I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1624: Star Annihilation

Song Jian looked at the three of them. They were all of the legendary realm strength, but their aura was floating. It was obviously the threshold for just entering the legendary realm. Moreover, looking at the clothes on him, they were also disciples of the Divine Sword Sect. Crazy chasing.

"Damn it, how come there are so many black mist devils?"

"Don't talk, run away, these black mist demons are all legendary, we are not opponents at all, once we are chased, we will die!"

"Huh, huh~, too, too much, too much..."


The three of Li Su were going crazy, when did the Ascending Secret Realm become so dangerous? If the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect had encountered so many Black Mist Demons before, they would have died long ago, and the Ascending Secret Realm would have been sealed long ago, and no disciples would be allowed to enter.


A sharp neigh came from the Black Mist Demon, and the three Li Su suddenly couldn't stand steady, one of them fell to the ground, and they slid forward for a long distance.

At this moment, a group of Black Mist Demon had already rushed forward and fought with the three of them. The three of them did not dare to stay long, looking for opportunities to flee back while resisting.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly appeared in front of them, and the three of them were taken aback. After seeing Song Jian's appearance, they all made hoarse calls for help.

"Song, Brother Song, save us!" Lian Yue shouted loudly. Song Jian's strength is known to the elders of the Divine Sword Gate, and they all told them that those who entered the secret realm, seeing Song Jian, Lian Yue naturally seemed like See the last straw.

Chaos Sword Classic, the stars are gone!

Song Jian gave a soft drink and rose into the air, his hand waving the sky-breaking sword like a long dragon in the air. In an instant, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and Song Fitness Ying was like a bright star, shining in the sky!

At this moment, bright stars suddenly appeared in the sky over a radius of several thousand meters. These stars were like meteors, falling towards the earth. At the moment of collision with the earth, the surface of these meteors all cracked. A series of cracks, from the cracks, you can even see the hot magma flowing continuously;


With a roar, a star was completely shattered, and the split fragments sputtered around like bullets. Then, stars appeared in the dark void, and then fell towards the earth. As it approached the ground, it suddenly shattered and exploded.

Such scenes are repeated continuously. Within a radius of thousands of meters, all the black fog demons on the ground are torn into palm-sized fragments by the power of star explosion, and the power of star explosion makes the surrounding dim environment. , Suddenly bright as day, in a dazzling white light, Lianyue and the three people were lifted by the air wave tens of meters away, when they struggled to stand up again, the ground in front of them was sunken into more than three feet deep. Hundreds of Black Mist Gorefiends with legendary strength were all killed in a single blow!

Liu Su stared at the hell-like scene ahead with a stunned mouth, muttering to himself: "This, is this the strength of a demigod powerhouse..."

Song Jian slowly descended from mid-air. This move was also extremely costly to him. It almost exhausted all his Chaos Sword Qi. At this time, he could not even perform the Karma Fire Red Lotus Ten Thousand Sword Art. .

Song Jian, with a pale face, looked at the system prompts like a waterfall, and was extremely happy. Although it consumes a lot of money, the power of this move is far from being comparable to that of the Red Dust Tribulation and the Gods. The strong, and the Black Mist Demon, who is still very difficult to kill, has no resistance to this attack.

At this time, Song Jian’s level has risen to level 169. You must know that the monsters in the secret realm have a thousand times experience, killing hundreds of black mist demons at once, and Song Jian has gained a massive amount of general combat experience. Directly let his level rise several levels in a row!

"God level needs to reach one hundred and eighty, and at the same time fully understand the power of at least one law!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart: "I have a complete law of strength, and there are many wissuoguo that contains fragments of the law. It can be used to improve the law of time, but I don’t know if I can fully understand the law of time when I reach level 180..."

Song Jian at this time has slowly felt the weirdness of the game world. There are real gods in this world, but I don’t know why, these real gods are difficult to appear in the game world. Most of the game world encounters are semi-god-level powerhouses, and occasionally there are god-level powerhouses who appear, and these god-level powerhouses must also be seriously injured and completely unable to exert their true strength.

"Those real gods, I am afraid that it will not be long before they appear in the game world. At that time, if my strength cannot be raised to the same level, I am afraid that then it will be a real disaster..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart. . UU reading www.uukanshu.com

You know, both the City of Hope and the Imperial Sword Sect have offended countless true gods. If these ancient forehead gods can really come, Song Jian doesn't think he can get along with these gods in peace!

Seeing the grateful expressions of the three Divine Sword Sect disciples, Song Jian frowned slightly and said to them: "Come on, don't you think that there is only this Black Mist Demon?"

As soon as the voice fell, a sharp neighing sound sounded from a distance. The faces of Liu Su and the others changed. They could feel that there was a terrifying monster in the distance, like a black sun, exuding the breath, such as Yuan. Like the sea, the three of them felt a shudder even if they were far apart!

"Half, half-god, it's the half-god-level black mist demon..." Liu Su couldn't help but said with trembling lips.

"Okay, run away. There are too many black mist demons, and I am not an opponent. Just now I was chased by a group of legendary black mist demons who have nowhere to go, I don't want to go through another chase!" Song Jian frowned and said.

There seems to be an abnormal change in the secret realm. I don't know why, so many black fog devils have appeared. This is not encountered in the previous secret realm openings. It can only be said that they are out of luck.

Moreover, after so long, Song Jian only saw three people in front of him, and the remaining disciples of the Sword Sect, I am afraid they are all bad luck. If all the disciples of the Sword Sect are really allowed to die in the secret realm, he will be the only one from the secret realm. I'm afraid Song Jian himself can't explain clearly, after all, his strength is the strongest among all people.

So seeing these three people, Song Jian has made up his mind to save at least one person and leave with him. If possible, it is best to save all three and go out together, so that he won’t waste his words to explain. .


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