I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1607: Phantom of Corrosion

The long 槊 turned into sky fragments. Song Jian shook his head and sighed. What a pity, this long 槊 only needs to be stored for a period of time, and it might not be advanced into a divine tool.

In the void, a soldier in armor gave Song Jian a blank expression, a trace of contempt flashed in his cold eyes, as if he felt very disdainful of Song Jian's desire to surrender it.

"A tool spirit is so strong, it seems that its owner is also a tough guy!" Song Jian couldn't help sighing as he looked at the tool spirit gradually dissipating in the void.


In the distance, the corpse of the soldier who had been standing still collapsed suddenly, mixing with the soldiers under him.

A bronze token slipped from the warlord's waist and rolled down to Song Jian's feet.

Song Jian picked it up and saw that it was a token of the word "Dou" with a fist-sized "Dou" engraved on it.

[Tianbu Fighting Order, Special Item, Attribute: After obtaining it, you can have the fourth-level permission of Tiangong, and enter the building allowed by the fourth-level permission. 】

"Dou Zi Ling? There are no attribute bonuses. It just has the fourth-level permission of Tiangong. Can you go where the fourth-level permission is allowed?" Song Jian looked at this token back and forth, and didn't find what the bronze token had. The magic is only subconscious, he thinks that this four-level authority may be a very useful thing in this so-called ascending secret realm.

Putting away the token, Song Jian continued to look for this battlefield. Since there is a weapon with a spirit, then maybe there will be a second and third...

Song Jian didn't know what kind of opportunities existed in this secret realm of ascending to the sky, but if he could harvest a few weapons with weapon spirits, it would be a worthwhile trip.

After wandering around this battlefield for more than an hour, Song Jian didn't find another weapon with a weapon. On the contrary, the farther he went, the fewer bodies he found, and he soon came to the edge of this battlefield.

Across the Gobi desert, whether it is the gravel on the ground or the plants growing on this land, it glows with dark red light, which looks very strange.

Walking on it, there was a sticky feeling under his feet, like walking in a wet swamp, but in fact, there were hard gravel and rocks under his feet. This sense of contradiction made Song Jian feel a little bit Upset and dry.

"Where is this place? Even if the environment of Abyssal Hell is better than here..." Song Jian couldn't help thinking.

The environment of the abyss **** is hot and dry. Looking at it, it is full of rocky cliffs and volcanic magma. Although it is also uncomfortable, it is much more comfortable than the strange desert where it is now.


At the moment when Song Jian stepped into this desert, waves of ghosts and howling wolves suddenly sounded in Song Jian's ears. A strange breath filled the air, purple and black shadows flashing in the sky. Pass away.

Song Jian's sense of danger became stronger and stronger. It seemed that the moment he stepped into this dark red land, the sense of danger had already descended on him.

The next moment, Song Jian suddenly felt that his whole body was about to stand up, and he felt a biting chill on his back for a moment.

in danger!

Song Jian subconsciously used the Soul Walk skill, and his speed suddenly increased several times, rushing forward like lightning. The speed was too fast, and even left a faint shadow on the spot.


Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and a purple-red lightning appeared out of thin air, struck down towards Song Jian's previous location.

The thick and thin purple-red thunder of the bucket, like the sword of God, bombarded the ground, and suddenly hit the ground into a large pit. The surrounding rubble was splashed, and the high temperature even melted the ground and condensed into shining crystals like crystals. .

At the same time, a strange corrosive force quietly filled the pit. The original shining rock crystals corroded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing strange black spots. In the end, the ground was struck by thunder. The place all turned into pits and bumps.

Song Jian looked behind him, and he suddenly felt a cold sweat on his body. This dark red lightning attack was comparable to the full blow of a god-level powerhouse. Otherwise, he would not be so nervous.

Especially the corrosive power is even more terrifying. It is not an ordinary corrosive power, but involves the law domain. It belongs to the power of the law of corrosion. The quality of this power, although not strong in the law of time domain, is accompanied by The fatal blow just now can completely kill Song Jian with a single blow.

Song Jian couldn't help but wiped his cold sweat. This place is so terrifying that even a semi-god powerhouse is in danger of falling. Those Divine Sword Sect disciples who only have the strength of the third-tier combat power peak do not know how to live here. Down, even his life may be lost at any time, let alone looking for opportunities.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt that in the big pit that was bombarded by the dark red thunder, a strange aura suddenly appeared. Looking around, a dark shadow slowly floated from the big pit. It's like a black ghost.

The Eye of Perception was released for the first time, and Song Jian checked the attributes of the black ghost in front of him.

"Phantom of Corrosion, level 159, legendary BOSS, vitality value: 60 million"

The level of the Eye of Perception is not high, and there are not many attributes that can be viewed. Only the most basic attributes of the monster can be seen. The level is one hundred and fifty-nine. You can advance to the Demigod level at level one hundred and fifty. Obviously, the BOSS in front of you does not have the strength to advance to the Demigod level, and is still just a legendary-quality BOSS.

If other disciples of the Divine Sword Sect encounter this monster, even if UU Reading www.uukanshu.com all join forces, they may not be able to destroy it, but in Song Jian's eyes, such a monster is already a bit insignificant.

Song Jian now wants to hunt down those monsters with divine nature, at least demigod level. Only from these divine monsters can they squeeze out the divine nature and enhance Song Jian's own strength.

Song Jian glanced at this BOSS, and didn't step forward, but turned and left. He was not willing to spend his time on these battles that could not gain benefits.

However, Song Jian wanted to give up, but this Corruption Phantom did not let him go.

Even more than ten meters away, the Phantom of Corrosion possesses the ability to attack. At the moment Song Jian turned around, the head of the Phantom of Corrosion suddenly swelled, and his mouth opened, extending towards both sides, splitting more than one. A big hole of one hundred and eighty degrees.


A black thick liquid about the size of a human head, like a cannonball, drew an arc in the air and flew towards Song Jian.


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