I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1446: General Crab

After entering the light gate, Song Jian and Xingling staggered forward two steps, as if someone pushed them behind. When the two stood firmly, they discovered that they had actually entered the bottom of the sea. There was dark sea above their heads. Many schools of fishes carrying their own bright, wandering in the sea, like stars.

"This is the Dragon Palace?" Xing Ling said, as soon as she opened her mouth, a few bubbles floated from her mouth, which shocked her.

At this time, the two people discovered that they were actually in a piece of rippling water. The water was extremely pure and light. If you were not paying attention, you would simply ignore their existence.

"No, this is not water..." Song Jian was surprised: "This is a liquefied aura, my God, can it be said that the entire Dragon Palace is full of liquefied auras!"

Song Jian looked around, and vaguely saw that the area was extremely vast, with mountains, trenches, tall plants, and tracts of underwater palaces in the distance. The surface was shining with a faint light. It should be there. The specific location of the Dragon Palace.

"These are all liquefied auras. Cultivating here is at least ten times faster than the outside world. At most three months, I can surely upgrade to level 120..." Song Jian said in surprise.

Normal practice will also improve combat experience, but it is rarely, or even less than the combat experience gained by hunting monsters. However, some diligent players hunt monsters during the day and practice according to their respective techniques at night. Over time, more Those players who do not practice at night will have a much higher level.

Cultivation needs to consume aura, where there is a lot of aura, the combat experience gained from training is also rich, and here, the aura is already rich and liquefied, and the effect of training here is almost the same as using amethyst, and the speed of gaining combat experience will be extremely fast. !

"We can't use these spiritual liquids..." Xing Ling said strangely after taking a look at Song Jian.

This sentence is like a basin of cold water, directly pouring Song Jian to wake up.

"Yes, the essence of this secret realm is to intercept a piece of audio and video. What you see and hear are all real, but it happened a million years ago..." Song Jian sighed and said.

"There should be the location of the Dragon Palace treasure, let's go quickly, the location of the Dragon Palace treasure is random, some people may have entered, and they have already been inside the Dragon Palace!" Xing Ling said, pointing to the undulating palace group in front.

"Well, let's go quickly, don't let anyone preempt!" Song Jian said.

The two of them were about to use the sword to fly, but found that this area was forbidden to fly, and there was a no-flying area in the sky, not only was unable to fly with the sword, even Song Jian's wings of the sky could not even fly in the air by his own ability.

"I can only go step by step!" Xin Ling said helplessly: "I hope that there are not many people who enter the Dragon Palace, so I can leave something for us! However, that Ao Tian is a dragon, and he should have a way to enter the Dragon Palace directly from the portal. in……"

The two ran towards the Dragon Palace. Along the way, tall coral trees, large pearls on human heads acted as street lamps for lighting, and various underwater treasures were piled up like mountains. If on earth, these would be billions, tens of billions. A valuable treasure, but here, to Song Jian and Xin Ling, it is of no value. The two of them didn't even look at it, and ran towards the Long Palace in the distance.

"Be careful!" Song Jian suddenly grabbed Xin Ling and whispered.


A harpoon shimmering with metallic luster was inserted into the ground in front of the two of them. If they didn't find it and continued to run forward, the harpoon should just be inserted into Xin Ling.

"Who!" Xin Ling said angrily, flipping her wrist, a long sword the size of a finger, and then zooming around it, instantly turned into a three-foot green sword, which was held by Xin Ling.

At this moment, a five-short figure, with a crab head, a scorpion shell on his back, a giant scorpion pliers in his left hand, and a dark brown carapace on his right arm, jumped out, pointing at the two and shouting, "Xiao Xiao Human race, even dared to trespass into the treasures of the Dragon Palace without permission, so you don’t know whether to live or die, so quickly retreat, otherwise, you will immediately die here!"

"General Crab? In the early days of the legendary realm, hiss, does any monster possess the strength of the legendary realm, this dragon palace treasure is really dangerous!" Song Jian's eyes flickered, checking the opponent's attributes.

"Although there are many powerhouses above the legendary realm in the secret realm, it is impossible for a small monster to become a legendary realm. Usually it is a second-tier monster with a third-tier combat power..." Xin Ling shook her head and whispered: "This is the Dragon Palace treasure. The monster guarding the Dragon Palace treasure is equivalent to a dungeon elite. Naturally, it is stronger than the outside world. Moreover, the aura here is condensed into liquid. The monsters here will naturally be more powerful!"

"Legendary monsters, can you deal with them now?" Song Jian asked. He and Xin Ling had never seen each other after completing the sect mission last time. I don't know how the opponent's strength has improved now, although it is also Tier 3. Combat power, but I don't know if I have the power to fight against the legendary realm.

"Although I can't beat it, self-protection should be fine!" Xin Ling whispered.

Song Jian nodded. It seems that the opponent has been practicing in the sect, and his strength has not fallen a lot. Most players in the third-order battle legend can't do it.

"Otherwise, you accompany him..." Song Jian smiled.

Before I finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion from the Dragon Palace in the distance. The sound of the explosion was earth-shaking, and the vigor visible to the naked eye spread towards the surroundings. Many treasures like coral trees were crushed into powder by the vigor, even Song Jian At the location, the mountain shook, and cracks tens of meters long opened on the ground.

"This is, there are legendary realm powerhouses fighting?" Song Jian was surprised, and only the legendary realm powerhouse can display such a terrifying power. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"The dragon family is gone, this is no longer the place of the dragon family. The little four-clawed dragon dare to be presumptuous and take a thunderous blow to me!" Above the dragon palace, a giant phantom with a height of more than ten feet appeared, and the giant waved a hand. A mace, on the mace, was shining with lightning, covering an area of ​​tens of meters.

"The pinnacle of the legendary realm, haha, it seems that Ao Tian met his opponent. Generally speaking, he will not end well when he encounters the pinnacle of the legendary realm in the early stage of the legendary realm. The history books record how he escaped the peak of the legendary realm. Are you chasing after him?" Song Jian raised his head and looked towards the Dragon Palace. He couldn't help but laugh when he felt the breath from the other party.

"How can this kind of thing be recorded in the book? It's not..." Xin Ling rolled her eyes and said, "Ao Tian must be fine anyway, here is Dragon Palace, his home court, even at the pinnacle of Legendary Realm... However, let's go over and take a look, maybe we can pick up some cheaper..."

"Wow, I'm so mad, you two human children actually look down on my General Crab, look at the tricks!" The general Crab on the opposite side saw the two talking and laughing, and didn't put himself in his eyes. He couldn't help being furious, even on his body. His carapace was a little red, waving his left hand scorpion tongs, and General Crab rushed towards the two.


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