I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1603: Mochizuki Rhinoceros

Master Shen Feng looked at Song Jian with a smile on his face, secretly surprised. Before the distance was too far, his perception was very vague, but now Song Jian is right in front of him, Master Shen Feng saw more things. some.

Not to mention the level, just the condensed sword aura on the opponent's body has already turned into substance, forming a sword gang around the body. Before the master Shenfeng thought it was his own illusion, only now I realized that the opponent’s condensed sword gang thickness , Heavier than what I felt before.

Even at the Divine Sword Sect, few people can achieve this level of cultivation. It was said before that several elders could not beat Song Jian when tied together. It was a bit exaggerated at the time, but now it seems that there is a real life-and-death battle. The elder didn't have a life-saving card at the bottom of the box, and there was a high probability that he could not beat the Yujianzong disciple.


"How can I say that the old ghost Duan Xingliu hasn't sent anyone for a few years. It turned out to be a big move for me, huh!" Master Shen Feng snorted coldly in his heart.

Seeing Song Jian holding a golden scroll, Master Shen Feng smiled slightly, and with a move with his right hand, he held the scroll in his hand and felt it. The smile on his face couldn't help but become rich.

"Hahaha, Sect Master Duan was too polite, and he even gave a copy of the Sword Demon Seal Array to the Divine Sword Gate, so polite, it's really a freak, a freak, haha!" Master Shenfeng laughed.

The effect of the Suppressing Demon Sealing Array is powerful. Although it does not have much lethality, it has a deep control over the blocked one. With this copy of the copy, the Master Shen Feng only needs a short time to bring the town The Demon Seal is completely mastered. Even if it is not fully arranged, some of its essence can be integrated into the Divine Sword Gate’s own sword formation, increasing its power. After all, the Demon Sealing Formation is also a legendary seal formation. It is said that Gu Jianxing also used this formation to seal a god-level powerhouse.

"Song Xiaoyou, you are here to participate in the ascending secret realm, haha, the ascending secret realm was originally owned by the Imperial Sword Sect and the Divine Sword Sect. Since Xiaoyou Song is here, you will naturally have a place for you, but there are still a few in the ascending secret realm. Sun is about to open. At that time, Xiaoyou Song and the disciples of the Excalibur Gate can enter together. In the past few days, I will rest at the Excalibur Gate for a while, just to watch the scenery of the Excalibur Gate. I don’t know what Song Xiaoyou wants. "Master Shen Feng laughed.

"Then thank you Master Shenfeng!" Song Jian said with a smile.

If according to strength, whether it is Master Shenfeng or the masters of the Divine Sword Sect, you must call Senior Song Jian, but Shenfeng is only a disciple of Yujian Sect after all, how can Master Shenfeng call him Senior? But he can't be treated as an ordinary disciple, so he can only be called by the vague name of "Song Xiaoyou".

This is probably also one of the reasons why Duan Xingliu asked Song Jian to participate in the Ascend to the Secret Realm, and wanted to embarrass Shenfeng Master and Shenjianmen.

Who would have thought that a disciple of the younger generation would not be cursed by the bloodline of the sect, and his level would be higher than that of many seniors of the sect!


Yu Jianzong, Duan Xingliu stood in front of the high main peak hall, standing with his back on his back, looking towards the endless sea of ​​stars in the distance. The direction he looked up at this time was exactly the position of the Divine Sword Gate in the game world.

At this time, Duan Xingliu, with a smile on his mouth, muttered to himself: "The Suppressing Demon Sealing Array is already useless to my Yu Jianzong, and I am afraid I will not use it in the future. Give it up, just give it up..., as it is, compensation for the destruction of the Ascending Secret Realm!"


On the other side, Song Jian stayed quietly at the Divine Sword Gate for three days. He originally thought that these three days would not be peaceful. In these days, Song Jian also knew how precious the qualifications of ascending to the sky are. Only nine people can be entered at a time. Now that he comes, he naturally grabs the spot of one disciple.

If it were Song Jian, Song Jian would not be able to swallow this breath, and naturally came back to challenge Song Jian, who had seized the spot. Once the challenge was successful, how could Song Jian still have the face to stay at the Excalibur Gate?

This method has been used a lot in the past, and for decades, Yujianzong has not sent any disciples, so that many disciples of the outer sects don't even know the name of Yujianzong.

Song Jian had already made preparations, but in the past three days, no one came to challenge him. Although he was watched from afar when he went out, he was pointed and pointed, but when he came in contact, the disciples of the Sword Sect treated him very much. Friendly.

In fact, after Song Jian moved into the Divine Sword Sect, his strength has spread throughout the Divine Sword Sect. Even Zongmen elders are not his opponents. What other disciple dared to make trouble for him regardless of his strength?

"Master also said that someone will make things difficult for me. It seems that Master is too worried!" Song Jian smiled.

Finally, when the secret of ascending to the sky opened, Song Jian and eight disciples of the Sword Sect came to the main peak hall together. Under the leadership of the master of Shenfeng, the group came to a mountain peak. Standing on a huge rock, the appearance of the rock looks like a rhino with its head up and looking at the moon.

"The entrance to the secret realm is in Mochizuki Peak, but every time the entrance to the secret realm appears randomly, you need to find it by yourself, and every time you enter one person, the entrance to the secret realm will immediately move, and the second person will not be given a chance to enter..." Shen Feng The Master smiled and said to the people: "The time to enter the secret realm is only four hours. If you have not entered the secret realm at four hours, then I am afraid that there will be no way to enter the secret realm this time!"

The eight disciples of the Divine Sword Sect all smiled slightly. It seemed that they should have known it a long time ago, and only Song Jian had heard of it for the first time.

"Okay, let's enter, I hope you can find your own opportunities and increase your strength!" Master Shen Feng smiled and waved.

Song Jian glanced at the other eight people, all of them were NPC professionals who reached Tier 3 combat power, and none of them were players.

However, it can also be imagined that the mainstream players of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com now are Tier 2 combat power. Those who can reach Tier 3 combat power belong to elite players. There are hundreds of thousands of players in the entire game, who reach Tier 3 combat power. I'm afraid there are only about a hundred people. Although there are a lot of players in the Divine Sword Gate, most of them hang out at the outer gate, which can't meet the requirements of entering the secret realm.

"You brothers and sisters, I'll be one step ahead." A handsome man wearing a purple gown arched his hands towards the others, and took the lead in heading towards Mochizuki Peak.

This person Song Jian knows, is a direct disciple of an elder, named Zhao Yong, the third-tier peak of strength, this time, it is to break through the legendary realm to obtain the qualification to enter the secret realm.

"Heh, it's not the first to enter Mochizuki Rhinoceros Peak, you can enter the secret realm first!" Seeing Zhao Yong stay away, a disciple said softly.

Song Jian glanced at a few people and smiled slightly. Although he was a fellow apprentice brother, at this moment, they all became competitors, and the friendship between the apprentices was temporarily left aside.

Soon, Song Fitness Ying disappeared in Mochizuki Rhinoceros Peak, and began to explore the location of the secret realm entrance.


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