I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1618: escape

"Fortunately, there are two!" Song Jian smiled and said in his heart. Otherwise, the two of them might really turn their faces for the ascending pill.

The pill furnace roared, and the **** pill kept hitting the pill furnace, trying to escape from it.

The pill is conceived. Although it has a slight intelligence, it is not mature. It is like a wild beast. He only knows to hit the pill furnace with brute force, but the pill furnace that can refine the pill, how can it be a common product? It escaped?

Therefore, the only opportunity for the Shen Dan to escape is at the moment when the furnace is opened to collect the Dan. If you can seize the opportunity, you can escape instantly.

Soon, a strong medicinal fragrance overflowed from the alchemy furnace, and a layer of white mist floated in the entire alchemy palace, which looked like a fairyland.

In this environment, Song Jian’s buff effects are also increasing, but now that he is not in combat, this effect cannot be used to the maximum. Moreover, Song Jian discovered that some hidden injuries that he did not pay attention to are slowly recovering. It's just that this kind of injury is too subtle and subtle, and it's hard to detect it at ordinary times. If it weren't for the smell of medicine, Song Jian might not have found it.

"Attention, if the **** pill is to be completed, it must be collected at the moment it is completely formed, otherwise, the medicinal properties will be greatly reduced!" The flame troll reminded.

Song Jian's attention was immediately placed on the alchemy furnace, the originally sealed furnace top also began to loosen a little, and the **** pill could break through the furnace top at any time.


The flame troll turned into a giant more than ten meters tall and stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the top of the furnace. Song Jian also rose into the sky, staring at the top of the furnace, waiting for the moment when the **** pill appeared.

As if feeling the loosening of the stove top, the **** pill became quiet, and seemed to be accumulating strength to prepare for the final fight.

A golden light appeared from the top of the furnace, and the flame troll roared: "Catch the stars with one hand!"

In an instant, a huge flame palm enveloped the entire furnace roof. At this moment, three pills of dark golden light rose from the furnace, and one of them was stunned as soon as it came out. The suction draws towards the giant flame palm, and the remaining two are fleeing towards the void.

At this moment, the outside of the alchemy palace was suddenly enveloped by a black cloud, and the thunderous sound covered an area of ​​hundreds of miles in a radius, and thunder and lightning, like a divine sword, bombarded the alchemy palace.

Boom, boom, boom~

Silver snakes danced wildly, and the roof of the alchemy palace was full of flames, but it seemed that there was a transparent light curtain protecting the alchemy palace. No matter how the lightning bombarded it, it could not damage the alchemy palace.

"Hahaha, Dengtian Pill, Dengtian Pill is here!" The flame troll laughed loudly. It only needs one Dengtian Pill to break through the current realm and reach the Demigod level.

Holding this ascending pill in his hand tightly, the flame troll looked towards the remaining two.

"Unexpectedly, I actually refined three ascending pill. It seems that the quality of the flame can indeed affect the number of pill..." The flame troll secretly said in his heart, although he also wanted to have two **** pill in his heart, But its contract with Song Jian has restricted it from robbing Song Jian.

At this moment, Song Jian was floating in the air, and thunder sound was heard above his head, and this thunder sound seemed to have an effect on the two divine pills, making their escape speed slightly slower.

"Catch the stars with one hand!" Song Jian gave a soft drink, and grabbed the two divine pills with his left hand. In an instant, his mental power and chaotic sword energy in his body surged out and quickly condensed into a huge palm in the air.

This palm is more real than the flame palm condensed by the flame giant, and even the palm prints can be clearly seen, as if there really is a giant, spreading his palms and grabbing towards the **** pill.

At the moment when the palm was opened, there was a binding force, which firmly trapped a **** pill, while the other one quickly broke through the palm cage and fleeed towards the void. At this time, the third **** Dan was already looming, as if he was going to disappear in the next moment.

The flame giant sighed. Whether it was it or Song Jian, the pill harvesting technique of picking the stars with one hand was only a preliminary test. If it can be completely controlled, no matter how many gods there are, it can be grasped all at once, but Now, with their current strength, being able to catch a **** pill is already quite remarkable.

"Song Jian, it is luck to be able to collect a **** pill. This **** pill can also greatly increase your strength!" The flame giant looked at Song Jian eagerly and still unwilling to give up. Persuaded aloud.

At this time, the **** pill that Song Jian used for "picking the stars with one hand" was still in his big hand. If he wanted to grab the remaining **** pill, he would lose control of the **** pill he had already mastered. Maybe, even the **** pill you got will be lost.

Song Jian naturally understood that at this time, the **** pill that was caught by the big hand was still struggling, and Song Jian had to concentrate on catching it.

Watching the third divine pill flee, Song Jian still felt a pain.

"What to do, is it just watching it escape like this?" Song Jian was a little anxious.

At this moment, the Karma Fire Red Lotus Wan Jian Jue suddenly burst into light in the skill column, which seemed to remind Song Jian.

Song Jian's eyes lit up, his thoughts moved, the Heaven-Breaking Sword came out, flying continuously in the air, and the Ten Thousand Sword Art was also displayed. The moment the tens of thousands of spirit swords appeared, it immediately formed a melting pot of karma. Inhale the third divine pill into the furnace!

"Okay!" Song Jian said with a smile, laughing.

The Wan Jian Jue was almost displayed by the sword spirit of the Po Tian Sword, and it did not require Song Jian to expend energy, and the Wan Jian Jue was performed in one go. Even the concentration of the Karma Furnace was three points faster than Song Jian's own use. Just in time, the third divine pill that was about to escape into the void was sucked into the furnace of karma.


The **** pill that had been sucked into the furnace of the karma fire was still crashing against the furnace. Song Jian could see that inside the furnace, there was not a bump that protruded outwards. Fortunately, the furnace was tough. Otherwise, even if the karma furnace had absorbed the pill, Will also be directly broken by the **** pill!

Song Jian glanced at the karma furnace ~www.ltnovel.com~ and found that the **** pill would not burst out in a short period of time, so he devoted all his energy to the method of "picking the stars with one hand".


Controlling the huge palm in mid-air, firmly holding the Shen Dan, Song Jian gave a soft drink, the palm in mid-air quickly shrank, and flew toward Song Jian at the same time.

Holding the palm of the Shen Dan, he flew in front of Song Jian, and was grabbed by Song Jian. Suddenly, Song Jian felt that he was holding a lava hot coal, constantly burning its palm.

Subconsciously, Song Jian wanted to let go, but at the next moment, when his heart moved, Song Jian put this **** pill into the parcel.

Taking a long outburst, Song Jian did not want to check the attributes of the Dengtian Pill, and immediately focused his attention on the karma fire furnace in mid-air. At this time, the movement of the **** pill in the karma fire furnace was getting louder and louder. On the surface, cracks visible to the naked eye have appeared. It seems that it will not be long before the **** pill can escape from the shackles of the open furnace.


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