I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1642: cut

The black dragon head looks somewhat similar to Kamata, but it is more hideous and evil. On both sides of the cheeks, there are lines of gray lines like long snakes, which look like runes.

The most strange thing is that there are two straight horns on this dragon-like head. They don’t diverge like Kamata’s dragon horns. The two horns appear to be threaded. Exactly the same as the horns of **** demon.

"What kind of monster is this?" Song Jian frowned slightly, his mind moved, and a huge eye appeared in the void. The Eye of Perception slowly opened, looking at the monster with only the huge head exposed.

"Dark Devil Dragon Turtle, with the bloodline of the ancient beast Xuanwu, blood value of 300 million, 199th level, god-level BOSS!" Song Jian opened his eyes wide and his face was shocked.

In this whirlpool stone tower, there is a god-level boss actually sealed, but like the previous barren gods, they are all in a weak state after the seal has just been broken. Although they are god-level bosses, their strength cannot be fully utilized. Song Jian still has the power to fight.


With another loud noise, a large piece of the stone tower broke apart again, and one of the front paws of the dragon turtle was exposed, and at the same time, a small piece of turtle shell behind it was exposed.

The front paw of the Devil Dragon Turtle looked exactly like the devil's claw, withered and wrinkled, and the surface was covered with fine black scales, and the front end was nailed with metallic luster, like a sharp blade.

Although the whirlpool stone tower has been destroyed, it is still strong. The dragon tortoise struggled desperately, trying to break free from the stone tower. The front paw that broke free from the shackles continued to grab the stone tower, leaving a trail on the stone tower. Deep traces of Tao.

God fell!

The terrifying Chaos Sword Qi, condensed into a huge long sword, slashed towards the head of the Devil Dragon Turtle!

With a loud bang, the dragon tortoise let out a stern scream, and black blood rushed out and sprayed onto the surface of the stone tower that sealed it.


The blood of the Devil Dragon Turtle was actually very corrosive. The hard whirlpool stone tower quickly corroded a large area and became soft at the same time.

At this time, a huge wound appeared on one of the eyes of the Devil Dragon Turtle, the eyebrows were broken, the flesh turned out, and the eyeballs had disappeared, leaving only a large hole, and blood was constantly pouring out.

This blow caused weakness and critical damage to the dragon turtle. At the same time, the talent skill "Holy Sword" was also set off, directly blinding one of the dragon turtle's eyes.

The dragon turtle’s vitality value has lost more than 30 million points. If it is replaced by an ordinary demi-god boss, this blow can seriously injure the opponent, or even enter a state of dying, but for the dragon turtle In terms of skin trauma, it is not fatal. The only thing that causes huge functional damage is the sword energy that originally struck its neck. Because of its dodge, it slashed on the right eye and made the right eye. It was severely damaged.

The damage this time is permanent. Even if the Dragon Turtle's vitality value is restored to its peak in the future, the right eye cannot be restored. This blow completely angered the Dragon Turtle. It opened its mouth with a black beam of light. Eject from the mouth.

This blow, like a lightning laser, was extremely fast, and there was no sign when it was released. When Song Jian reacted, the black beam had already shot in front of him.


Kamata let out a roar, sprayed out a dragon flame with his mouth open, and shot towards this black beam. Two energies, one black and one red, collided together. After making a roar in the air, the red dragon flame broke away. Coming, it was as if the egg had hit the stone, and it did not hinder the black beam at all.


A black beam of light with the thickness of a bucket hit the golden dragon Kamata's chest fiercely, and hit the golden scales. After a slight delay of 0.1 seconds, it broke through Kamata's defense, like a black spear. It pierced its body, emerged from the back of the spine, rubbed Song Jian's cheek, and shot it far away.

With a painful scream, the golden dragon Kamata trembled twice before falling into the ocean below.

With just one blow, the golden dragon Kamata was severely wounded, and even went into a near-death state. If Kamata had not been upgraded to a golden dragon with strong vitality, this blow would probably kill it directly. Up.

At this time, Song Jian had almost recovered. Seeing Kamata falling towards the sea, golden blood was constantly pouring out, and he was shocked. He quickly flew into the air and took the Kamata in. Space for pets.

In the pet space, as long as the pet doesn't die immediately, no matter how many injuries it receives, it will slowly recover. It's just a matter of time.

There were a dozen bad effects such as "continuous bleeding", "comminuted fracture", and "extreme weakness". After entering the pet space, all of these bad effects disappeared, even the wound There was also a thin layer of fleshy membrane, preventing the flow of blood. At the same time, it can be seen that under the translucent fleshy membrane, small granulation shoots are constantly growing rapidly, and the bones that have been crushed are beginning to slowly Recovered.

Song Jian glanced at the battle pet space. It takes at least a hundred hours for Kamata to fully recover, but fortunately, she received the battle pet space in time and didn't die immediately, so she was finally relieved.

The golden dragon with the pinnacle strength of the legendary realm still seemed too fragile in front of the god-level BOSS, and could not withstand its full blow.

This laser-like black beam seemed to consume a lot of the dark dragon tortoise. After the release, the dark dragon tortoise had no other actions, and even the movement of struggling to emerge from the stone tower stopped and climbed to the top of the stone tower. , Gasping constantly.

It took ten seconds for the Devil Dragon Turtle to raise its head again, staring at Song Jian and let out an angry roar. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

God fell!

At this time, Song Jian had already stepped on the flying sword, soared into the air, and slashed a sword at the monster dragon tortoise that had recovered but was not good enough!

The Chaos Sword Qi of dozens of feet long condensed a huge long arrow again. Seeing this sword, a look of horror appeared in the only left eye of the Devil Dragon Turtle. It seemed that the power of this sword was already There is a pain on the skin.


With a high-pitched neigh, the Devil Dragon Turtle peeked forward with the only right paw that broke free, and collided with the bright sword energy.

With a "bang", a sturdy dragon and tortoise claws flew high, drew a parabola in the air, and flung it into the ocean tens of meters away.

This time, more blood spewed out and flowed down the outer wall of the stone tower. The Devil Dragon Turtle was heartbroken, and the look in Song Jian's eyes became more vicious.


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