I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1449: Panlong

Dozens of great monsters stared at Song Jian, watching him stand motionless in front of Dragon Palace's defensive formation, and suddenly felt a little strange.

"That kid, what are you doing to make you attack the defensive formation. You stand there motionless and delay time, and if you delay, you will kill you!" A large snake clan exuding coldness, staring at Song Jian loudly Shouted.

Song Jian ignored them, continuing to turn his back to the crowd, his eyes closed slightly, his spiritual thoughts flowed through the entire array following the pulse of energy, sensing the position of the core of the defense array.

"Master, brother..." Xin Ling watched the hideous alien races staring at her, and the killing intent around her was wrapped around her like a substance. Even if she knew that these alien races were influenced millions of years ago, Xin Ling still tolerated. Can't help feeling fear.

"court death!"

Seeing that Song Jian ignored it, the big demon of the snake clan was furious, and gave a low growl, slashing his palm toward Song Jian's back.

Other alien races also looked towards Song Jian. Seeing the snake clan big demon rushing towards Song Jian, all of them shook their heads slightly. The Human Race’s Tianjiao will fall, and the human territory will surely shake off. I don’t know how many demigods will appear again. , Even a god-level powerhouse, avenged the young man in front of him.

"Snake demon Akao is known for his bloodthirsty and brutality. It ranks 37th on the Alien Wanted List. Other aliens may even scrutinize the human race, but it is not afraid!" A big demon who knew the details of Akao said in a low voice.

"Hehe, the protectors are all blocked from the Dragon Palace treasure. This celebrity Tianjiao dares to provoke the strong, and it is not surprising that he is ignorant of the current affairs and has fallen!" A big demon said with a mocking expression on his face.

"Hmph, Song Qi of the Sky Demon Sect, he dare not show up until now. Those are the people with brains. These two, hehe, I'm afraid I've stayed in the sect before and never came out. I don't know the world is sinister..."

Almost everyone felt that Song Jian was bound to fall, a human Tianjiao with only Tier 3 combat power, facing a mid-Legendary Snake Clan great demon, even if he had some trump cards, he could not escape the fall.

Everyone gloated at misfortunes, or ridiculed them, or looked at Song Jian with cold eyes. Even the Void Zerg and the young star beast changed their eyes and stared at Song Jian with interest.

At this time, the snake demon Akao had already rushed to a place less than three meters away from Song Jian. The strong wind had even aroused the dragon palace's defense formation, and circles of ripples rippled from the surface of the mask, exuding powerful Power.

At this time, Song Jian finally opened his eyes and laughed loudly: "Panlong Yutian formation, hahaha, it turned out to be another legendary formation, Panlong Yutian, flying dragon in the sky, dragon fighting in the wild, this It is not a defensive formation, but a set of formations. It contains three formations, a legendary formation integrating defense and counterattack! My sword formation catalogue can finally include a legendary formation!"

Song Jian retracted his hand and turned his head to see that the snake demon Chitail had already jumped in front of him. He couldn't help but smiled brightly: "Didn't you let me crack this formation before? I have cracked it now. Why do you want to kill me again?"

"But it's okay, just try the formation I just learned!" A smile appeared on Song Jian's face.

The right palm of the snake demon Akao had doubled in size, and the wind was strong, and a fishy wind continued to circulate between the swings. Obviously, this palm was not only powerful, but also contained toxins.

However, after seeing Song Jian turning around, Akao suddenly stiffened, and his face showed an extremely shocked expression.

"No, no, what the **** is this..."

A burst of exclamation came, and Akao unexpectedly recovered the demon body and turned into a huge python about ten feet long. It seemed to have seen some terrifying picture. Even if the demon body was restored, it would retreat again and again in fright. Looks like.

"what happened?"

Everyone stared at him and Song Jian. Originally thought that Song Jian would be killed by the snake demon Akao, but he didn't expect that this would happen in the end.

The eyes of the powerful foreigners were on Song Fitness. At this time, in front of a giant python that was more than ten feet long, stood a handsome human teenager. This teenager looked more than 20 years old and was 1.8 meters tall. , The figure was slightly thin, and there was a faint smile on his face. The ferocious python in front of him, as if seeing a ghost, screamed back and forth.

At this time, Song Jian held the Heaven-Breaking Sword, and thousands of spirit swords appeared behind him, and these spirit swords were entangled with each other. In an instant, an oriental dragon of tens of meters long appeared behind him.

Originally, the dragon's figure was still a bit faint, but with the integration of countless spirit swords, the dragon's figure gradually became solidified, and finally, a real Eastern dragon appeared in front of everyone.

"Dragon, Dragon Race, how could it be possible, this Human Race boy, how could it have summoned the Dragon Race..." All the foreign races showed shocked expressions on their faces, backing back and forth.

At this time, the cyan dragon after Song Fitness, centered on Song Jian, coiled upwards, as if coiled around a huge pillar, with its head high, staring at the red tail of the snake demon.

A faint dragon's prestige radiated, and Akao retreated again and again in shock.

"This is the Panlong Imperial Sky Formation..." Song Jian muttered to himself. Then, with a thought, the entire dragon suddenly collapsed and turned into thousands of spirit swords flying all over the sky.

With Song Jian’s thoughts, thousands of spirit swords regrouped again. In an instant, a golden oriental dragon appeared behind him, and a loud dragon roar resounded everywhere, and the golden dragon was forming. In an instant, he rose into the air, ignoring the forbidden air formation in the Dragon Palace treasure, soaring high in the sky, the dragon's power filled the sky, a pair of long eyes the size of a lantern, staring at the foreign races with killing intent.

"This, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, this is not a real dragon, it was made by that kid, not a real dragon!" A big demon yelled: "We have so many legendary powerhouses, is it true? Shocked by this human kid?"

At this time, the alien race who had come to understand also discovered that although the dragons summoned by Song Jian were exactly the same as the real ones, when the previous blue dragon collapsed, it did not look like a living thing.

Moreover, the most important thing is, how can a young man with Tier 3 combat power summon two giant dragons?

"This is the flying dragon in the sky! There is the last one, the dragon fighting in the wild!" Song Jian showed a stern look in his eyes. With a fierce wave of the Heaven-Breaking Sword in his hand, the golden dragon instantly collapsed and reunited again. This time, one The scarlet oriental dragon reunited after Song Fitness.

As soon as the scarlet dragon appeared, its scarlet eyes were full of killing intent, and a world-shaking roar sounded. The scarlet dragon rushed towards the snake demon Red Tail. With a wave of its front paws, several lines could almost be torn apart. The scratches of the space appeared on Akao's body instantly.

Akao didn't have time to dodge, and suddenly felt a tearing pain in his body, and couldn't help letting out a tragic hiss.


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