I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1610: Bronze Golem

Song Jian watched the three people enter the palace. There was a transparent light curtain on the surface of the palace. When the three people approached, the light curtain would show up. Only the person holding the token could enter.

The five-level permission token can allow three people to enter at the same time. Song Jian has a fourth-level permission token in his hand, and he should be able to enter.

After the three of them entered for a while, Song Jian also came to the palace. When they were within three meters of the palace, a transparent light curtain emerged, blocking Song Jian from entering.

Song Jian took out the bronze token with Level 4 authority from the parcel box.

After Song Jian took out the token, several lines of system prompts suddenly appeared in front of him.

System: You have a four-level permission token, do you enter the "Cast Temple"?

System: You have a four-level permission token, which allows four people to enter the enclosed area at the same time!

System: Are you sure to use the four-level permission token to enter the enclosed area? Once you choose to enter, the token will be consumed!


"This token turned out to be a disposable item?" Song Jian frowned slightly and became hesitant.

Since the place where the five-level permission token can enter, the four-level permission token can also enter, does that mean that there are more advanced closed areas, and only four or more permission tokens are allowed to enter, while the fifth level Can't access the permission token?

If this is the case, it would be a bit too wasteful to use Level 4 authority tokens in this Casting Temple, after all, it is a one-time item.

Thinking of this, Song Jianchao stepped back and disappeared in the dark again. Since these three Excalibur Sect disciples can **** the token of the same sect, then he can also come to a praying mantis to catch the cicada, and wait until the three Excalibur Sect disciples. Go back with a full load, and after they come out, go to **** their harvest.

If the three are acquainted, Song Jian doesn't mind leaving them alive. If the three are stubborn, Song Jian has to send them three on the road. After all, this secret realm is dangerous and anyone is in danger of falling at any time.


Song Jian hid outside the Zhutian Temple, waiting for an hour before Qian Fei's three figures appeared from the Zhutian Temple.

As soon as the three of them came out, they looked very weak, with gray-headed faces and ragged clothes. One of them had a one-foot-long wound on his chest. Although it was simply bandaged, blood still oozes out slowly.

It seems that these three people have gone through a big battle, and the result does not seem to be very good.

"Senior Brother Qian, I lost a lot this time. Not only did I gain nothing, but also suffered serious injuries. I consumed a rare-grade healing medicine. You have to compensate me by one or two!" The disciple with a chest injury, Said with a sad face.

"Xing Wei, you are blaming Senior Brother Qian for saying that?" The disciple next to him said in a strange way: "You can enter the Temple of Casting, relying on Senior Brother Qian. As a result, not only did you not appreciate Senior Brother Qian, but you still have to ask. Brother Qian wants to make up for it, you say, are you too much?"

"Gu Qing, don't pretend to be a good person here!" A look of jealousy flashed in Xing Wei's eyes, and said loudly: "When you were fighting with the bronze puppet golem before, if you weren't afraid to shrink back, I wouldn't replace it. You were in front of you and suffered such a severe injury. As a result, the manufacturing blueprint that the puppet golem dropped was snatched away by you. You said, if you do this, you are worthy of me!"

"Nonsense, that bronze puppet golem, but a legendary boss, is it not a natural thing for me to avoid its attacks? You are slow to react. If you didn't avoid it, can you blame me? Before entering the Temple of Casting, we said that whoever grabs the trophy will have it. I grabbed the drawing. Brother Qian didn’t say anything, but you blamed me here? Why, you said to Brother Qian before Are you dissatisfied with the good distribution plan!" Gu Qing said with a sneer.

"I, why would I be dissatisfied with the distribution plan that Senior Brother Qian said, but, it's just me..." Xing Wei suddenly became speechless, with a very aggrieved expression.

"Well, Gu Qing, don't you say a few words!" Qian Fei glanced at the two, winked at Gu Qing, smiled and comforted Xingwei and said, "Xing Wei, you really didn't get anything this time. I was also seriously injured. It stands to reason that you did your best. Naturally, the three of us have gained something from you..."

Qian Fei said as he walked towards Xing Wei, reaching out as if to pat his shoulder.

"In this way, I have previously obtained a bronze puppet beast summoning bead, which can summon a bronze puppet beast with the early strength of the legendary realm. How about I give it to you?" Qian Fei smiled.

"Senior Brother Qian, how is this embarrassing?" Xing Wei is overjoyed, the legendary bronze puppet beast is not as powerful as the bronze puppet golem, but the strength should not be underestimated. If he can obtain it, it will be enough to make up for his being in the cast heaven Loss.

Just when Xing Wei was a little overwhelmed with excitement, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back, and her whole body strength receded like a tide.

Looking down, a blade pierced his chest and pierced it out. The salty and sweet blood scent came out of his mouth, and his vision began to blur.

"Qian, Brother Qian, why, why do you want to do this..." Xing Wei shook, reaching out to grab something, but Qian Fei violently pushed him directly to the ground.

"The bronze puppet beast needs to absorb human blood if it wants to be fully activated. The stronger the strength, the greater the power contained in the blood, and the more powerful the puppet beast will be after activation!" Qian Fei's grinning face looked at fortune. Wei's body muttered to himself: "Junior brother, don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame you for being too weak and hurting too much, and your heart is too greedy!"

As he said, Qian Fei took out a fist-sized bronze orb and chanted a spell in his mouth. Soon, a lot of hot blood spewed out from the wound on Xing Wei's corpse and poured into the bronze orb.

The bronze orb in Qian Fei's hands ~www.ltnovel.com~ is like a bottomless pit, swallowing all the blood that gushed out of Xingwei's body, without a drop, and Xingwei's body gradually became a Gu mummy, if you don't distinguish it carefully, it is difficult to tell that he is a disciple of the Excalibur Sect.

After inhaling all the blood, the bronze orb actually burped and burst into a dazzling amethyst light, but then the light quickly converged, making a "click, click" rubbing sound.

Qian Fei suddenly shook his hand, whispered "Ah", and threw the bronze orb out, staring at his right hand in surprise.

At this time, Qian Fei's right hand palm had a weird burn, and the scar looked like a rune.

The bronze orb fell on the ground, began to deform continuously, slowly swelled and grew, and finally turned into a monster the size of an adult dog, emitting a bronze light all over.


PS: Thank you "Book Friends 20190719102142374" for rewarding 100 starting coins~

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