I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1626: Hualong

Song Jian followed the three of them into the crevices of the rocks. As soon as they entered, he felt a cool mist coming over his face.

In fact, the temperature of the mist is ten degrees Celsius. When an ordinary person is sprayed, his face will fester in an instant, but compared with the hot temperature outside, the breath that overflows from the cracks in the rock is already extremely cool. Up.

"Hoo~, walking inside, there will be an underground cave with a stalactite inside, a large area..." Lian Yue said softly, running all the way, although there was a golden dragon to help, the three of them were also very expensive , The breath has not calmed down until now.

Song Jian nodded, his perception also leaned far forward, and he didn't notice any danger.

The gap between this mountain and rock is very strange, like a special passage. After bending over for more than ten feet, the four of them quickly saw the end.

Song Jian stood at the end of the passage, glanced at it, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Here is an underground fire lava cave. In an area tens of meters high above the head, countless cone-shaped stone pillars hang upside down on it. The surface is dry and cracked, and it seems that it can be broken away at any time. The ground is pitch black, with a streak of cracks. , All over the ground, hot magma filled the gaps.

Around these gaps, five or six meters high stone pillars rose from the ground, densely packed, and looked like an underground forest.

Seeing the stone forest in front of them, Liu Su and others finally breathed a sigh of relief and were safe.

"Don't you dare to come here?" Song Jian asked strangely.

"I should not dare. There was a black mist demon who chased us to this stone forest, but after we entered the stone forest, the legendary black mist demon retreated. It seemed that he did not dare to enter... and we don't know. What is the reason!" Li Su explained.

"Huh, what is that?" Song Jian suddenly pointed to the front and asked.

Liu Su looked in the direction of Song Jian's pointing, startled, and was shocked in his heart: "Yes, it seems like a pile of bones..."

"It doesn't seem to have entered before, but did it appear later?" Guo Lian asked in confusion.

"It's also possible that we didn't pay attention last time. After all, we just entered the edge of the stone forest and didn't go deep..." Lian Yue hesitated.

At this time, the four of them were standing on a small step and looking far away, they could see that in the stone forest, there was a huge skeleton lying inside the stone forest. The shape seemed to be the bones of a giant python, but this giant The python is too big and looks like a mountain range. If it weren't for Song Jian's sharp eyes, it would be difficult to find that it was the remains of a huge creature.

"Could it be that those black mist demons dare not approach the stone forest because of the remains of this monster?" Liu Su muttered to himself.

A powerful creature, even if it dies, will emit terrifying aura fluctuations. Some low-level monsters can feel this fluctuation, so they dare not approach the domain of a powerful creature.

This kind of fluctuation is difficult for humans to feel, unless the distance is very close, there will be similar coercive breath fluctuations.

"Let's go over and take a look. The creature that can make the legendary black mist demon feel terrified is definitely not an ordinary monster!" Song Jian whispered, and rushed towards the stone forest first.

Liu Su and the three looked at each other, all a little helpless, they just wanted to enter the stone forest to hide for a while, and then leave when the secret time was over.

Now the secret realm has changed, and the danger has increased by dozens to hundreds of times. Even if they are all upgraded to the legendary realm, it is difficult to move here!

"Honestly, wait till the time in the secret realm is over and leave..." Lian Yue muttered, glanced at Liu Su and Guo Lian, the three of them had no choice but to keep up with Song Jian.

Here, Song Jian is their only thigh and they must be held tightly. Otherwise, if a monster that they can't deal with comes out, Song Jian is not by his side, and there is only a dead end.

After Song Jian entered the stone forest, he found that the temperature here has dropped a little bit. Although there are ravines under his feet and lava is constantly rolling in it, the temperature in the stone forest is only 40 or 50 degrees at most. Even ordinary people can bear it for a while. .

"This volcano is really strange. It's so hot outside that even the legendary realm can't hold on. When it enters the internal service, the temperature drops drastically..." Song Jian said strangely. It stands to reason that now they are inside the volcano, and the temperature should be hotter than the outside world.

Passing through the stone forest, the group quickly came to the huge skeleton, and looked carefully, it turned out to be the skeleton of a giant python. The black-gray skeleton was shimmering on the surface. The height is more than ten meters high and the length is hundreds of feet. There were countless stone pillars crushed under his body, but there were also some stone pillars that pierced the bones intact and were mixed in the bones.

On the side of this giant python's skull, there is a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter, surrounded by broken lines, and in the center of the skull, there is an arm-thick bone horn, only more than three feet long, emitting a jet black light. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"The strength of a monster is directly proportional to its size most of the time. If such a terrifying monster is alive, it would be even bigger." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

Standing in front of the skeleton, Song Jian could immediately feel a coercion like a huge wave. This coercion did not act on the body, but on the depths of the soul. At this moment, in Song Jian’s mind, The huge one-horned python was roaring angrily, and constantly rushed towards Song Jian.

The trio of Liu Su didn't dare to approach at all, and stopped tens of meters away from the bones of the giant python, each of them pale and shaky.

This kind of coercion is similar to a soul attack. If you can’t bear it, your soul will be shredded. Even if your body is intact, you will eventually become a vegetative. Certainly good.

This kind of spiritual benefit, the lower the level, the greater the benefit. For a strong existence like Song Jian, this kind of benefit has been left out, like a chicken rib.

"Song, Brother Song, we can't get close, we can only stay here..." Liu Su and others stepped back more than ten meters, shouting loudly.

Song Jian nodded and began to carefully study the bones of this giant python.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly noticed something strange in the parcel box. He opened the parcel box and saw that the Heavenly Ascendant Pill appeared in the parcel box with a dazzling light, twinkling as if he wanted to come out. .

"What's the situation?" Song Jian frowned slightly, staring at Empress Dengtian, a line of small characters suddenly appeared in front of him.

System: Dengtian Pill can absorb the remnant soul from the remains of the dragon python and undergo transformation. The efficacy of the medicine can be increased by 30%. After taking it, there is a certain chance to master the talented skill "Transforming Dragon".


S: Thank you for the 100 starting currency rewarded by "Resolutely Never Change Your Name"~

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