I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1616: assist

Although there are few red lotus karma fires generated on the spirit sword, the victory is continuous, and the 10,000 spirit swords added together, both in terms of quantity and quality, far surpass the flame troll. After a while , The amount of flames under the furnace, the red lotus karma fire can already fight against the flame trolls, and there is even a tendency to gradually overwhelm it.

"Stop, stop!" The flame troll roared, and even the alchemy furnace began to tremble slightly, and the sound of the impact in the alchemy furnace became louder and louder!

"Do you know how to make alchemy? Although your flame is of higher rank, you will not control the fire alchemy at all. Even if you can occupy the alchemy furnace, it is not the pill that will destroy this alchemy furnace in the end!" The troll roared.

Song Jian was stunned. Only then did he think that what he was studying was engineering, but he hadn't dabbled in alchemy, and even if he had dabbled in it, the alchemy required to refine god-level pill was at least at the master level, or even **** Level is fine.

If the Red Lotus Karma Fire really completely controls the entire pill furnace, then it is equivalent to grabbing the follow-up alchemy work from the flame trolls. At that time, if one is unwilling, it may be about to be refined. The medicine is destroyed!

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but frowned.

"Since I can't get this pill, I can just shoot it twice and destroy it completely!" Song Jian said with a smile.

Although in the entire alchemy palace, this furnace of pills is the most precious, but if you really can't get it, it would be a pity to destroy it, as long as you can take away this god-level alchemy furnace.

Hearing that Song Jian was about to destroy this furnace of ascending heaven pill, the flame at the bottom of the furnace trembled twice. With Song Jian’s strength, it is very easy to destroy this furnace of elixir. Unable to stop.

"Damn it, this pill has been refined for 100,000 years, and it is about to be successfully refined now. As long as I swallow the ascending pill, I will immediately be able to break through the legendary realm and become an immortal existence..." The flame troll roared in his heart. Tao.

Now I want to stop Song Jian, unless True Monarch Mie Tian suddenly appears, but the flame troll understands in his heart that it has been 100,000 years, and True Monarch Mie Tian is most likely no longer in this world. Otherwise, he would have come back to refine this by himself. The furnace pill, if this is the case, the Dengtian Pill would have been successfully refined long ago, and there is no need to wait so long.

"Song Jian, this is the Ascending Pill. As long as you take the Ascending Pill, you can ascend to the sky in one step and become an immortal existence. Don't you want to get it?" The flame troll roared wildly.

"Hehe, no matter how good things are, what's the use of not getting them? Could it be that if the refining of the ascending pill is successful, are you willing to give me the ascending pill!" Song Jian smiled.

Inside the pill furnace, the flames were raging, the dark red red lotus karma fire was constantly fighting against the black and red flames, and the black and red flames were being driven out from the bottom of the furnace little by little.

"Yes, yes, I can give it to you!" The flame troll finally couldn't stand it. If it continues, it will completely lose control of the alchemy furnace. Song Jian has no knowledge of alchemy. By then, this furnace has been refined. Ninety-nine percent of the ten thousand-year-old Dengtian Pill will be directly turned into coke.

Song Jian was taken aback. He didn't expect that the flame troll was really willing to give him this furnace of ascending pill, which gave him a very unreal feeling.

"I only need one ascending pill. I can give you all the rest!" The flame troll roared: "A furnace of ascending pill will produce at least three pill. I only need one pill. It's yours!"

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly jumped out a line of system prompts;

System: The flame troll Aisferin hopes to reach a contract with you to jointly refine the Ascending Pill. After the refining is successful, you must ensure that the other party gets at least one Ascending Pill! agree or not? whether

Song Jian was stunned. He didn't expect that the Flame Troll's promise was even recognized by the system. It seemed that the system was unwilling to destroy this furnace of ascendant pill!

"The value of this ascending pill is probably still higher than I expected..." Song Jian said in surprise.

After choosing "Yes" without hesitation, Song Jian laughed and said: "Okay, I agree, I will give you a pill when the time comes, but are you not afraid of the trouble of the Lord Annihilation of Heaven?"

Seeing Song Jian's promise, the flame troll Ai Sifei Lin seemed to be relieved, taking him as a companion for the time being, snorted and said, "Huh, True Monarch Extinguisher has not returned for 100,000 years. It is estimated that he has already fallen. Otherwise, how can he rest assured that he won't come back for 100,000 years to look at such an important pot of medicine?"

"You guy, guard and steal yourself, haha!" Song Jian smiled and said, "Tell me, what is the effect of this ascendant pill? Is it worth your 100,000 years to refine it?"

"Dengtian Pill, as the name suggests, as long as you swallow this pill, you can ascend to the sky in one step and become a god-level powerhouse..." Flame Troll said.

Song Jian listened carefully. Although he already knew that the Dengtian Pill was a god-level pill, Song Jian was still shocked by the effect of the Dengtian Pill said by the flame troll.

"I believe that the legendary realm can break through to the demigod level, but you say that you can live forever, live with the heavens and the earth, and live with the universe. Isn't it a bit too exaggerated? In this way, it is just a pill!" Song Jian laughed, and some didn't believe the flame troll's words.

"At that time you will know." The flame troll seemed to be too lazy to explain to him, and said lightly.

Song Jian smiled slightly and began to control the red lotus karma fire that had been integrated into the alchemy furnace, slowly withdrawing it, allowing the flame of the flame troll to regain the upper hand.

"Don't rush out of the red lotus industry fire!" The flame troll suddenly stopped: "This furnace of pill has been refined for 100,000 years, even if it is about to succeed in refining, if I alone, UU reading www.uukanshu It will take at least a few months or even a few years for .com to close!"

"The red lotus karmic fire is of extremely high quality. If you can use the red lotus karmic fire to assist me in alchemy, you can greatly speed up the alchemy. As long as you assist me with all your efforts, I am confident that within a few days, I will be able to refine this pill. Success!" said the flame troll.

"What, I will help you?" Song Jianqi said, "You are not afraid, I have scrapped this furnace of pill?"

"You are only assisting me, and you are not in a dominant position. You only need to listen to my command. Let you reduce the fire, and you will pull away some, let you increase the fire, and you will add some, it is very simple!" The flame troll said: "If you can help me, with the quality of Red Lotus Karma, it is enough to increase the success rate of the two layers!"

Song Jian smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, I will assist you."

"That's all right, you slowly draw the red lotus karma fire, slower, then slower, yes, good, good, that's it, maintain it. Alchemy does not require a strong flame, but it must be stable, and the flame strength is stable. The key to making a good potion of medicine..." the flame troll said slowly.


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