasure by following Ao Tian.

There were a lot of people who saw the Dragon Juvenile act, and the smart ones followed. Only some cautious people hesitated. When they decided to enter, the dragon juvenile could not be seen in the white mist, and they couldn't help but regret it.

After entering the white fog, everyone found that the previous fierce power of space had disappeared, and they couldn't help but settled in their hearts. Looking at the back of the young dragon clan, Ao Tian, ​​everyone had a strange smile on their faces.

The white mist is not suitable for flying with the sword. Song Jian took the flying sword, and the wings spread out behind UU reading www.uukanshu.com and rushed towards the white mist. Xin Ling followed closely. Behind her, a pair appeared like The film-like wings of the elves were covered with golden magic patterns, and the speed was not much slower than Song Jian's winged wings.

"This white mist is condensed from spiritual energy. The treasures of the Dragon Palace have been silent for hundreds of years, and the aura has been stored for hundreds of years. Once opened, the spiritual energy is released. One day is equivalent to ten days of cultivation here. It’s useless, and only a cup of tea is needed to open the treasure. Oh, it’s like fifteen minutes. We must find the door to the treasure within fifteen minutes. Otherwise, once the time has passed, the door will be closed. , We missed this opportunity..." Xin Ling explained while flying.

"Xin Ling, look over there, is it the gateway to the Dragon Palace treasure?" Song Jian suddenly pointed to the distance and asked loudly.

Xin Ling looked up, and there was a fist-sized ball of light in the distance, continuously releasing light!

"That's it, brother, you are lucky and have good eyesight, let's go!" Xin Ling said with joy.

The two looked at each other, smiled slightly, and flew towards the ball of light together.


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