I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1636: Skill Backlash

When talking about the words "Monster Hunter", a look of fear flashed in Yang Yang's eyes.

Song Jian smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "No, I'm not from the Monster Hunter League, I'm just a traveler. At the same time, I am very interested in the divine creatures of the ocean."

Song Jian has also heard about the Monster Hunter organization. Everyone in this war alliance is an elite, and it is said that they have the ability to leapfrog monsters.

What these people pursue is to hunt down powerful monsters and obtain equipment and skills that surpass their level and strength. At the same time, the members of the Monster Hunter League have very strange personalities, and sometimes they can even get offended by a word. Annoyed the opponent and was chased by the opponent.

Therefore, among the players, the people in the Monster Hunter alliance are not very good, and they are called "monsters" in private.

Hearing that Song Jian was not a member of the "Monster Hunter" war alliance, Yang Yang sighed with relief. After examining Song Jian carefully, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Hey, no wonder, I think your level is actually a skeleton level. Could it be that you have already been promoted to the legendary realm?" Yang Yang whispered, "No wonder that you dare to provoke marine divine creatures by yourself, but in the legendary realm, It’s still a bit difficult to deal with marine divine creatures. You can only deal with those marine divine creatures with weaker attack power, such as six-legged seahorses, thorny ocean mussels and the like..."

Song Jian just smiled and didn't speak. Yang Yang couldn't figure out Song Jian's intentions for a while. He only felt that the other party was very mysterious, and he suddenly put out his thoughts of soliciting Song Jian.

"If you really want to hunt marine divine creatures, I suggest you don't go into the deep sea three hundred nautical miles away. There is the sea clan's territory. They are a group of unreasonable guys. When they catch them, they will throw Feeding the sea beasts in the big ditch..."

"Sea Clan?" Song Jian was taken aback. All he knew was that there were so many monsters in the ocean, hundreds or thousands of times that on land, but he had never heard that there was a race in the ocean.

"What you said, isn't it a murloc?" Song Jian questioned.

"What the Murloc does, it can only be regarded as a big tribe at best, but the Sea Clan is different. It is a real race, spread over the entire ocean, and there are a lot of them!" Yang Yang said with disdain.

"Most of them are humanoid creatures, but they have a variety of marine organs, just like monsters hybridized between humans and marine creatures. You must be careful when you meet them, even if it is a very low-level marine clan. Don’t underestimate it, who knows if there will be a legendary realm behind it, even demi-god, god-level parents, grandparents..., if you provoke a sea clan, you might offend a large group of sea clan. Very troublesome!" Yang Yang said with a serious face.

"Okay, I see, thank you very much!" Song Jian arched his hands and smiled.

Yang Yang watched Song Jian walk out of the city gate alone and toward the ocean. He couldn't help but feel a little lost. Soon, a 17-year-old girl walked behind Yang Yang, looked at Yang Yang in a daze, and quietly walked behind him and took pictures. He shouted: "Hey, Yang Yang, the captain asked you to recruit players. You are lazy here. See if I don't tell the captain to go."

"Hey, Meizi, don't talk nonsense, but I have been here forever, but I haven't met the right one yet!" Yang Yang was taken aback as expected, and when he saw the girl behind him, he became grinning again.

"Hmph, you can't lie to me!" Meizi wrinkled her nose and said.

"I really don't lie to you, look at that person, I see his level, he is actually a skeleton level, maybe he is a legendary powerhouse, but unfortunately, people's goal is a divine creature, I look down on the fifth-level copy... "Yang Yang said, pointing to Song Jian's back.

"Legendary? Legendary boss, we haven't encountered it. If it's a legendary level, and we don’t like the past of our team, I’m afraid you fool people, huh!" Meizi said unconvincedly: Let me see, if you are a lie, I will really tell the captain..."

With that, the girl’s eyes suddenly became deep, and a cloud of gray mist began to swirl in her eyes. After a while, her two eyes became two vortexes, two black ones. Gouyu, continuously swirling in the gray vortex.

The girl looked towards Song Jian. In her field of vision, the world had become a chaos, and everyone had turned into a distorted gray aura. Only Song Jian's figure became clearer.

Soon, Song Jian's figure became clearer and clearer, giving people a sense of reality as if they wanted to transcend the environment within the chaotic field of vision.

"Very strong, really strong..." The girl murmured to herself, her mental energy was quickly consumed, Song Jian's figure gave her a frightening sense of threat, and even wanted to immediately stop this prying.


A roar suddenly sounded in the girl's mind. Song Jian in her vision suddenly turned into a hot flame, which burst into flames. At the same time, the girl's eyes felt the sting of needles, like a burning iron. The stick slammed into her eye socket fiercely.


A sad scream sounded, and the girl covered her eyes with her hands and squatted down uncontrollably. Her body was trembling slightly. Yang Yang was horrified to find that several lines of blood flowed slowly from the girl's fingers covering her eyes.

"Mei, Meizi, you, are you okay?" Yang Yang asked fearfully. Meizi is a scout in their team. I don't know how many times he has used this skill, and it has never happened before.

"I, I was backlashed by skills, temporarily, temporarily blind..." Meizi's tone was crying, and the severe pain in her eyes caused her whole head to burst, making her feel that life is better than death.

"You~www.ltnovel.com~ you take a break, I, I will report to the captain!" Yang Yang hurriedly helped Meizi up and walked to a shady place, then turned on the communicator and called.

In a short while, a few people rushed towards the gate of the city. One of the women saw Meizi, her face changed drastically. Before she ran to her, she waved her magic wand and locked Meizi to perform a healing technique.

"Kite, don't waste mana. I am a skill backlash, not an injury. Healing is not effective for me. I can only wait slowly until the backlash time is over..." Meizi smiled bitterly.

"Meizi, what the **** is going on, Yang Yang, this idiot, can't tell in the communication!" a middle-aged man in armor frowned and asked. This middle-aged man is the captain, named Li Xiong, who is a heavy-armored knight by profession.

"I, I used Lingsight to observe a player, and as a result, I was backlashed by skills and temporarily blinded!" Meizi sighed and said, at this time, the pain began to weaken gradually as time passed, and it was no longer like before. It hurts like that, but Mei Zi was still afraid for a while.


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